Notes on: Bell, D. (1985). The Supreme Court 1984
Term — Foreword: The Civil Rights Chronicles 99
Harvard Law Review 4--83
Dave Harris
[A systematic and thoroughly referenced
devastating critique of civil rights legislation
in the USA, starting with the contradictions in
the Constitution. Also famous for telling the
story via various science fiction 'Chronicles'
with an imaginary companion, which then leads to
further discussion. Far too much detail to
summarise at any length. Hard to follow some of
the references to the US system and to specific
cases. Very different context to the case of
racism in the UK].
The framers of the Constitution 'made a conscious,
though unspoken, sacrifice of the rights of some
in the belief that this forfeiture was necessary
to secure the rights of others in a society
embracing, as its fundamental principle, the
equality of all' — 'the American contradiction'
(4). [compare with Habermas's critique of American
liberalism for not grasping the divisive nature of
the ownership of capital in reality -- Habermas,
J. (1974). Natural Law and Revolution. Theory
and Practice, trans John Viertel.
London: Heinemann Educational Books]. They
convinced themselves that Negroes were inferior,
less entitled in some way to the self-evident
truth that all men were equal and endowed with
inalienable rights, forced to compromise with the
southern delegates demand that slavery be
retained. It is not that they had not received
'impressive advocacy of the propositions that
Africans were humans and that their enslavement
was wrong' (6) [documented in notes page 6]. The
protection of property was prioritised and the
moral implications of slavery as a kind of
property ignored. They did not actually mention
the term slave or slavery, but in the text itself
'historians have identified as many as 10
Constitutional provisions that effectively
protected property in slaves' (7) [notes on this
page point these articles out – appointing
representatives on the basis of state population,
counting all free persons but only 3/5 of slaves,
taxing states on the same basis, preventing
Congress from abolishing the international slave
trade tothe USA, prohibiting states from
emancipating fugitive slaves, empowering state
militias to suppress insurrections including slave
uprisings, requiring the federal government to
protect states against domestic violence including
slave interactions, prohibiting the taxing of
exports which would burden slavery indirectly by
taxing the exported products of slave labour.
Another note refers to policies to increase the
number of white people excluding 'black and
tawnys' — by Benjamin Franklin!]
This contradiction remains and has been 'shielded
and nurtured through the years by myth. Black
people have not gained legitimacy, have not been
taken seriously and have retained a subordinate
status despite 'impressive proofs of individual
competence'. The law of civil rights is 'an
inexact euphemism for racial law' (8) and is
itself mythological, constantly invoking a threat
of disaster in a rich texture that constantly
changes and elaborates misleading meanings. Myths
often intervene between the goal of racial justice
and its realisation, preventing the achievement of
racial division from some landmark case, and
denying the achievement of some long-term racial
equality, especially 'without any loss of their
[white people's] privileged position'. There are
elaborate psychological motivations behind these
myths. Racial stereotypes support them. They have
informed the whole of racial history.
The Civil War itself is surrounded by myth. 'The
Emancipation Proclamation was intended to serve
the interests of the Union not the blacks, a fact
that Lincoln himself admitted'(9), and the
subsequent freedoms offered to blacks were barely
better than slavery. Many promises were never
effectively honoured, and the former masters were
left in charge. Reparations were often discussed
but never got any further. It is still the same
today, effective remedies will not be granted 'if
that relief involves a significant cost to whites'
(10) and this affected the efforts of
abolitionists even in northern states. Affirmative
action and mandatory school desegregation plans in
the current situation show the same qualities.
Black victims of racial oppression also subscribe
to these myths. The modern Civil Rights movements
'must be seen as part of the American racial
fantasy [although] this is not a condemnation',
but better understood as 'the age-old effort to
uncover the reality beneath the racial illusions
that whites and blacks hold both about themselves
and about each other. Clutching for ideological
straws'.. Even two decades ago many proponents of
racial justice would have expected equality by
now, for example after Brown versus Board of
Education [desegregating schools in 1954, which
led to expectations that school segregation would
entirely disappear]. [It was in fact greeted by a
number of counters including white flight]. By
1984, no major racial issues had been decided by
the Supreme Court, so the move towards racial
equality 'has slowed to a walk, leaving millions
of black Americans in a condition no better than'
before the civil rights movement' (11). Formal
desegregation may have made it possible for a few
black individuals to make achievements, but this
has been accompanied by the 'worsening statistics
on the sorrowful state of many'
A huge black underclass was created as
disadvantages accumulated and were reinforced by
advanced industrial society. Real losses were not
compensated by law. Overtly discriminatory
policies have been abandoned and some talented and
skilled blacks have benefited, but this is no
'"final proof" that racism is dead' (12) and the
non-mobile are now denied 'even societal
sympathy', even if the chances are worse than they
were. The future for many black people is actually
'quite bleak'.
