The Knowledge
Economy -- a Debate
The concept is firmly established in British
Government circles, but there is some academic
material too. See what you think of the pros and
cons. Spot my own biases too?
P (2005) 'Knowledge Capitalism',
in Thesis Eleven, May: 36
- 62
[Pretty dull and very long as well, and full of
the most absurd generalizations.]
It all turns on changing networks, apparently.
Formal networks were characteristic of
Fordism, for example, and were designed to solve
the problem of co-ordination. New technology
improved things, but the network of large
corporations is substantially hierarchical, except
in Japan, apparently, where there is still lots of
face-to-face networking [and look how well
they've done!]. Standardization is a technique to
simply improve the co-ordination of action
and also 'Human beings have a strong
attraction to consistent forms of behaviour' (38).
This also explains the spread of rationalization.
Then there was a 'visible philosophical
shift away from the vertically integrated network
organisation' (40), partly because such vertical
integration was not the best way to develop
intellectual value, including 'design
intelligence'. However, such intelligence became
economically far more important, leading to firms
based on intellectual capital. Given creativity,
rules of procedure replaced standardised products.
Luckily, modern designers apparently build on some
residual 'instinct of workmanship' or
'poeisis' (41). [all these clever
distinctions are then denied and everything
apparently interpenetrates everything else -- we
don't want anything too precise in this
incantatory style do we?]
Apparently, co-ordination with intellectual
capital industries depends on trust and frequent
communication and interaction. This produces
a 'lattice network'. Suppliers and consumers
are brought into the network. The Japanese example
is cited again -- apparently, social networks here
are based around 'quasi-ritual groups
devoted to the cultivation of exacting aesthetic
and formalistic standards' [tea ceremonies, judo,
or calligraphy]. In the West, we use different
kinds of civic networks. 'Creative figures' have
to play a major role though [no doubt
including creative managers]. The decline of
Fordism apparently is down to the lack of
encouragement of creativity. American universities
also allowed far too much hierarchy via subject
disciplines (46). What is needed instead
is 'correspondence relations'.
In practice, this can look like a series of
impermanent teams, but the best forms are
'un- coerced collective action' (46). This works
well when everyone is responsible for quality,
ideas can be tried out on suppliers and consumers,
and 'communities of practice' emerge
(47). Everything depends on trust. Murphy believes
that it is in everyone's interest to cooperate
though, especially in producing a nicer
world: 'agents are surprisingly willing to
corporate "for nothing"' (47)
[Jesus!]. It is all for the common good. We must
all cooperate as part of our civic duty.
Cooperation deepens trust, and luckily
'typically societies with a strong design sense
also have a strong civic impulse' (48)
[nothing as vulgar as evidence here or any thing
of course]. Any innovative company mixes civic and
aesthetics motives [usual problem -- this
must happen, and if so what does the must mean?].
[Here is a typical use of phoney
'data'-- 'It is estimated that today... the
intangible assets of intellectual capital
represent anywhere between three and 16 times the
book value of tangible assets' (48). There is a
reference, but I bet it is the same old management
We should think of organizations as developing
overlapping civic circles. This will generate
intellectual property for the company [!].
Apparently though it is 'pathetic' if academics
assert copyright: they should consider themselves
lucky to be members of the "republic of
letters" (49). We must just trust
people. 'Loyalty is a social virtue' (50).
We must develop these new organizations if we are
to release creativity. 'Creativity is the
creation of form... [creative products]... can be
copied and can be imitated' (51). That is just
like a shared sense of rhythm or taste. We then
have some historical examples about European
countries which developed intellectual capital --
strangely, they also had 'a much higher
rates of growth of copyrights and patents
industries' (51).
The knowledge economy does not just mean data
collection, since this can be pressed into the
service of hierarchy. Nor does it matter if you
have offices with computers in them. Information
should be dispersed to encourage lateral flows and
collaboration with others, especially those not in
face-to-face contact. Creative knowledge is good
-- it crosses boundaries, bridges diversion
concepts, abstracts and produces novelty
(52). It is difficult to estimate the indirect
value of creativity. Design is key: 'It is
very clear that interactions involving strangers
are primarily conducted through abstract design
elements rather than through the handshake or
other direct social cues. Societies rich in
interactions between strangers produce strong
design cultures' [with a reference to one of his
earlier babblings]. This is seen in the way that
great art is appreciated by a wider audience.
[Then a lot of repetition of the same points,
presumably for rhetorical purposes. Then
triumphant examples such as...] workforce
militancy and dissatisfaction was high at the Ford
Motor Company plant at Halewood, until Jaguar took
it over. Then 'Levels of militancy,
frustration, and dissatisfaction declined even
while working hours increased. The reason for this
is that the workforce quickly developed pride in
the objects they were producing' (54). Apparently,
this same connections between creativity and trust
are found in a particularly successful region of
Italy [references here include Fukuyama and
Putnam]. The Italian example also shows 'the
power of design and civic intelligence' (55). So
did the Renaissance. Serenity characterizes
Renaissance Venice.
Thus 'It is the quality of the objects
[produced] that creates the "glue" that bonds
apprentice and master, worker and owner, purchaser
and sub-contractor, manufacturer and marketer,
developer and manufacturer. This is a general
principle of knowledge economies'
Brown, P.
and Lauder, H. (2006)
‘Globalization, knowledge and the myth of the
magnet economy’, in Globalization,
Societies and Education, 4 (1): 25-57.
There is a common view
that we are entering a global knowledge economy,
and that success will depend on a suitable
education system, both
to provide the necessary skills and to encourage
‘social harmony' (Department for Education and
Skills, 2003, p 2). [functionalist
theories of stratification again? -- see Davis and Moore] This is
in line with the old predictions about the post
industrial society, which will feature knowledge
as the wealth creator, and a new role for
knowledge workers. A
global economy will develop, and this will
benefit everyone, replacing
territorial disputes with economic
rivalry based on knowledge.
Education institutions play a major role,
leading to pressure in the UK to encourage a
shift towards skills needed to succeed in the
global market for labour. Fordist
production is no longer the route to national
Growing wage inequality
has been seen as evidence of this global market
at work. Income
inequality in turn is seen as a problem which
can be solved by changes in the education
system. There will
be a ‘global market’ (27),
where low skilled jobs are exported to low wage
economies while highly skilled jobs generate
income in the more developed countries. Thus countries such as
the UK, France and the USA can become ‘magnet
economies, attracting a disproportionate share
of these high skilled high wage jobs’ (28). Such economies attract
foreign workers to overcome any short term skill
shortages. Domestically,
education systems become more focused on
credentials, knowledge and skills: education
systems raise the standards of everyone, and
open higher education in particular to those
capable of acquiring global skills. There is no problem
with investing in private education. High wage jobs are
seen as open to talent.
However, the reality is
rather different. First,
multinational companies are developing new
strategies to acquire skilled labour which
affect the auction for jobs.
