Notes on: Denzin, N (1990). Reading cultural
texts: comment on Griswold. American Journal
of Sociology, 95 (6): 1577 – 1580.
Dave Harris
Griswold had apparently offered a 'comparative,
statistical reading' of the fiction written by
George Lamming, a Barbadian novelist. She says
that meaning is constructed through metaphor which
structures the interaction between texts, and the
meanings held by 'cultural readers'. This
acknowledges humans as the 'active constructors of
cultural meaning' but who still works with an
institutional framework, with social and cultural
systems. It does permit quantitative statistical
research methods. It looks holistic and complete,
but it has problems.
It still works with a modified but traditional
sender receiver model, where a sender produces a
message in a novel that sent to a receiver. The
receiver interprets the most salient messages
which 'elicit, call forth and trigger
presuppositions held by the audience member'
(1578), but this is untenable. It reifies
qualities and seeks 'a concrete, fixed presence of
these objects in the world of experience… A
determinate set of meanings'. The analytic
framework imposes these and produces empirically
describable units related to each other but not
interactionally. This is 'abstract, ahistorical,
reductive'. It has some 'hidden master code' where
meaning making subjects are fully conscious of
what they're doing, but they have been constructed
as 'differentially wide-awake', formed by cultural
and ideological processes, constituted as
'culturally communicative subjects'.
It also assumes that semantic content is always
legible and clear instead of ambiguous, open-ended
and multifocal [citing Bakhtin]. An empirical
approach makes reviews static and consensual, and
'she never applies for theory to herself and her
readings of the reviews… Her theory of cultural
power is tautological, for strong objects as
defined as those that elicit strong responses'.
This assumes transcendent meanings, which tacitly
supports 'a "high" culture theory of aesthetically
powerful texts'.
The notion of metaphor means a dichotomy between
society culture that is never clarified, it works
artificially to invent relations between society
and culture and freezes 'the indeterminacy of
meaning (1579). She locates meaning in the object
or creator or reader — but meaning is always
'localised contextualised, and indeterminate'.
Lamming's novels are taking is meaning what the
reviewers have said, and these reviews themselves
are reified by content analysis to produce
determinate meanings.
'Meaning is always indeterminate', not an effect
or a product, but 'a process of deferral and
delay', it cannot be translated or
re-contextualised it is 'always absent' as it is
searched for. It eludes persons who try to fix it.
There are no total objects with concrete presence
as Derrida reminds us. Instead novel writing and
book reviewing involve deferral 'that always
displaces the fixed presence in the moment of
speaking or writing' that is fixed only by
locating them within a logo centric system of
thoughts that concretise is meaning through fixed
procedures, like the sender receiver model all
content analysis. This produces 'a self-fulfilling
prophecy… She fabricates the very things she says
are fabricated'.
Cultural studies should focus on how this happens,
how meaning is fabricated in everyday life by a
'logo centric, political economy of signs and
meanings'. It must do deconstruction, showing how
these processes reproduce and end in 'the
simulated, hyperreal implosion of meanings and
messages into the cultural realm' [citing
Baudrillard this time]. This sort of
deconstruction will explode the existing political
economy, and 'valorised the fundamental
indeterminacy of meaning and being', showing how
language and codes have become 'manipulated
commodities'. This will leave 'undoable'
conventional sociology's of culture that use
cultural and sociological data in their
interpretations. In fact they only reproduce
'superficial sociologies of literature and
culture' (1580) which 'reified the determinate
indeterminacy of meaning at all levels of human
group life'.
Griswoldd W. Provisional, Provincial Positivism:
Reply to Denzin. (as above 1580-83)
It is too ambitious to develop a whole explosion
of repressive political economies of signs, and
her own ains are more modest — how to develop a
better understanding of how a literary work is
actually experienced by readers.
She does not retain a linear sender -receiver
model, with a fully conscious sender. Meanings
instead are produced by interaction between
'socially located persons and cultural
objects'(1580). Shared social locations 'are
likely to produce overlapping sets of meanings'.
The intention of the author need to play no part
in the interaction of readers ['tenor' , which
apparently includes reviewers] except to identify
selections the authors made. There is usually only
the evidence of the text itself. Authors
statements about their own intentions are not
always reliable. In her case, discussing Lamming,
reviewers were preoccupied with the representation
of race but we do not know the conscious
intentions of the author.
She is not claiming that there is always a
'legible semantic content' (1581). She is more
interested in 'multi-vocality' where novels can
mean different things to different readers — race,
or identity, for example. Some people thought
Lamming supported black power. These different
interpretations and their bases is what led to the
It is a mistake to equate cultural power with
'whatever elicits the strongest reactions', for
example both pornography and greeting card
sentiments can elicit strong reactions but
'neither are powerful under my definition' [why
not exactly?]. Cultural power requires a balance
of coherence and ambiguity. Powerful objects can
stir people to make meanings, but these meanings
will still be various.
Denzin argues for indeterminate meaning. There is
a difference between a text having a meaning and
groups of readers finding shared strands of
meaning in it, even if they fabricate it. It is
that that she wanted to research. She says that
many Americans found a particular Lamming novel to
be about race, for example while West Indians and
Britons did not. Deconstruction assumes an 'ever
receding horizon of meaning'. This is both a
pessimistic view of culture and, agreeing with
Eagleton, 'profoundly apolitical as well': it is a
'sociological nonstarter'.
Denzin wants to undermine any sociology of culture
that refers to cultural and sociological data, but
she believes this should be tackled via 'a
provisional, provincial positivism'. The
provisional part means taking Weber's view that
there are inevitable choices using nonscientific
criteria, where values are 'incommensurable'. Once
these choices are made, science can operate by
axiomatically assuming that the world is indeed as
we have defined it. 'Reality is a social
construction' (1582) but scientists must operate
in it for now, in order to undertake research.
Some provisional use of theories or facts is
essential to provide 'a stable place to stand for
the time being' — or else there is only 'a vortex
of multiple perspectives'. Social bases of
selection can be further analysed by sociologists
of science — but this is not the entirety of the
social science and its enterprise.
Provincial positivism means that within the
discourses of the day, within a particularly
limited location, 'some concepts of theories,
provisionally chosen, can get you farther than
others.' It is like the way literary theorists use
the concept of genre — it is not a hard and fast
category but rather a declaration of categories
that might 'lead to the most fruitful
implications'. Particular plays may be described,
at different times, as, for example
'tragedies of blood, revenge tragedies… Tragedies
of state…' There is no underlying Aristotelian
classification here, but rather operations within
'salient, contemporary discourse'. These
classifications help you make progress.
Equally provincial is referring to meaning as
metaphor, and then even quantifying references. It
is not to claim 'a universal conceptualisation of
the phenomenon' but indicates a language that
others in the provinces can understand if they
speak the same tongue. This then permits
predictions to be made, theories developed,
relationships to be posited and tested — but these
are all provincial and subject to change. Such
provincialism is 'absolutely necessary' (1583) if
the communication of results among interested
provincials is to take place. It helped develop an
investigative structure and comparable research,
and even 'discourse for reaction, disagreement and
scholarly debate such as that which Denzin has
initiated here. If meanings were altogether
indeterminate, such debate would not even be
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