The real problem is 'the unreconciled
contradiction between our commitment to equality
and preservation of the subordinate status of
blacks… Shrouded and denied by our attachment to
racial fantasy and myth'. The Chronicles explore a
number of these myths, for example that a liberal
Supreme Court will lead to progress in the
movement for racial justice, or that affirmative
action policies if accepted and implemented will
repair the past racial discrimination, or even
that a common crisis faced by the nation will
dismantle racial barriers due to the 'demands of
efficiency and perhaps survival' (13). Others
expound the view 'that the most effective civil
right is "self-help"'' and, like other groups,
blacks can achieve success. The Chronicles 'enlist
fantasy to explore these racial myths' — 'resort
to the unreal may lead us towards a realism'.
All the Chronicles were allegedly related by
Geneva Crenshaw, who was a civil rights advocate,
a black woman, a lawyer, not interested in status
or what names black people were called, a teacher.
She suffered a brain injury after a suspicious
accident and was catatonic for 20 years, then
recovered and had some Chronicles to relate,
'strange and allegorical visions'. She wanted to
share them with Bell, and drew deliberate
analogies with current members of the Supreme
Court [which is sometimes hard to follow](16)
Chronicle one turns
on a futuristic court room with three women,
identical in appearance and all black, as the
judges, a large gathering of men and women as
the chorus representing the racial groups on
earth, so 'few Caucasians', discussing an
industrial nation that became prosperous by
exploiting the lower classes especially those
that were not white. They wanted to know why
this suffering and injustice did not bother the
upper classes who developed justifications
turning on ability merit and skill. One agent
summoned to testify also reported that the white
exploited groups were 'lulled by a surfeit of
sports, sex and patriotic fervour' and this made
them unaware of exploitation, and 'solace in the
knowledge that they are of the same race as the
upper class elite'. As a result 'pseudo-liberal
social welfare programs' took the place of
proper reform, including prattle about the
society of equality under the law. Everyone
instead 'knows, or should know, that equality
that fails to include economic quality is no
equality at all' (18). The agent promises to go
back to earth, work from within the Supreme
Court, try to persuade the upper classes to
engage in true reform and incite the masses to
understand that their interests are chained to
the nonwhites. The closing speech criticises
liberals for thinking that talismanic phrases
will produce racial equality, merely enacting
laws or winning cases in court, while true
reform is needed to ensure maximum security,
proper revolution rather than a mere changing of
the guards.
In the discussion of the Chronicle, Bell doubts
that conservatives would find it anything other
than humorous. He said that lots more black judges
and high-level government officials existed than
in the old days, but agreed that those that they
represented had still fared poorly and that civil
rights litigation was ineffective. Nevertheless,
despite the limits of the court in advancing
racial justice, it still had a positive role and
could make some difference. The court did not move
far from public sympathy and still saw its duty in
helping to form public understanding, although it
was aware that it could generate controversy.
There seems to be little effective alternative in
representing a powerless group. Civil rights
lawyers did support some of the uprisings and
direct actions.
Nevertheless, lawyers seem to remain committed to
the courts despite 'so much evidence that reliance
on litigation strategies leads to disappointment.
That does not seem very objective' (22). But
lawyers are committed to the institutions. Some of
them have been dismissed for making heretical
statements about inefficient racial civil rights
legislation [referenced in a note — it was a
criticism about unnecessarily delaying
implications of Brown versus Board of Education,
and he was fired by NAACP for suggesting that
their victories had only been symbolic]. Some of
the old campaigners would be quite unhappy to hear
that the reforms they achieved 'were just enough
to assuage the discontent of blacks and other
disadvantaged groups'(23), or that they were
supported by outside factors [like the Cold War]
rather than their own efforts — they would have
their faith undermined.