Secondly, there is no universal law
connecting education, jobs and rewards, which
means there is no guarantee that the educational
strategy will deliver highly skilled jobs. Thirdly, knowledge
workers have not gained increased power, and
have suffered instead from new trends in
‘technological innovation to be followed by
standardisation’ (29). Fourthly,
placing the emphasis on individual competence
ignores broader patterning, such as the changes
in what counts as a graduate job, or ‘new forms
of social closure’ (30).
A global market has been
exploited by the developing countries. China, for example,
has rapidly expanded its higher education
system, and in 2001 had ‘six times as many
university students as the UK and almost as many
as the USA’ (30). India
is following a similar path.
Allowing for problems with the
statistics, ‘higher education numbers in China,
India and Russia have almost doubled… [and now offer]… almost double the
combined total for the USA and the UK’ (31).
Multinational companies
have also changed their strategies, using the
huge investment that they can command. The electronics
industry is one example. Companies
now operate across national boundaries, partly
to offload corporate risk.
They have developed electronic networks. Foreign students sent
to places like the USA are being encouraged to
return home. India
has developed its own electronics engineering
companies, with expansion in education and
training. Indian
professionals present a considerable cost
advantage to companies employing them, for
example ‘Indian programmers are around 14 times
cheaper than those in the United States’ (33). Indian entrepreneurs
are also present in large numbers in Silicon
Valley [implying that either they will
physically return home or that they return
investment and educational capital to India?]. A Dutch auction might
be developing, with companies reducing costs and
increasing concessions in exchange for
investment in particular countries.
It is clear that the less
developed countries are also competing for
highly skilled work, and this can reduce the
bargaining power of knowledge workers [those who
do not want to migrate particularly?]. Companies can reduce
costs by hiring workers from low waged
economies. There is
less evidence that the developing economies are
actually generating high skilled jobs. ‘”Guest” workers
typically do the same jobs for fewer rewards and
inferior contracts of employment ‘(33).
So far, we have focused on
the electronics industry, which may be atypical.
However a large number of other knowledge
intensive industries are similar in their low
requirements for skilled workers [the examples
given are Google and eBay].
Similarly, globalization can be
exaggerated, and much research and development
tends to remain in the home country of
multinationals. Thus
domestic markets are still an important factor
in the employability of managers and
professionals. Nevertheless,
the general problems with generating highly
skilled magnet economies remains.
Knowledge intensive
industries tend to occupy enclaves amidst areas
of low skill and inequality—Bangalore and
Silicon Valley are examples.
Global networks seem more important than
local ones, which can be simply switched off. Overall, developing
mass higher education to service the minority of
workers who will enter employment in knowledge
intensive industries, seems a limited strategy. It also depends on a
permanent shortage of supply of relevant skills:
‘Once there is an oversupply, the competition
shifts to a global auction based on quality and price’ (35 original
emphasis). Thus
such a policy risks ‘substantial wastage of
talent... as graduates accept sub-graduate work’
The underlying assumption
of the magnet economy is that human capital
produces growth and higher wages.
This equation between high skill and high
income justifies inequality: it makes the system
look like a meritocracy and also promises
widened opportunity if only education and
training can be increased.
The increased dividend to graduates also
justifies charging them fees in the UK.
However, the rate of
return to graduates are controversial. OECD data (36), shows
a greater premium for graduation in the UK and
USA, compared to Japan, while men achieve
greater returns than women.
It is worth noting that this is based on
average figures. Any
gap between graduates and non-graduates could be
caused by declining incomes for non-graduates. Past returns maybe no
good as an accurate guide to the future—we need
trend data rather than snapshots.
Alternative calculations
are cited pp. 36 and 37. These
look at differences within the graduate
population in the USA as well as differences
with non graduates, and provide trend data. The conclusion is that
not all graduates have enjoyed a growth in real
incomes since 1973— female graduates have been
left out, except for those in the higher earner
sectors. There has
been very little additional premium since the
1970s, although the gap with non graduates
remains. Even here
there is some overlap, since non graduates in
the highest earning categories do better than
graduates with the median income.
There is therefore ‘the degree of
substitution between graduate and non graduate
jobs which manifests itself in many graduates
being over qualified’ (38), and the UK is
probably not very different.
A social mobility study is
cited for the UK, Brynin (2002).
This shows that the first jobs taken by
young people exhibit some downward mobility
compared to their fathers’, and that subsequent
rises in mobility are not as great [but see lots of other studies
on social mobility here]. There
is enough evidence to challenge the view that
service class jobs would increase to compensate
for the decline in manufacturing [that does seem
to be agreed]. This
study is supported by other studies of
particular sectors (cited page 38) suggesting
that between a third and 40% of graduates are in
non graduate jobs in 2002.
Female graduates earn less in each of the
categories than males, except where they share
in the substantial growth of income for the top
earners: the highest earners earn twice the
median level for graduates of the same sex. Thus there are forces
producing inequality even inside the graduate
market. The same
picture appears when considering ethnicity,
especially in U.S. data [see the study of social
mobility in England and Wales here].
It could still be that
these income inequalities show the enterprising
graduates can market themselves globally. However, we would then
expect to find such polarisation in all the
advanced economies, but this is not so—highly
unequal economies are found in the USA and the
UK, but not in Japan. This
could be just the result of a time lag, but ‘the
existing evidence points to the fact that there
are significant societal differences in the way
labour markets, employment and rewards are
organised and distributed’ (40).
In other words, there are factors
producing excess inequality in the U.S. and UK
that cannot be explained by the emergence of a
global market alone. Neoclassical
economics is also responsible, with its policies
of ‘flexible labour markets and competitive
individualism’ (40). It
is not just that people with lower skills cannot
operate with the new technologies, and thus do
not earn as much, nor are labour rigidities
responsible [citing a study page 40].
Indeed, it looks as if the
higher earners are pursuing policies of ‘”wealth
extraction” rather than the development of
sustainable forms of “wealth creation”’ (40). It also seems likely
that those in business and law are able to gain
greater return to their degree: in the USA ‘the
wages of computer specialists and engineers
actually fell relative to high
school graduates’ (40, original emphasis).
It looks as if investing
in human capital was responsible for increased
income, but it is now losing its capacity to
provide competitive advantage: higher education
has expanded nationally and globally. The old benefits seem
to have arisen in specific conditions in the
past ‘where access to higher education was
limited to a few’ (41), and when skilled workers
from developing countries were less available. Thus,
credentialisation is expanding, but the overall
value of a credential is falling, except for a
few. In these
circumstances, acquiring a degree should best be
seen as a defensive measure, ‘a necessary
investment to have any chance of getting a
decent job’ (41).
The whole knowledge
economy thesis depends on the view that
knowledge or intellectual capital becomes a
major way of creating wealth.
