Notes on: Gillborn D. (2010).
Reform, racism and the centrality of Whiteness:
Assessment, ability and the 'new eugenics'.
Irish Educational Studies, 29:3, 231-252.
Dave Harris
This paper considers the effects of fracking,
setting and tiering in secondary schools which
amounts to 'a new eugenics whereby Black students
are systematically disadvantaged, blamed for their
own failure by assessments that lend racist
stereotypes a spurious area of scientific
respectability' (231).
The Thatcher government began this reform as part
of their neoliberal educational policies. There
was increased state direction of the curriculum,
more high-stakes testing, the publication of
performance data and other attempts to introduce
market principles. These have continued into the
present day. Sorting, selection and separation is
particularly prominent and has spread globally. It
is based on 'core neoliberal assumptions' that
there are natural differences in '"intelligence,
motivation, moral character, et cetera"… "The
cream will always rise to the top… The best way to
make sure this happens is through individual
competition based on equal access to the markets"…
"Those who prove to be unfit… Should receive a
minimum level of support"' (quoting Lauder et al.
2006)' (232). Race is not addressed specifically
but outcomes will find themselves in racist
Research focuses on Black students which is
'especially significant'. They are the only
minoritised groups where reliable national data
dates all the way back to the reforms of the
1980s. They are also the 'most prominent in terms
of political mobilisation around the issues' so a
great deal of qualitative research exists
exploring the complexities. This group also
'experience the worst of the changes… The most
frequently excluded from school and among the
lowest achieving. The research also focuses on the
'Foundation Stage Profile' (FSP) which had a
particular effect on Black achievement.
Overall, this is a colourblind façade of
standard reform, but this conceals a racist
reality, a '"new eugenics"' enacted via beliefs in
immutable individual differences can be measured
and are fixed.
Performance in assessment leads to systematic
differences in treatment and therefore inevitable
unequal outcomes. Practices include:
Tracking. In the US there are different
tracks steering students towards academic classes
or general and vocational tracks. Minoritised
students tend to be overrepresented in the lowest
tracks, the restricted curriculum, 'less
stimulating teaching' and and lower status
teachers. Setting in the UK claims to be based on
ability and is common. Hierarchical teaching
groups are separated for one or more subjects.
Individuals may be in different places for
different subjects, but 'in practice… Students
tend to be placed in similar sets across the
curriculum' (233) [referencing among others
Gillborn and Youdell 2000]. Both political parties
support this approach and see it as raising
standards, although the international research
evidence casts doubts. Recent Tory governments
have committed to even more '"aggressive setting
by ability – in effect a grammar stream in every
subject, in every school"' (Cameron).
It is likely that we will find the same kind of
racist processes and outcomes as with American
tracking. Research has consistently found that
when teachers are asked to judge the '"potential",
"attitude" and/or "motivation" of their students
they tend to place disproportionate numbers of
Black students in low ranked groups' [lots of
references p 233, including some based on data
from Aiming High, showing ethnic
differences [and gender] in membership of the top
set in mathematics among participating schools.
Those that do well in GCSE exams later are also
'generally more likely to feature in the top maths
sets earlier in their school careers' (234), so
there is an 'association between set placement and
final achievement'.
This would also be the case if there were some
constant differences in ability, but 'a more
critical perspective' suggests that groups do well
'because they are placed in higher sets'
[original emphasis]. Teachers decide allocation to
sets on different criteria, not just test scores,
not just prior attainment, but also 'disciplinary
concerns and perceptions of "attitude"' [more
references]. Even people with matched attainment
at age 14 get different results at 16, 'depending
on which set they had been placed in ': those in
top sets '"averaged nearly half a GCSE grade
higher than those in the middle sets, who in turn
averaged 1/3 of the grade than those in lower
sets"' [citing William and Bartholomew 2004].