Nevertheless the entire discussion suggests that
'courts cannot and will not meet the needs of our
people'. 'Perhaps attachment to civil rights
litigation stems from the exciting and rewarding
career it has offered you [Bell] and so many other
lawyers' (24). The contradiction the Constitution
is still there. Even when slavery was abolished
the place of blacks was already so established
that they have not been able to enjoy more than
incremental change, and even then only when it
served the interests of whites. The best example
is the 14th amendment — it gave blacks the rights
of citizens but mostly '"nurtured railroads,
utility companies, banks, employers of child
labour, chain stores, moneylenders, aliens, and a
host of other groups and institutions… Leaving so
little room for the Negro that he seemed to be the
14th Amendment's forgotten man"' (25). All civil
rights efforts are the same, and have benefited
many sectors [lots of decisions are cited, which
do not seem to be race cases], even though racist
southern justice has been checked. In one
remarkable case, lower courts rejected a claim
that an Alabama law violated the 14th and 15th
Amendment rights of black voters by changing the
boundaries of the city of Tuskagee to move
virtually all the blacks outside the city limits —
it is complex case turning on a contradiction
between urban growth on the one hand which in
effect denies the influence of urban centres, and
unequally apportioned districts on the other, with
as a background a scheme designed to cancel out
racial or political elements of the population.
Much eventually turned on whether there was or was
not an intent to discriminate]. For the critic
[Geneva] the whole episode shows that litigation
is an endless detour and an endless employment
program for civil rights lawyers (29).
There is apparently still a difficulty handling
civil rights cases 'in which allegations of
discrimination are not accompanied by proof of
actual intent'. Proving a disproportionately
adverse effect is not enough (30), partly because
it would overturn a large number of government
policies, and deciding appropriate remedies would
be very difficult. This is one reason why courts
are reluctant to address racial harm. But this
might deny blacks 'their rightful share of
opportunities long available to whites'(30)'. The
fear is they will gain privileges they have not
earned and which are not justified — in those
circumstances, it is easier to believe 'the
inferiority of the black race'.
Nor is it easy to calculate the costs, say of
segregation. Weschler has attempted to do this and
to use the notion of 'loss of associational
rights'. Addressing costs will involve sacrifices,
and the question of who should make the
sacrifices, who should pay to make blacks equal
and there is no answer, so it's unsurprising to
find the courts lacking in answer too. Perhaps a
liberal court would mean that more cases were won,
but there is still a tendency to favour a civil
rights litigant '[only] if the policies they
attack are so blatantly discriminatory as to shock
(or at least embarrass) the public conscience'
(32) and if they do not impose any costs on
identifiable whites, for example the exclusion of
blacks from jury service. Such cases might close
the contradiction in the American Constitution,
maybe even shield against excesses of white power,
but still 'bring about no real change in the
status of blacks', producing victories that 'may
be more apparent than real' [a note says that
convictions were questioned if no black members
appeared on the jury, but on retrial with black
members, capital punishment was upheld!].
[In another extraordinary case, noted on page 33,
a court upheld the exclusion of Negroes from a
particular jury despite accepting it was racially
discriminatory on the grounds that lawyers could
use 'arbitrary and prejudicial decisions with
their peremptory challenges' — in this case
challenging jury membership. There are other cases
where similar rights to peremptory challenge
have been cited]
It might be that the court is trying to remedy
institutional discrimination, allowing case law to
alter expectations, as the costs of acceding to
civil rights challenges diminishes [apparently the
cost of segregating blacks can be high, and
support from working class whites has been
diminishing]. But there are still subordinating
effects, and what this admits is that the court is
still protecting existing arrangements.
The National Labour Relations Act of 1935 was
hailed by some as a proof that social reform can
be achieved, but many courts interpreted this act
so as to make 'only minimal intrusions' upon the
existing business system [a note claims that many
reforming acts went the same way]. The act was
fiercely resisted by the business community, and
these interpretations were important in 'diffusing
the radical potential' of the situation. What we
saw was 'institutionalisation and channelling of
the militant labour struggles of the 1930s' (34),
which preserved managerial power and hierarchy.
