Notes on: Gillborn, D &
Vieler-Porter, C. (2010) "Tony Sewell's Views on
Education are Dangerous and Lack Evidence". In
A. Vakil (Ed.) Beyond race and
Multiculturalism? The Muslim Council of
Dave Harris
Sewell's view is that Black attainment is 'nothing
to do with situational racism and simply a
reflection of "poor parenting, peer pressure and
an inability to be responsible for the behaviour"'
[citing the Prospect
essay]. There is no 'significant evidential basis'
however only 'a profound threat to efforts to move
towards social justice' because the right wing
press have taken this serious analysis. It is
contradicted by the latest national data showing
Black Caribbean students were least likely to
achieve five or higher GCSE passes, except
Traveller and Gypsy Roma students. Sewell's views
are a deficit view which limits possibilities and
disguises how the system itself plays an assumed
role especially 'leadership negligence, negative
teacher attitudes and actions; the curriculum;
testing regimes; and inappropriately applied
disciplinary sanctions' [no page numbers] Evidence
is essential and it contradicts Sewell: 'the facts
are clear'.
Some press headlines relating to Sewell's work are
then cited in the Mail, Telegraph and Star. The
Prospect article also featured in the press. That
argues that children were undermined by poor
parenting, peer group pressure and were not the
subjects of institutional racism and so. The
Conservative press rejoiced in this analysis
especially because Sewell was Black and he was
hailed as a brave man. However the essay 'contains
no new research; with the exception of a personal
story (about a visit to an inner-city primary
school)'. He asserted views he has been offering
for years in various press articles, criticising
the research on institutional racism as dishonest
or irresponsible.
Evidence is 'entirely irrelevant to Sewell's
popularity with the press'. It reassures White
people that inequality is not their fault there is
no need to change. Derrick Bell described this as
conforming to unwritten rules that affect people's
views on racism according to their own racial
identity – Black people describing racism are
guilty of special pleading and they cannot be
impartial, while Black people who disparage or
criticise other Blacks were given enhanced
standing. He said that the effect of statements
must be taken into account.
Sewell's essay [Prospect] ignores research
evidence, like that on teacher expectations which
he dismisses on the grounds that times have
changed. The authors want to re-establish some of
the findings. Sewell claimed that Black boys
started school at the same level but went still
further and further behind as they progressed, but
this was true in 2000, but not in the intervening
decade, mostly because teachers know do far more
grading students 'according to the subjective
assessment… White students consistently emerge as
the highest performance' [the reference is to
Gillborn 2010, an article in Irish education
studies 29 3]. This confirms other research
that White teachers underestimate the ability of
Black students and overestimate their 'challenge
and threat' [the evidence here is Gillborn 2008
book] The new assessment system made Black
students into underachievers 'overnight… A classic
prima facie case of institutional racism' which
has never been formally investigated.
Black pupils and parents do not accept they are
victims instead of pursuing struggle and
resilience. They often have educational
aspirations higher than those White children of
the same 'gender and ethnic [?] background'. Those
ethnic minorities from high SES homes do more
homework than their White British peers and have
high self concepts and aspirations, '"but their
progress did not reflect this"' (referring to
Strand 2008, one of the LSYP studies]
This shows that attainments are 'significantly
shaped by the actions of the White people…
Well-intentioned professionals… Who (regardless of
their professed views)… Tend to view Black
students as more likely to cause trouble than
excel academically', 'powerful stereotypes' which
are 'given institutional force every time teachers
grade, discipline, and select students for
different treatment'.
Teacher expectations are often unclear, but
teachers are responsible for 'continually
upgrading and selecting students, and their
decision so very real consequences'. They
sometimes rank order primary school students on
different tables which cover different parts of
the curriculum. There is setting by ability, and
tiering. Research 'consistently shows that Black
students are overrepresented in the lowest ranked
groups'[lots of references here, lots of his but
stacks of others — summarised in his 2008 book
There is also potentially racist selection of
leaders, senior staff level – only 1 or 2% of
appointments between 2002 and 2009, possibly even
a downward trend overall. Those holding NPQH were
less successful. Policy tends to see the
attainment gap 'as an issue for Black and minority
ethnic people' rather than as a debt, a matter of
Going back to Sewell, even a Telegraph
correspondent predicted that his articles might
comfort White racists, and went on to criticise
the race relations industry. Sewell's essay
provided the evidence needed to strengthen the
coalition keen to pronounce the death of racism
and to blame anti-racists, a tendency which has
led to the public disappearance of discussion of
race in the US – 'race inequality is being
"privatised"'. Sewell's intervention 'is part of
this same process', using Conservative Black
voices, demonising minority communities and
providing material for the media 'that is
overwhelmingly on the side of White power holders