However, this depends on several
circumstances, such as the speed of change; the
emergence of regular new issues which require
expert analysis; that people continue to retain
intellectual capital as their own property. In particular, the
thesis ignores the possibility of routinisation
of knowledge, which clearly has an uneven impact
on different sectors. Knowledge
can be ‘captured in computer software, work
manuals or written procedures’ (42). The profit motive
still drives this process [a strong hint of the
deskilling thesis, of course].
Standardisation is as important as
innovation as a competitive strategy. As well as enabling
employers to retain control, it also permits
Knowledge work can be
understood in terms of Bernstein’s distinction
between strong and weak classification and
frames [a famous old discussion of different
kinds of curriculum in schools, originally based
on Durkheim!] Standardisation produces both
stronger classifications and stronger frames,
reducing worker autonomy and increasing routine.
The distinction between
autonomy and discretion on the one hand, and
routine on the other enables further comment on
matters such as the position of graduates in non
graduate work. Graduates
bring a bonus to non graduate work, so to speak. This is useful, given
that middle management jobs have been stripped
out, leaving a communication gap between senior
managers and workers. More
people now have to cope with greater complexity
[so this is a kind of middle management
de-standardisation?], and this is where
graduates are supposedly better.
However, there is no need for the famous
autonomy allegedly introduced by university
education—graduates simply explain and mediate
[a bit like open university tutors!]. This attracts lower
wages than exercising autonomy, since employers
do not require the full graduate skill set [this
makes it also sound extremely rational].
Studies are cited to show
a decrease in level of discretion required among
managers and other professionals, including
those in education [this seems to be based on
self reported data]. An
example is provided by retail banking—electronic
banking leads to a decline in middle management
and its typical roles which included
discretionary judgements about loans. The system has been
standardised, and judgments made by a computer
program. All that
managers now do is public relations, and lower
paid employees increasingly do that. This sort of work now
does not actually now require high levels of
education, although university graduates
continue to be employed for their communication
skills and their ‘behavioural competence’ [the
old ideologies about working in teams?]. Micro
management is increasing in terms of regulating
processes as well as outcomes—‘through the use
of software programs that monitor emails and
telephone conversations, along with the use of
electronic manuals that prescribe many aspects
of the job that can be easily updated to meet
changing circumstances’ (44).
These strategies are not
uniform, either across the globe, or within
companies [indeed, they have been resisted quite
successfully in education, and might even have
led to upskilling, the old debate suggests --see
Lawn, M. and Ozga,
J. (1988) The Educational Worker? A
reassessment of teachers, in Ozga, J. (ed)
Approaches to the Labour Process of
Teaching, Milton
Keynes: Open University
Press]. Some work remains
essentially creative and individual. However, ‘knowledge
without power’ is becoming important in the
labour market. [At
last...], the value of communication and
knowledge seems to depend as much on
institutionalised assumptions and beliefs as
rational practice. In
particular, clients need to be convinced that
larger fees are legitimate, and personal
relations are crucial here: ‘Management
consultants, for instance, not only have to be
convincing to colleagues but to clients and
customers. They
must define and epitomise valued knowledge’
(45). This means an emphasis on ‘appearance,
speech, deportment and social confidence’ (45).
For graduates aiming to
enter employment in a major multinational,
therefore, it is not enough just to be
technically good. They
need to come from a world class university [and
to have lots of cultural capital].
For this sector, ‘the knowledge economy
is close to reality’ (46).
[except that technical knowledge itself
is not at stake]. Competition
is increasing severely. For
others, increasing economic vulnerability is
their fate.
Politicians and employers
alike want to raise the technical and social
skills of graduates. This
has become focused almost entirely on the policy
of raising standards and extending access to
university, however. Yet
competition for valuable credentials and good
jobs remains as tough as ever.
Focusing on individual employability in
human capital rather than on creating jobs ‘is a
political sleight of hand that shifts the
responsibility for employment firmly on to the
shoulders of individuals rather than the state’
(46). The new
emphasis on broad employability skills serves
only to help employers select among large
numbers of applicants, and shows up the view
that it is technical credentials that are
crucial [a view supported by Williams, D., Brown,
P. and Hesketh, A. (2006) How to
Get the Best Graduate Job: Insider
Strategies for Success in the Graduate Job
Market. London:
Pearson Education Limited.] This leaves applicants
relatively powerless to contest decisions [and
may reintroduce class ethnic or gender bias,
Brown and Lauder feel, page 46] because getting
the job is no longer just a matter of being able
to do it.
In this way just raising
standards of skill will not provide a solution
to inequality. Competitiveness
social conflict has intensified.
There are even significant strands inside
occupations. Overall,
we have seen 'the creation of a winner-takes-all
market' (47). Excessive
competition misallocates the talented and
congests markets. There
is no point in individuals struggling to gain
qualifications if everyone is doing the same. The result will be an
'opportunity trap that is
forcing people to spend more time, effort and
money trying to access the education,
certificates and jobs they want, with fewer
guarantees that their aspirations will be
realised' (46, original emphasis).
Focusing on raising
standards simply ignores the effects of existing
inequalities of wealth and culture. These can obviously
affect access to high quality educational
experiences. There
is already conflict among the middle classes as
a result, and an increasing elitism: 'the
children from middle class backgrounds that
failed to gain access to [elite] universities
will be left to fight over the scraps' (47). There is a growing
global hierarchy of universities, with elite
American and European universities at the top. These universities
favour those from rich backgrounds. Social mobility
evidence is cited in support (48).
[But we learned above, that even these
elite universities are unlikely to be able to
deliver high earning jobs, when Chinese and
Indian universities really get going]. Thus international
elites have probably benefited most in the
development of a global knowledge economy. Those members
insisting on operating in what are still seen as
largely meritocratic systems will be seen as
holding back their children [surely not, they
are already superbly adapted to bending the
rules in allegedly meritocratic systems, having
it both ways as a result].
However, if things get worse, social
elites may be able to shop globally. Centre left policies
which simply insist on expanding higher
education places will be totally inadequate.
Overall, the ‘magnet
economy’ claims to be able to solve issues of
inequality and conflict by investing in
education and human capital, but such a model is
not supported by the evidence.
There is already evidence of people being
over qualified for their jobs.
The demand for skills is at best uneven
across occupations and industries.
Employers are able to demand soft social
skills—'drive, commitment and business
awareness… Social
confidence and emotional intelligence… Able to work without
close supervision… Willing
to embrace change rather than resist it' (48). These are non
technical requirements [to put it mildly].
There is no simple linear
connection between levels of skills and
technological evolution. The
demand for technical skills may have reached its
limit. Standardisation
is increasing, as a requirement to export work
to developing countries. Developing
countries already have good supplies of highly
skilled workers and low wages.
One estimate suggests that companies in
the USA can save $30,000,000,000 by exporting
work. There simply
are not enough good quality jobs available, and
no signs of meritocratic employment practices. It is no good looking
to the global market, because China and India
are competing effectively there already.