The same might be said about black political
movements: the disruption produced by say black
sit-ins and civil rights protest led to protective
legislation, but it was entirely minimal [say in
protecting the right of black people to intrude in
places where they were not supposed to be]. There
have been many 'judicial limitations', leaving
civil rights litigation as 'necessary "busy work"'
Even though faulty, civil rights legislation must
still be pursued? But what if it will lead
nowhere? What if there is no alternative? Talk of
revolution may be unrealistic and futile. That
still leaves room for 'creative protest' and
protest against laws that are 'the products of
racism'(36). Protest need not be violent, and can
still work with lawyers' help. Nevertheless
relying on litigation requires a high price and
diverts from 'more dynamic attacks on the real
causes' of subordination.
There are class divisions among black people. For
those in the underclass 'civil rights litigation
is unlikely to make much difference', including a
decision to make unconstitutional statutes
requiring loiterers to identify themselves on
request of a police officer [a bit like stop and
search] — hardly worth celebrating for 'many poor
blacks' (37). The black middle class by contrast
gained more, although even this might be
misplaced, as another Chronicle argues.
[Then another science fiction interlude where
Bell's companion claims it is all real, that she
was abducted so speak, and that she was told to
share actual life experiences in further
Chronicle two. The
speaker [Geneva again] is the first black member
of faculty at a major law school, had become a
counsellor and confidante of virtually all black
students and some whites. She 'was expected to
give an award winning performance every day —
and serve on every committee at the law school
on which minority representation was desired…
Every emergency involving a racial issue was
deemed "my problem"' (40), as well as to do
research and writing. A visitor, a local
businessman, asked for advice about some of the
limits of equal opportunity legislation, and
said that he had been searching for 'blacks who
are truly committed to helping other blacks move
up'. He had provided them with assistance in the
form of a large amount of money, but not cash,
for tax reasons – he wanted to help her. She
responded by saying she needed help in locating
more blacks and other minorities to become
faculty members. An additional black teacher was
hired during the summer as a result, and three
more minority teachers were promised positions,
producing six in all. Then another one was
recruited, an 'exceptionally able black
lawyer'(41) making seven.
This made the faculty '25%
minority', and this was a problem for the Dean.
All the candidates were good, but the character
of the faculty would be changed, the Dean
argued. Geneva argued that it was meritocratic,
and the chief qualification should not be '"a
white face, preferably from an upper class
background"'. The Dean argued that if it was
okay for law schools like Howard to retain
mostly black faculties, even if they turned away
white lawyers with better qualifications, so it
was okay for them to remain a white school.
Geneva argued that black schools have a special
responsibility to aid victims of long-standing
racism, however. The Dean's decision risked
being sued. The Dean said that 'a law school of
our calibre and tradition simply cannot look
like a professional basketball team' [clearly a
reference to the actual judgement mentioned
above]. She realise that all her efforts had
been futile.
Apart from the personal injury, Bell was
interested in whether the Court would see this as
racial discrimination. Apparently the seventh
candidate did decide to challenge his rejection in
the courts but she did not recall the outcome.
Bell thought that the confidence in favourable
precedents was not justified and that the court
had actually withdrawn earlier decisions. However,
the notion of a superior qualification can take
into account 'the employer's subjective
evaluation' (43) in a major way. The court will
require 'strong proof that those decisions were
based on an intent to discriminate'(44) and
'deference' [to the organisation] arises often
when a decision affects the health or safety of
large numbers of people, e.g. when hiring airline
pilots. They are also unwilling to interfere with
elite professions. Especially if there are 'few
objective hiring criteria and legitimate
subjective considerations'. There is no current
intention to broaden the scope of
anti-discrimination laws – the current Court
declined to review in most of the cases of racial
discrimination in employment submitted to it and
most of those that stood went against the
plaintiffs. There is a chance that the case might
be seen as one of those that helps close the
contradiction in the Constitution and if it did
not impose an unbearable cost, but it was quite
likely that the Dean would prevail. He could
further argue that the reputation of the law
school was based on it being 'a "majority
institution"' (46) a predominantly white faculty,
ad changes would affect recruitment and
alumni contributions, to his regret of
course , and that they would be at a competitive
disadvantage. The court might also be worried
about the precedent that the minority might
increase to 50%. The Dean might be able to argue
that there was no evidence of racial
discrimination in hiring the number of blacks they
already had. He might argue that there is an
analogy 'to housing cases in which courts have
recognised that whites usually prefer to live in
predominantly white housing developments' (47) [a
note details the case putting the obligation to
promote racial integration at the forefront even
if that penalises some nonwhite persons. White
flight had apparently led to the crisis in the
first place, and white fears were seen as
imperilling integration]. There is a notion here
of a '"tipping point"' which triggers white
Even civil rights groups have talked about
'"benign" housing quotas' (48) and this has led to
some legal discussion. The majority opinion in a
case apparently concluded that these were illegal
because the Constitution was colourblind,
rejecting the argument that it was intended to
promote racial integration. A dissenting opinion
saw the proposal as a reasonable approach to a
vexing problem, one that was not hostile to
blacks. A third opinion argued that the blacks
were likely to resent these restrictions, that
racial classifications were odious, and that
integration should be sought through other means
including education. There is also concern that
the principle might spread to include jobs and
elective offices. This discussion might be cited
as an analogy, if the tipping point argument
applied and was not instead a '"stopping point"'
The Court could be seen as applying the rule that
'incorporates a desire for white dominance
without, of course, admitting as much'. Perhaps it
will be seen as a matter of associational rights,
denying blacks freedom of association, or forcing
an association on those who will find it
unpleasant, and having to balance these rights —
the court might need to find some level of
desegregation which would be acceptable. Geneva
thinks this would be tokenism and a way of
legitimising the subordinate status of black
people. It would also benefit the institutions
rather than the minorities.
Another alternative is to take affirmative action.
But 'rather than overhaul admissions
criteria… officials chose to "lower" admission
standards for minority candidates'(50), with
unfortunate results — it sounds like noblesse
oblige, charity, not legal duty. It still only
allows a trickle of minorities' [and labels them
as less deserving].
There is a last legal problem that academic
freedom is protected by the first Amendment, that
universities have a Constitutional right of
academic freedom. Ethnic diversity is only one
element in attaining the goal of a heterogeneous
student body, it was decided in a court case,
which can clearly lead to 'judicial deference' to
a university's decision on the need to stop
balancing faculty. Perhaps this particular case
arose from a resentment that the intervention of
the wealthy sponsor somehow doublecrossed the
faculty, sidestepped them and undermined their
policy. Perhaps they would have been much more
favourable if it had been devoted to white law
teachers — but the national record of minority
recruitment is already very poor, so there is
already a case that the talented seventh candidate
would have been rejected, that recruiting some
minority persons had taken the pressure off them
and taken the energy out of their recruitment
That still leaves the question of why white
faculty would want a predominantly white
environment, especially the more secure tenured
ones. They are probably not 'bigots in the
redneck, sheet-wearing sense' nor would they
accept slaveowner 'propaganda that blacks are an
inferior species' (51 – 52). But there is
'"ideological hegemony" of white racism [somebody
called Marable], a '"public rationale to justify,
explain, legitimise or tolerate racism"' shared by
all our major institutions, producing 'a
collective consensus' (52). It is not the result
of a conspiracy but is sustained 'by a culturally
ingrained response', and results in, say,
immediate suspicion of any black newcomer. [This
leads to personal accounts of covert racism by
Geneva, increasing criticism, suspicion of
her popularity with students]
Bell says that Delgado has explained this in terms
of '"cognitive dissonance"', where minorities do
not just scrape by gratefully but overachieve,
changing perceptions of reality (53). This is what
seems to have happened here, where liberal
tolerance was pushed to an unexpected level
threatening their own 'sense of ideological
hegemony'. Whether the Supreme Court would
understand that is debatable — it is probably
beyond antidiscrimination law, but it might come
out in a court case if the law school was forced
to explain its rejection. What this risks is a
continuing view of progress in American race
relations, 'largely an mirage' (54) in reality.
There is no point just trusting in the '"moral
sense of the white race"' (55) [quoting Niebuhr].
The white race in America has to be forced to
admit the Negro to equal rights. Was this
despairing? We have to put it in context —
progress was defined in his day as 'a reduction in
the number of blacks lynched each year'. They did
'benefit from a national commitment to bring the
poorest victims of racism to a point of
educational, social and psychological parity'.
Perhaps things will change if there is some
external crisis that forces a sense of national
unity,andmakes everyonerealise that are all
citizens? [for some reason, this is taken first to
be some sortof celestial crisis] How would this
be manifested? Even Jesus is believed to be
white! We can't just believe in supernatural
forces [but perhaps he meant an internal political
crisis? Or eco-crisis? Or one of those risks in
Beck like pandemic, nuclear war, the sort of thing
that frightens the middle classes because they
can't see a way to buy themselves out of it?].