The value of the
credential is facing diminishing returns, both
at home and abroad. Investing
in human capital will not reduce inequality, of
income, or of any other kind.
Indeed, the operation of the market will
widen the differences between the very richest
and the rest. The
development of a global market has made things
worse, and put a premium on accessing
internationally recognized universities, further
favouring elites at the expense of the middle
classes. The full
deployment of all kinds of capitals, including
cultural and social capital, are needed to gain
access, and competition increasingly goes on at
a global scale.
There is now a crisis in
'the management of expectations' [come back Hopper, all is
forgiven]. Discontent
is increasing as more and more people find that
their degree fails to deliver the good standard
of living, and as companies increasingly find
themselves with over qualified employees. Middle class groups in
particular will witness a declining return for
their efforts, and there are signs that they are
becoming increasingly disenchanted with the
promises of higher education.
There is little sign that this will
produce a left wing politics, however. It is more likely to
lead to national protectionism.
Overall, the magnet
economy model is too simple, and a new grasp of
complexity is required.
James, S., Warhurst, C.
Tholen, G. and Commander J. (2013)
What we know and what we need to know about
graduates skills. Work, employment
and society, 27(6): 952-63.
[This is quite a high powered recent study
funded by ESRC and others, maybe including
OECD. What is startling is the way it asks
really basic questions, which apparently have
not been answered, about the extremely common
and persistent view that universities should
produce skilled people in order to foster
national economic performance.]
The Leitch Report in 2006 was one of a series of
reports stretching over a number of years,
arguing that higher education should be devoted
to upskilling the workforce. The
production of higher skilled workers would
accompany organizational development that moved
companies 'up the product value
chain'(953). The Browne Report of 2011
continues to assert this policy.
We now know that economic downturn is produced
by a number of factors other than labour supply
[!], but there was already evidence that
producing more graduates did not have the
expected impact. Some European countries,
for example have lower higher education
participation rates but more productive
economies. The UK economy has not become
more competitive. 'Unemployment among
graduates has risen, and risen most steeply for
recent graduates, around one in five of whom is
now unemployed (ONS, 2012)'.
The research on graduate skills has been too
narrow. For governments, there has been a
narrow focus on supply, and only recently has
the government began to research demand, but
here there is still insufficient evidence about
what graduate skill is and how they are to be
employed. For example, there is no attempt
to distinguish between graduates skills,
acquired the university, and the skills of
graduates, which they have picked up while
studying at university, from their homes or
temporary employment, for example.
Unlike the Netherlands, the link between higher
education and employment in the UK 'is
relatively loose' (954). Graduate
employability has never been clearly defined—it
refers both to the demand for work experience
and commercial awareness on the part of
employers, and the government's desire to step
up the 'ideas driven knowledge economy', which
tends to stress analytic skills. The HEA
[Higher Education Association] has
increasingly attempted to prescribe these in
general terms, not limited to subjects — 'to
"analyse and reason" in maths, "pursue problem
solutions in English, "sift interpret and
organise… information" in classics and
ancient history, "exercise reflection and
critical judgment"' (954).[ See Roggero
on this]. Skills are not measured
directly, of course, but are assumed to be
embedded in qualifications. Policy has
focused on supplying people with graduate
qualifications, and then seeing what occupations
they enter using the standard International
Standard Classification of Occupations.
These occupations are then grouped into nine
major categories in a hierarchy. Major
group two is the professions, and that now
expects level 4 skills (a degree).
In 2012, 1/4 graduates entered these
professions. There seems to be an
oversupply of graduates compared to jobs in this
group. Overall, 'There are now 30 to 40%
more graduates than jobs needing graduates as
measured by skill level… And over a third
of new graduates are now employed in lower skill
level jobs not requiring a degree.' Graduates
are now increasingly entering occupations
previously regarded as non graduate. Some
researchers now talk about jobs that graduates
do rather than graduate jobs, and they include
certain areas where most workers do not have
degrees 'occupations such as leisure and sports,
and hotel and accommodation managers'.
Such graduates are likely to experience lower
job satisfaction and organizational
commitment. It seems as if graduates can
certainly work alongside non graduates,
'suggesting that there is no simple conversion
of an occupation from being non graduate to
graduate [but rather] occupational hybridity'
This possible underutilization of graduate skill
might already being solved by a connection
between levels of occupation and type of
university: 'the newer universities' graduates
enter the associate professions... major group
three requiring sub degree
qualifications'. Some of these occupations
are attempting to become professionalized,
requiring graduate entry—'One such example is
Risk Managers'.
So far, this is still a focused on supply, with
demand left unanalysed. This can encourage
policy makers to insist there is progress being
made toward a knowledge based economy,
especially in 'narratives about upskilled
economies' (956). What this leaves out is
whether changes in occupational level really
reflect a demand for graduate skills.
Physiotherapists, for example, have been
successfully professionalized, 'while their
workplace skills have generally remained the
same'. [it might even be the opposite case
with teachers, all graduate since 1970, but
increasingly deskilled clericalized and
casualized in the workplace]. Some
employers are simply recruiting graduates
because they can, for example '1/5 UK estate
agents are now graduates, despite almost
universal agreement among employers and
employees that the job requires only compulsory
education level skills'. Employers pick
those with the better qualifications, but they
also higher on the background of 'a wide array
of skills (basic, interpersonal, analytical etc)
as well as personality traits and demographic
background'. The CBI argues that 'only 20%
of the weighting in employer decisions relate to
hard skills or qualifications', and employers
also seem to respond to the the status of the
awarding body, the type of qualification
(academic, vocational) and the level of
There is no analysis of whether graduate skills
are actually being deployed [this is 'skills
utilization' in the current jargon,
apparently]. Research is still 'limited
and patchy'. Overall though, employers do
not seem particularly to be demanding skills, or
using them when possessed by the work
force. Despite government encouragement,
'employers remain reticent about maximizing
employee skills — most obviously because there
is little perceived business' need to do so'
(957). Employers seem able to influence
what counts as a skill anyway, and they are have
been talking about generic skills such as
influencing or soft skills rather than technical
competence. The required list is growing,
and now even includes 'being good at managing
emotion'. However, these are not
credentialized [yet], which means employers are
often unaware of the skills possessed by the
work force. There is also a greater
diversity even within the same apparent skill
level. In occupations such as leisure and
sports or hotel and accommodation, customer
interaction is more important than technical
tasks, unlike say in engineering companies.
There is little examination of where graduates
get the skills from: it is just assumed that
higher education is relevant. However, one
study suggests that soft skills are acquired
through informal socialization [references here
include Goldthorpe 2003 The myth of education -
based meritocracy. New Economy 10:
234-39]. When considering emotional
labour, we might simply be describing '"middle
class sociability"'. There is also the
hidden curriculum to consider [references here
include Willis and Bourdieu]. Skills can
also be acquired through workplace
socialization, increasingly common given the
increase in students doing paid work, work
experience and internships.