What about war? It gives blacks opportunities in
the military and domestically, it captures the
nation's imagination makes us think of each other
as equals (the Vietnam War didn't -- the Iraq
War?). The end of World War II did lead to some
limits to racial segregation, although we still
needed years of litigation — it will still be a
long-lived process.
Third Chronicle. A
mysterious Amber Cloud descended leaving a
social transformation which affected white
adolescents with wealthy parents with a
debilitating affliction — '"ghetto disease"'.
The nation's most prosperous families offspring
became a dull amber colour. They were shunned.
They experienced personality changes. They were
treated as lepers. They became 'lethargic,
disinterested, suspicious, withdrawn and
hopelessly insecure' just like so many children
in the ghettos. Attendance and achievement in
the finest schools plummeted, antisocial
behaviour rose sharply, apathy spread and
undisciplined behaviour escalated. So did gang
warfare. Working class whites were not affected
but sympathised deeply with an outpouring of
concern and support. Large sums were raised to
research it, government welfare programs
extended their operations. The government
intervened without objection and it was seen as
necessity not welfare. Some people claimed that
black elements were responsible for the disaster
because no children of colour were afflicted.
Police officials responded by rounding up civil
rights leaders and even more retaliatory
measures were urged. Black social scientists who
had worked on black ghetto life tried to develop
an effective treatment plan and hundreds of
black people volunteered for psychiatric
testing. This eventually led to a psychological
conditioning process and the synthesis of mind
altering chemicals that appeared capable of a
cure, although the treatment was expensive.
Civil rights leaders hailed the discovery and
urged that the treatment should also be made
available to nonwhite youths, but the public
responded negatively — minority leaders were
moving too fast, the problem with ghetto youths
was inherent sloth, inferior IQ and 'a lifelong
commitment to the "black lifestyle"' (59).
Legislative action authorised the billions
needed for the cure and Congress budgeted the
cuts by cutting defence spending. Targeting
provisions limited access to the treatment for
victims of the Cloud. Civil rights litigators
filed lawsuits challenging the exclusion of
minority youths, but these were dismissed on a
variety of procedural grounds. The treatment
proceeded with a high level of efficiency and
attracted patriotic pride: the nation and its
most privileged youth returned to normalcy.
This clearly casts doubt on the idea that progress
of blacks might come from a common crisis, but,
for Geneva, it just reflects the way in which
government benefits were distributed during the
Great Depression, or the racial hostility and
discrimination accompanying the gains made by
blacks during World War II [both explained in
notes page 60 — in the first case, even relief was
administered in a way that discriminated against
Negroes, and blacks were discriminated against in
the military which positively undermined their
morale]. More recent responses to recession shows
a better response than crises that affected black
unemployment alone, but not much. In the case
outlined by the Chronicle, targeting might be seen
as racial classification, although the Supreme
Court has not got a great record here, and racial
antagonism is seldom used to justify rigorous
scrutiny [a case covered the exclusion of Japanese
Americans on the basis of their race]. Overall,
blacks seeking to enforce their rights tend to
'always present courts with "special situations"'
(61) requiring political sensitivity, usually
reserved for white concerns [one example applies
to the Brown judgement requiring special
'"all deliberate speed"' for implementation]. Some
racial classifications have been struck down, but
some segregation schemes have been upheld if it
was judged that they resulted in separate and
equal facilities for blacks. Only in 1954 was it
recognised that 'separate facilities were
"inherently unequal"' (62).
There have been some horrible cases of statutes
barring interracial marriage, for example which
fell foul of laws preventing '"suspect
classifications"' but not until the mid-1960s,
where they were still being applauded in the deep
South, and a black man in Alabama was convicted
'under an Alabama anti-miscegenation law' who had
married a white woman, and the Court 'refused to
review the conviction' [! — apparently that was a
year after Brown]. It could be argued that there
were '"strong considerations of expediency"'
involved here, and that modern courts would not
repeat these judgements, but Geneva insists that
modern cases have continued the patterns of
upholding suspect classification — she thinks that
the Court only strikes down racial classifications
if they 'facially discriminate [ie on the face of
it?] , cannot be justified by crisis, needs 'all
the protection of socio-economic stability' and
can be 'invalidated without creating too much
opposition' (63). [Much of the precedents cover
protection for Japanese Americans, it seems].
There were cases involving laws or policies that
'impacted heavily on blacks but did not explicitly
mention race' (64), accompanied by a shift away
from the actual suspect nature of the measure, the
harm it might cause, towards the '"intentions" and
"purposes" of those who enacted the measure' (64).
The burden of proving intent is great in most
cases and challenges have to usually prove that
the policy 'is an act of outright bigotry… or
obvious racial hostility'. Many decisions 'convey
unintended signals to blacks and whites as to how
the Court weighs the relative interests of the two
races' (65), and there is a clear intent not to
upset whites any more than is necessary.
In the case of the Amber Cloud, the Court could
easily argue that there was not a racial
classification being enacted, but simply a
distinct remedy for one form of widespread ill,
and that the 'differential racial impact… was
entirely fortuitous, rather than invidiously
intended'. If there was racial discrimination, it
was by the Cloud. Nevertheless, the Court would
clearly realise that there was a moral problem in
withholding from the black community a known cure,
and a concern for the image that the nation was
presenting to Third World peoples. However, this
ignores the debates just after the abolition of
slavery, where abolitionists were challenged by
['pragmatists'] demanding who will pay to free the
slaves and cure the millions of black children
from the heritage of slavery, who would meet the
There is also the issue of a fundamental personal
right to a minimum level of health, just as could
be argued for a minimum educational level, which
prevents significant social costs. However, the
Court seems not very impressed with this argument
in recent cases. It is one of those examples as
with so many civil rights principles where there
is a symbolic value, 'but in practice it provides
no protection at all' (67). We might at least gain
further knowledge about the problems of modern
The last Chronicle.
This was based on a memory of the slaves
travelling to the USA in appalling conditions in
slave ships, and whether those original
travellers could anticipate arguments for civil
rights in the land which is being transported. A
former lawyer travels back to Ghana and finds a
model ship submerged in the sand on a beach, a
model of a slave ship. Inside were scrolls
describing how human beings accommodated
themselves to desolation and despair. The lawyer
returns to the USA and teaches the message of
the slaves scrolls, via healing groups. This
encourages the members of the congregation to
'shed the marks of racial oppression' by reading
the history of slavery in America, gory, brutal,
filled with murder, mutilation and rape, but
still permitting the humanity of their ancestors
to survive. The modern readers experienced the
'secular equivalent of being born again and left
the healing groups determined to achieve at
levels that would justify the faith of the
slaves, in the form of a competitive '"we will
show them"' (70). The congregation grew, healing
sessions spread and were successful, so that
'the marks of historic oppression — crime,
addiction, self-hate — eroded and a desire to
excel increased. Unemployment dropped, community
enterprises flourished black family life was
reinvigorated, blacks excelled at school.
A great many white people
became alarmed as large numbers of blacks and
pass them. Affirmative action programs were
disbanded and imposed explicit ceilings on the
number of black candidates replace them. Violent
attacks began on the adherents of the healing
movement and there was a campaign to find
evidence of wrongdoing or subversive activity.
Finally, the answer to this
growing black success was found in labelling the
movement as the preaching of racial hatred,
grounded in the evil of the system wiped out
long ago, ignoring brotherhood across racial
boundaries. Racial toleration laws were enacted
banning teaching that promoted racial hatred by
focusing on the past. Severe penalties were
enacted. Teaching was banned. Whites perverted
the law but white economic and military power
was marshalled against them and challenges to
racial toleration laws failed.
Overall these optimistic
teachings proved too much and we return to the
past via negotiations with white community, a
form of surrender, there was mass renunciation
of the lessons of the healing groups.
There was apparently some historical basis for
this that some newly freed blacks did indeed make
impressive educational and political gains after
the end of the Civil War and that did serve to
'deepen and intensify the hostility of southern
whites' (72). It is also true that black leaders
and groups who have tried to rid blacks of the
slave mentality have been persecuted — Marcus
Garvey, for example or the Black Muslims, Paul
Robeson, Dubois, Martin Luther King and Malcolm X.