We need to investigate these issues if we are to
understand 'why increased participation in
higher education has failed to deliver superior
economic performance' (958). The policy
seems to have remained unchanged, with the
supply of graduates still at a high level [and
high fees justified in terms of occupational
returns]. What is needed is more specific
research on the skills that graduates bring to
particular occupations, where they get them
from, and how they use them. This would
require research before or during and after
university, and research that focuses on how
graduates skills' are used. In particular,
we need to investigate skill development, skill
supply [for example how employers get to know
about them], skill demanded explicitly by
employers during recruitment and selection
[there is a nice ESRC study on this], and how
skills are actually utilised. Naturally,
these are interrelated [with the classic four
stage circular diagram on page 960]. Case
studies of particular occupations might be
pursued, for example on UK estate agents, and on
the ways in which individuals change their and
[My reaction to this is that this highly
respectable source has finely discovered what
has been suggested for a long time—that the
knowledge economy thesis, with all its pushing
towards vocationalism, the skills agenda and all
that, has never been based on any particularly
strong evidence or research. What this
analysis needs, therefore, is to understand
these policies not as rational accounts of how
to modernize the economy, but more as
ideologies. The critical stuff on
precarity would make a good starting point].
Arksey, H and Harris D ( 2007) How to
Succeed in Your Social Science Degree.
Sage: London
[This was written as a
student guide but it presents some fairly recent
literature. It also adds another dimension to
the graduate skills debate -- that students can
also try to define what skills they have in
response to the more 'objective' studies. They
are not just passive underdogs responding to an
impersonal market. Apologies for the format, by
the way. You will need to go to the book to get
references and other links:
WANT (abridged)
There are some sources of
information that we can draw upon which will
give us clues about what is required by
employers in general, but such information can
be incomplete or misleading. Individual
employers may well vary in terms of what it is
they are looking for, and, sometimes, there may
be semi-conscious or unconscious preferences
involved as well. These preferences can lie
beneath the usual lists of ‘skills’ that are
often produced by surveys of major employers.
The major implication that follows is that
students should be prepared to research the
wants and requirements of particular employers
for particular jobs, sometimes in considerable
detail. These will often be supplied in the form
of job description and person description
details that are provided with application
forms. General knowledge of the company or body
concerned is usually required too. It is a good
idea to look at such application forms before
you have got too far in your university career,
because you may need to make sure that you can
acquire relevant experience while you are at
university. Williams et al. (2006) also urge
students to attend recruiting fairs, not only to
get specific information about jobs but also to
research the values of the companies concerned.
These values are often embodied clearly in the
kinds of recruiters and employees that you will
meet and get to talk to. You will want to
present yourself as compatible with those
existing employees, Williams et al. argue, so
you might as well research carefully first.
Similarly, visiting the Careers Advice
department should not really be left too late
either. There is a range of material to help
shape your ideas about careers, to make clear
you know about the range of options, and to give
you advice about building a useful CV, writing
an application with impact, or performing
effectively at interviews or subsequent
assessments. You would certainly not want to be
guided by stereotypes, folk knowledge and
ideologies about ‘suitable’ careers -- the
research literature is full of examples about
how talented women, for example, have been
persuaded that particular occupations are best
for them (classically teaching and nursing),
simply because these occupations match
ideological views about women and their
traditional role in society . Williams et al.
(2006) suggest that employers can even try to
get applicants to disqualify themselves from
even applying in order to make selection easier.
Thinking about employability
Generally, there is a large amount of material
on the Web which can help with a variety of
activities from job-hunting to writing an
efficient CV and preparing yourself for
interviews and even psychometric tests. There is
far too much to summarize here, but particularly
good sites include the comprehensive ones run by
for UK students or Universitiesnet
for US students . We have frequently mentioned
Williams et al. (2006), partly because the team
claim to offer the only advice based on
extensive (and originally academic) research
done on employers as they actually select
It is perhaps easier to motivate yourself to do
this if you have a particular career in mind, of
course. The obvious example here is that
students who are intending to be teachers often
make sure they have arranged some experience in
schools while they are taking their university
courses. Similarly, those intending to have a
military career typically make sure they are
gaining experience with the Officer Training
Corps, or the reservist forces. The same remarks
clearly apply to a range of other intended
professions, from the police to social work and
the community and youth services (to list some
currently popular choices). Students thinking of
the increasing popular route of self-employment
should also arrange suitable experience too, of
course, and bear in mind the results of a recent
survey (Tackey and Perryman, 1999) which noted
Skills issues were important to the
self-employed graduates. They relied extensively
on their innovative and creative skills, which
also they believed they had developed to a
considerable extent at university. Other than
this, there were significant gaps in acquiring
and developing generic business skills such as
accounting, book-keeping, product pricing,
selling and, importantly, business planning.
These skill deficiencies presented significant
constraints to business start-up.
The emphasis on business skills raises an
important point in that it is not enough to
demonstrate a range of general skills or
experiences without being able to show their
relevance to your chosen occupation.
That still leaves a large area of relative
uncertainty, however. You may be undecided about
a future career, as many students are in
particular subjects such as leisure, tourism and
recreation studies. You may have decided that
you will resume a career that you have begun
before you came to university -- sometimes, a
degree opens the door to promotion or re-entry
at a higher level. There may well be increasing
numbers of students who do not have a particular
vocational destination in mind at all. This is
often forgotten in policy discussions, but some
mature students are classically less interested
in the vocational implications of their
university courses. Perhaps they are living in
an area with few occupational opportunities, and
are unable to move in search of work because
they have family commitments locally. Perhaps
they have reached an age where occupational
opportunities are more limited -- ‘occupational
maturity’ as it is sometimes politely called.
As usual, there will be a range of courses and
other opportunities available for you to choose,
and some will appear more ‘vocational’ than
others. All students have to make choices
between activities that will prepare them for a
job, and activities that are simply interesting
and appealing, without necessarily having any
obvious vocational benefits -- these include
leisure activity such as clubbing, extreme
sports, travelling and so on. Some activities
may present particular difficulties, like
membership of an environmental protest group,
for example. We would not advise people not to
do these activities, of course, but there may
well be a need to weigh up any possible
disadvantages later in life.
As the last two examples indicate at least,
however, it might be possible even to finesse
leisure activities as vocationally relevant, as
part of what Williams et al. (2006) call the
task of constructing a suitable narrative about
yourself. If playing sport has made you into a
more mature, well-rounded, and confident person,
able to demonstrate leadership or teamwork, then
this is something that employers might well need
to be informed about. There is some evidence
from social mobility research that suggests that
employers are looking for well-rounded people
with a certain amount of ‘cultural capital’
(Aldridge, 2004) as well as those with
particular skills. Similarly, there may well be
leisure activities that you feel you should
explain or soft-pedal. Much will depend on how
you attempt to fit your experience to the
requirements of particular employers when you
construct a suitable application and CV. You may
well want to consider your university stay as
providing a range of experiences that can help
you adjust to particular requirements. Williams
et al. (2006) call this ability to tailor what
you have done to the requirements of the post
for which you are applying ‘personal capital’.