Malcolm X was particularly interested in
decolonisation. The Chronicle suggests that too
much success in competition threatens black
However some poor whites relieve their frustration
'by feeding on the myth of their superiority' (73)
but many blacks 'engage in self-destructive and
antisocial behaviour as an outlet for their
despair'. They have certainly learned that they
cannot gain acceptance by becoming super
achievers. For lawyers, the issue is how can the
courts protect black people who want to overcome
the disabling effects of racism [apparently there
are parallels to this Chronicle charting attempts
to overcome the racial tolerance levels and defend
the constitutional rights of free speech and
religion and association and how the Court has not
defended them]. In general, free speech rights are
broad in theory but more limited in fact and
politically threatening speech has long been
subject to very variable levels of protection. For
example the Cold War has eroded first amendment
rights as the distinction between military secrets
and information kept secret to enhance the
government's reputation has been blurred [very
familiar in the UK]. Imagine if there was
considerable challenge by black people at every
level of the social ladder — a great deal of white
hostility will rise and this lack of public
sympathy would affect the Court. [Apparently there
have been precedents in the past where specific
protests have been ruled illegal in the name of
regulations designed to control public speech in
general by preventing '"boisterous and threatening
conduct", in this case provoking white hecklers
(75)]. The Court has also not enforced regulations
if it felt that they would be ignored at the local
level (76).
Formal equality is no help, except to policymakers
and to the economic hierarchy. Black people are
still set apart as a separate category. A
colourblind constitution is preposterous. Black
people are protected 'only when those efforts
leave vested interests undisturbed' (76). It might
be possible to approach the issue differently, in
actually preventing interference with
overachievement, or other activities by black
people in the name of racial healing, as a further
protection against the injuries of slavery [which
is agreed to be unlawful]. It could be argued that
blacks cannot 'purge self-hate' [and thus cease to
be a threat] unless they develop black pride
explaining that their deficiencies are the result
of white racism, a 'dangerous truth' yet an
essential one (77 – 8). It could further be argued
that this healing needs to be conducted in public
forums as opposed to what goes on already in more
dangerous private, small group all-black settings
[there is some parallel here with sexual freedom,
possibly even connected with Roe versus Wade and
the rights of poor women to enjoy the same access
to abortion as rich ones, which I don't fully
There is a social cost of ignoring the black
underclass and this may be rising, and the Court
may feel compelled to act in this area in the name
of the nation stability, although the current
Court has not shown any indication to do this, and
there is opposition to Roe [!], denying that the
Court should be taking the moral high ground.
There would certainly be substantial social
reordering if racial healing were protected, and
the states themselves might still have a
compelling interest in resisting it.
Would not whites, even elite whites, see racial
healing as beneficial, so that blacks would become
properly productive members of society rather than
burdens producing 'large costs of crime, poverty,
illiteracy, and poor health'? (80). It would be a
benefit, and there is some recognition that change
would, but there would be disruption to settled
economic arrangements, especially to the
legitimisation of the position of lower class
whites. [CF the case made by JS Mill for the
UK,arguing that social reform was actually in the
interests of the elite, that it would
eventually protect the English establishment from
harm -- one specific but limited case that
helped convince them was the Cholera Epidemic of
1836 that threatened London. No problem when it
raged in the East End but it spread along the
Thames to the Houses of Parliament and that
led to support for spending on health and sewage
Do the powerful actually need the heavy
subordination of blacks to secure their position?
Do they not have ideologies like consumerism,
religion and 'consumer–packaged nationality that
integrates patriotism with religion… [that can]…
anaesthetise the populace'. Perhaps the time is
right to push for another landmark decision,
perhaps advocating racial healing?
[The story ends with the mysterious disappearance
of Geneva, confirming that the whole thing has
been a fantasy of his own. Although he finds a
final message. She concludes there might yet be
hope. The courts do at least offer a potential
shield against 'blatant discrimination' and do
protect individual rights (82). They do minimise
the worst decisions. There is no option but to
carry on with affirmative action problems. 'At
least we know more about them and can minimise
their alienating consequences. A common crisis
could still arise to unite people, and the need
for people of colour might still be realised. We
have to keep looking for an answer. It would be a
luxury to insist on an intellectually gratifying
one, while most people just 'must do the best we
In the epilogue, he conjures Geneva again at a
meeting of the Bicentennial Committee, who gives a
speech urging people to talk about the slave
history of the Constitution and how the basic
mistake of the framers had to be accepted
and corrected. But it had a bad reception and her
right to tell the members anything was seen as