It involves writing about your qualities in such
a way as to make it immediately obvious to the
employer how you can demonstrate the
competencies they require. Some basic advice
follows but first of all what is known about
what employers actually want in new graduates?
There have been a variety of surveys, which
quite often focus on the issue of ‘skills’. The
sort of data that they provide are shown below.
Employability -- what is it?
Faced with a wealth of material, we decided to
follow the definition of employability used by
the Enhancing Student Employability
Co-ordination Team (ESECT), a 30-month project
completed in 2005 and run under the auspices of
the (UK) Learning and Teaching Support Network
(LSTN) Generic
Centre . In ESECT’s view, employability
a set of achievements -- skills, understandings
and personal attributes -- that make individuals
more likely to gain employment and be successful
in their chosen occupations [classic circular
and evasive definition].
What are employers looking for in graduate
To what extent does the ESECT definition of
employability match with what employers are
seeking when they appoint individuals to fill
their graduate vacancies? And is it possible to
put flesh on the bones of this somewhat abstract
description to help you know exactly what they
are aiming for? A report by the Association of
Graduate Recruiters (quoted in Prospects Today,
12 November 2003) highlighted the employability
skills seen as most important by employers. The
top five requirements were: motivation and
enthusiasm; teamworking; oral communication;
flexibility and adaptability; and,
intiative/proactivity. By the way, the Association
of Graduate Recruiters has a useful
website that contains ‘Career Hunting’ tools
including a skills assessment test.
The student recruitment specialists Hobsons
offer a careers service for graduates . Their
annual directory of UK employers seeking to
recruit graduates includes information about
desirable skills and personal qualities required
for over 120 job roles (CRAC, 2003). This
comprehensive guide is supplied free to graduate
job-seekers from universities’ or colleges’
careers services. Box 4.1 sets out those that
appear most frequently, regardless of industrial
sector and type of job. Here is further
confirmation of the ‘soft’ skills or ‘people’
skills and personal qualities that businesses
regard as important attributes that make
students like you employable.
Box 4.1 Desirable skills and
qualities required by employers
General skills
• Oral communication skills,
including giving presentations.
• Written communication skills
and good command of English.
• Numeracy; practised ability
to handle numerical data.
• Computer literacy (including
word processing, e-mail and the Internet).
• Ability to gather, assess
and interpret data (including noting
• Accuracy and attention to
• Creative thinking.
• Seeing the whole picture.
• ‘Juggling’ and ability to
meet deadlines.
• Managing own development.
• Problem-solving.
• Planning and prioritisation.
• Organisation.
• Influencing.
• Team working (including the
ability to delegate, organise, lead and
• Ability to work alone.
• Self-management skills.
Specialist skills
• Specific occupational skills
and specialist knowledge (for example,
languages; information technology; accounting;
Personal qualities
• Motivation and enthusiasm.
• Interpersonal skills.
• Flexibility and
• Initiative.
• Confidence.
• Tact and diplomacy.
• Sense of humour.
• Discretion.
• Leadership.
• Ability to get on with
people at all levels.
There are, of course, more idiosyncratic
‘skills’ required for particular jobs. For
example, key skills for doctors, corporate
bankers and cinema managers include the ability
to work long hours (CRAC, 2003). Healthcare
managers, on the other hand, need to be
thick-skinned and emotionally tough, as well as
sensitive to the political implications of
decisions. Journalists need a ‘nose’ for a
What is not clear from the Directory is the
importance of a student’s discipline area.
However, many employers take graduates of any
discipline; they are as interested in your
personal skills and experiences as in your
degree subject. To this end, activities such as
voluntary work, part-time work, working for the
Students’ Union, being editor of the
university’s newspaper, taking a gap year --
these can all be seen as valuable learning
opportunities to enhance potential recruits’
range of skills.
It may be higher education’s role to contribute
to the development of graduates with the skills
and qualities detailed in Box 4.1. For example,
recent publications focus on
‘employability-friendly’ curriculum and
assessment practices, and advise how these can
be developed and implemented (Knight and Yorke,
2003; Knight and Yorke, 2004). Specialist units
such as the Centre for Research into Quality at
the University of Central England in Birmingham
are exploring the issues arising from enhancing
employability and making closer links between
education and the world of work (Harvey et al.,
2002). Even if higher education is responding to
the challenges of graduate employability, that
is only one side of the equation. The onus is
also on students themselves to first develop and
secondly to refine to enhanced levels of
complexity those skills and qualities viewed as
highly desirable by employers. They then need to
learn how to tell employers about these skills
and qualities to maximum effect.
In the following pages, we present principles
and techniques that have the potential to
promote both good academic achievements as well
as a range of interpersonal and transferable
skills that can be adapted to changing labour
market circumstances and organizational
Transferable skills
This list is one of many provided over the years
by surveys of various kinds, and many
universities now offer explicit advice,
guidance, or even additional courses on
acquiring transferable skills. This has affected
even elite universities, with the University of
Cambridge acknowledging ‘its responsibility in
the provision of opportunities to develop
transferable skills, but [placing] the
responsibility for doing so ... with students
taking advantage of the opportunities provided’.
The University (University of Cambridge
Education Section, 2005) specifies that skills
to be developed by all students include:
• Intellectual Skills (for
example, critical, analytical, synthesising and
problem-solving skills);
• Communication Skills
(written and oral);
• Organizational Skills (for
example, working independently, taking
initiative, time management);
• Interpersonal Skills (for
example, working with motivating others,
Other skills, including research skills,
numeracy, computer literacy, and foreign
language skills are also available, but the
University notes that ‘Where the skills are not
integral to the subject, the acquisition should
be through activities such as voluntary study,
extra-curricular activities or work experience’.
These might be important to emphasize for any
students failing to realize the possibilities
offered by modern universities, and it is one
answer to a misunderstanding which we have heard
voiced more than once -- that universities only
require attendance for a few hours a week. This
may be true for officially-timetabled teaching
-- but there is nothing to stop anyone seeking
out other opportunities to build up their skills
portfolios in non-timetabled time.
There is an enormous amount of material
including programmes and lists of skills found
in electronic format, as a search of the Web
will indicate. There seems to be quite
considerable consensus among university
providers about the nature and content of
transferable skills, sometimes with slightly
different emphases. For example, the University
of Minnesota (University of Minnesota Duluth,
2002) has a very useful questionnaire that
students can use to assess the extent of their
transferable skills. The headings indicate the
general categories:
• Communication (the skilful
expression, transmission and interpretation of
knowledge and ideas);
• Research and Planning (the
search for specific knowledge and the ability to
conceptualize future needs and solutions for
meeting those needs);
• Human Relations (the use of
interpersonal skills for resolving conflict,
relating to and helping people);
• Organization, Management and
Leadership (the ability to supervise, direct and
guide individuals and groups and the completion
of tasks and fulfillment of goals).
This site is also particularly helpful in
adding a further section on ‘Work Survival (the
day-to-day skills which assist in promoting
effective production and work satisfaction)’.
This section carries people on into work and
suggests that they need to develop skills to
survive and become effective in the work
situation. We discuss this important idea below.
This section specifies skills such as
‘implementing decisions; cooperating; enforcing
policies; being punctual; managing time;
attending to detail; meeting goals; enlisting
help; accepting responsibility; setting
deadlines; organizing; making decisions’.
You can see by looking at the boxes that
university programmes and lists do seem to
correspond pretty closely to those skills that
employers have specified in their own lists of
requirements. What this means is that
universities themselves are well aware of the
need to provide you with more than just academic
knowledge. Indeed, as the University of
Cambridge specifies, there is an expectation
that you do more at university than just attend
lectures and seminars, and produce assignments.
The ideal student, it seems, would also rapidly
identify possible gaps in their CV, and set out
to remedy the situation by using their leisure
time to acquire transferable skills that they
may lack. Many universities will offer courses
outside the formal requirements, and these may
include language skills and computer skills, for
example. We know that some also offer students a
chance to gain coaching qualifications.
Other approaches to discovering what
employers want
In a very interesting recent survey of job
advertisements (Jackson, 2001), there is a
strong suggestion that employers are
increasingly interested in what might be seen as
informal skills. The paper is a sociological
piece testing the extent to which Britain has
become meritocratic, and it points out that
despite all the general policies to widen access
to higher education, and to make it more
vocationally relevant, at the end of the day it
is individual employers themselves who decide
what counts as ‘merit’. Jackson set out to
explore this by surveying a large number of job
advertisements in a wide range of British
newspapers. She found that formal qualifications
were important most of all in the professions,
but even there, other indications of ‘merit’
were important (Jackson, 2001: 22). These
• cognitive abilities (such as
being able to organise a workload);
• job commitment
characteristics (including positive attitudes,
reliability, flexibility, the ability to work
under pressure);
• technical skills (including
secretarial or numeracy skills); experience and
track record;
• social skills (being a team
player, working well with clients, and being
able to communicate effectively).
There were also other ‘personal
characteristics’, including appearance and
presentation, politeness, confidence, having a
good sense of humour.
Overall, Jackson thinks that her data indicate
that these qualities are every bit as important
as formal qualifications, except in the one
occupational sector of service professionals.
Overall, ‘the role of education is now, if
anything, becoming less important in the modern
industrial society’ (Jackson, 2001: 19). This
adds further to the point made above about
employers’ relative lack of interest in actual
subjects studied at university.
We have heard many students and their parents
say the same sort of thing. There is a
widespread suspicion that ‘everyone now has a
degree’, which is not actually the case, of
course. Jackson’s data add to this skepticism by
pointing out that there is no automatic
mechanism which guarantees graduates a job, and
individual employers still have the right to
decide who they want to employ and on what
grounds. This is confirmed by Williams et al.
(2006) as we have demonstrated earlier.
What implications follow for the new student? At
the most extreme, we have known students who
have abandoned university study, having gained
some other route into employment, such as a
place on a trainee management scheme. If your
motivation is of the ‘push’ kind (where you feel
driven to want to seek improvement on your
current position), another route out of your
existing situation may meet the requirement. At
the other extreme, we have known students who
have decided that since no jobs can be
guaranteed from the possession of a degree, they
might as well choose courses or universities
that they will enjoy, regardless of their
vocational relevance. This is the sort of ‘pull’
motivation (where the new destination attracts
in its own right).
We have also heard views that the main purpose
of going to university is not actually to study
as hard as possible, but to make friends and
contacts for future employment, to acquire not
educational capital, but ‘social capital’, in
Bourdieu’s terms (see also Putnam, 2000). Social
capital is gained from a number of sources,
principally networking, which we have
recommended before.
The concept of social capital has actually
become an important one in recent government
policy as well, in fact, where it is seen as a
key to understanding how some people can survive
and become socially included, and get themselves
out of unemployment and poverty. Even the World
Bank notes the importance of social capital in
generating economic growth on a global scale
(World Bank, no date). The essence of social
capital is well within the central concerns of
social sciences in general -- it depends on
communication and developing trust between
people, as we shall see below.
As the structure of this chapter indicates, many
social scientists began thinking at first about
employability for graduates in terms of
providing vocational skills that employers would
want to recognize and reward. The social
sciences duly went through a substantial
‘vocational turn’ in the 1990s, focusing on the
contribution of the disciplines involved to more
specific courses in social work, youth and
community, teaching, social administration and
the like. Many of the courses that seemed to be
particularly vocationally relevant thrived: they
included research methods courses above all.
Research methods courses are obvious ways to
gain important skills of numeracy, ITC and
communication skills, as well as offering a
directly relevant expertise which can easily
find its way into commercial market research, or
policy evaluation. Our advice to students in
those days would have been to make sure they
signed on for such courses in particular.
However, there is now also a more general sense
of thinking about preparing for the world of
work. There seems to be a demand for more
general skills as we have seen. We began
advising students to rethink their university
experiences in terms of transferable skills. For
example, giving presentations to other students
could be fairly unpopular (we discuss
presentations in Chapter 6), but those who gave
presentations could claim to have practised a
transferable skill -- being able to communicate
to others in a group. Group project work could
be seen in terms of developing the important
skill of working with others. Many of our
students discovered that their colleagues could
be surprisingly challenging to work with, in
fact, and would have very different ideas about
the commitment required or the organization of
the work. Some students avoided group project
work as a result. We tried to encourage them not
to do so, but to see the problems as providing
essential experience in learning about working
with others. Finally, dissertations could be
time consuming and demanding, but, apart from
their other merits, they can also be seen as
indicating important abilities like being able
to solve problems and work on your own
initiative. We return to the pros and cons of
dissertations in more detail towards the end of
the book (Chapters 7, 8 and 9).
This way of looking at academic work is still an
essential part of the advice that students
receive. Sometimes students are encouraged to
note down the activities that they have
undertaken, writing them up in terms of
transferable skills, and recording the results
on various portfolios or record cards. Schools
often encourage this too, so that generations of
students are accustomed to thinking of
themselves as having ‘records of attainment’. As
tutors, we would often encourage students to
list a wide range of things they had done, on
various record forms, and to write them up in
‘vocational’ terms. These materials can become a
useful archive in devising application forms or
To take some examples, we have persuaded
students to share with us some of the activities
they have undertaken as part of their normal
workload, without seeing their possible
vocational importance, including:
A Media Studies student who got interested in
editing and learned how to use some basic online
editing software in her spare time.
A Sociology student who learned to use Microsoft
Excel to display the data for his group project.
Leisure Studies students who organized and
carried out a survey of visitors to a local
heritage site.
A Media Studies student who became Fixtures
Secretary of the ladies’ football team.
Two Community Studies students who attended a
short course on writing CVs.
Education Studies students who got themselves
some voluntary work working with children with
learning difficulties.
Sports Studies students who helped organize a
school sports day.
A Sociology student who completed a local
Certificate in Religious Education -- she was
not particularly religious herself but was
interested in the ‘spiritual’ dimension to
social life and was keen to explore the position
of those who had definite faiths.
More recently, and partly inspired by some of
the research we have just mentioned, we have
started to see student leisure activities as
having an important vocational dimension. We
always saw them as important in personal terms,
and as part of the pleasures of being relatively
independent. Now, it seems, they are recognized
as having quite an important role in preparing
people for work as well. Leisure activities can
also now usefully be recorded in terms of
providing ‘social skills’, which is maybe what
employers are increasingly looking for. There
may well be an element of ‘talking up’
activities here, but there is a genuine benefit
in reinterpreting for CV purposes collective
leisure activities in terms of being able to
cooperate with others, demonstrate
responsibility and leadership, indicate
motivation and enthusiasm, confidence, a sense
of humour, and an ability to get on with people
at all levels. It is certainly no longer enough
just to mention these activities -- you need to
interpret them in the right ways.
Try this for yourselves -- what transferable
social skills or competencies are involved in
playing for the College sports teams? Acting as
Secretary for a student club? Working as a
lifeguard? NB: the website Prospects has an
exercise which can offer a few clues:
Table 4.1 Skills developed from interests
Skills developed |
Climbing Snowdon |
Leadership |
Problem-solving |
Risk-taking |
Co-operation |
Music band (play
regularly at local venues) |
Commitment |
Enterprise |
Organisational |
Source: The Art of Building Windmills:
Career Tactics for the 21st Century, Dr
Peter Hawkins and the Graduates into Employment
Unit (GIEU, 1999)
Activity 4.1
Try something even more ambitious. Re-write in
terms which show the transferable skills and
competencies involved in:
• Taking a gap year and
• Campaigning for the
abolition of vivisection.
• Raising a ‘blended’ family.
• Looking after an elderly
parent or guardian.
Interesting implications follow, and some rather
ironic ones. It may be that the seemingly least
vocational courses, even the ‘liberal arts’
subjects at university, might actually help to
develop the kind of social skills that now seem
to be in substantial demand (Taylor, 2005). It
may be that one of the more vocationally
relevant activities you can do at University is
to join the right sort of club or informal
social group, and widen your experiences of
life, although this assumes you will also have
achieved a reasonable overall class of degree.
We suggest that you recalculate the balance
between academic and social activities. Overall
though, the implication cannot be shirked. In
opposition to the usual advice given in study
skills books, and just as a provocation to get
you thinking, you might wish to focus on
employability by placing social activities
equally at the centre of your university life,
at least once you are sure you can
complete the academic tasks!
This may not be quite the good news that it
seems, of course. Jackson and others have
pointed out that an emphasis on social skills
for employment gives a great advantage to those
who are brought up in elite backgrounds already.
As with ‘cultural capital’, qualities such as
‘tact and diplomacy’ or ‘discretion’ may have
been well developed by particular kinds of
family upbringing long before those privileged
young people entered university. Indeed, those
apparently simple ‘skills’, as listed above,
might just be coded references to elite ways of
behaving in the first place. We do not want to
discourage anybody here, but it is true that an
elite social background can provide ways of
behaving and acting that provide a considerable
advantage: as we saw with Bourdieu’s work, these
qualities seem to ‘come naturally’ to the elite.
However, we are not suggesting that you must
come from an elite background to demonstrate
qualities like ‘tact and diplomacy’, nor that
people from elite backgrounds are paragons who
always act with tact and diplomacy. The
situation seems to require the research stance
that we have been advocating throughout. You can
learn a lot by watching people from various
backgrounds who can demonstrate some of the
desirable qualities employers seem to want. It
is a matter of widening your horizons and
learning what seems useful again. If this is a
relevant orientation for you, it is something to
look out for in seminars and in informal social
Activity 4.2
How do some students (or lecturers) always
appear at ease in different groups?
How do they manage to disagree with others with
tact and diplomacy? What do they actually say?
How do they behave?
How do they maintain their sense of humour?
In fact, students of social sciences are at a
particular advantage in the job market in this
one respect. People often come equipped with
social capital from their family backgrounds or
the communities in which they live, we have
suggested. Everyone belongs to such a group, and
students should not let other groups devalue
their own social expertise. This kind of social
capital is what the UK Performance and
Innovation Unit (2002) calls ‘bonding social
capital’ -- because it helps develop solidarity
among members. However, equally important, if
not more so, is ‘bridging’ and ‘linking’ social
capital, enabling bonds of communication to be
formed between ethnic groups and social classes
respectively. This is where students from non
middle-class backgrounds can really score
because they can use their time at university to
build such bridges and links. Taking a social
science course provides exactly the sort of
theoretical and research skills to be able to do
this and to talk convincingly about it
The new vocational emphasis of social science
courses, one which is well worth stressing in
your CV and job application forms, could help us
understand others. To take a really recent
example, some application forms for various UK
police services around the country are asking
students to address particular ‘scenarios’. One
of them is dealing with a person from another
ethnic grouping who wants to argue strongly
against your position. Personal experience in
being able to take the viewpoint of another
person as a detached research stance, and a
grasp of the basics of the formation of ethnic
identity will obviously help score points here.
Activity 4.3
To round off this chapter, why not conduct your
own audit of your stocks of different sorts of
capital: We hope you can add to your stocks
after reading this book, of course. You can be
absolutely honest in your answers here, since
only you will be reading them.
What kind of educational capital do you have:
• knowledge related to the
course you are going to take, gained from
previous courses?
• knowledge of study skills
and learning patterns?
What kind of cultural capital do you have:
• knowledge of current
affairs, arts, ways of life in different
countries, languages?
• knowledge of academic life
and academic values?
What kind of social capital?
• Bonding -- what sort of
social groups do you feel at home with and feel
you know well already?
• Bridging -- have you
encountered any other social groups? How would
you go about trying to relate to groups with
different social backgrounds, religious beliefs,
sexual orientations? What do you know about such
groups already? Do you have strong views about
them already, and if so, what are they based on
exactly? How could you find out more about
groups like this?
What kind of personal capital?
• How can you interpret what
you have done in a way that will persuade
employers that you have exactly the sort of
competencies and qualities for which they are
looking? Can you tell a good story about
yourself? Can you explain to others the value of
what you have studied and what you have done
while you have been at university? Can you
demonstrate the vocational relevance of (a
selection of) the activities you have recorded?