Setting also 'largely determines' the tier of GCSE
Tiering was largely adopted in 1988. There
are two tiers in most subjects, three in maths
until 2006. Students can only enter one tier and
there is a limit on the grades available, both
higher and lower: those in the foundation tier can
never score better than a grade C which can mean
that 'study at advanced level may be out of the
question'. In the third tier in maths, even a
grade C could be denied. Youdell and Gillborn
(2000) found that 'two thirds of Black students in
London secondary schools were entered for maths in
the lowest tier' (235), and subsequent research
confirmed these findings, such as the Aiming
High research (which found the same with
English — the references is to the Tikly et al.
study). The 2007 Strand LYSP found that 'several
minority groups are underrepresented in the higher
maths tier', and inequality remained among Black
Caribbeans even after controlling all the other
variables 'including social class, prior
attainment, parental education, self-concept and
It seems like setting and tiering operate 'in a
cumulative fashion' to compound inequity until
'success can become literally impossible'. There
may be no 'deliberate attempt to discriminate
against Black students, but the combination of
systematically lower teacher expectations plus
institutional separation… Led to outcomes that are
racist [original emphasis] in their impact
if not intent'
Gillborn and Mirza (2000) looked at race, class
and gender in a national report to review the
evidence provided by OFSTED, referring to 118
local authorities. Data on ethnicity was provided
from the age of 11 onwards, but six authorities
also monitored achievements from the age of five.
These data show Black attainment fell relative to
the local average 'as the children moved through
the school': in one case Black children were the
highest achieving all groups in the baseline
assessments. There is a graph comparing the local
average with the proportion of Black kids
attaining the required level in national
assessments at ages five, 11 and 16. At age 5,
Black children were 'significantly more likely to
reach the required levels, and were even '20
percentage points above the local average', but at
age 11 they were 'performing below the local
average' in the same local authority, and by 16,
Black children were actually the 'lowest
performing of all the principal ethnic groups: 21
percentage points below the average' (236).
Other research they had undertaken showed a
similar pattern between the ages of 11 and 16,
using data on 10 local authorities in and around
London — again Black students dropped more than 20
percentage points. Having data at age 5
particularly challenges the view that Black
children are poorly prepared for school, and this
even got into the press! However, the system of
assessment on admission to school changed, and so
did patterns of attainment: 'Black children are no
longer the highest achieving group, in fact, they
are now among the lowest performers'.
The foundation stage used to mean the period
between the third birthday and the end of the
second primary school. The foundation stage
profile (FSP) replaced the old baseline assessment
and now, every child was 'subject to a national
system of assessment at the ages of five, seven,
11, 14 and 16'. The results are recorded by the
local authority and monitored by the Education
Department. Assessment is 'entirely based on
teacher's judgements' (238), on '"accumulating
observations and knowledge of the whole child"'.
It is a complex assessment with six '"areas of
learning" subdivided into 13 different "scales"
which are assessed individually in relation to
specific "Early Learning Goals"'. The whole system
was 'introduced hurriedly and with some certainty,
and even the Education Department warned that the
results should be treated with caution at first
because teachers had received inadequate training,
and they refer to the first results as
The data on ethnic breakdown was published in
2005 referring to 1 of the 13 scales. White
students were the highest performers, even though
'Indian students perform much better than Whites
at age 16 in the same year' (239). There were
possible contradictions between the new findings
and previous results on the old baseline scales.
However it was claimed that the pattern from one
scale was common across all of the 13 scales: that
Pakistani and Bangladeshi children perform less
well, followed by Black African and Black
Caribbean, with '"all [ethnic groups] scoring less
well than the average on all 13 of the scales"'.
This was contrary to the older belief that Black
children performed quite well on entry, although
this was widely shared — the Education Department
made no comment. The received wisdom was 'turned
on its head', and suddenly 'Black children moved
from being overachievers to underachievers'. The
assessment scheme had produced these outcomes even
though it was acknowledged to be '"patchy"' — yet
the results stood and the questions for schools
were erased.
Perhaps the situation would improve as teacher
judgements improved, but this has not been the
case. Data for 2004 and five saw that 'numerous
minoritised groups still achieving below the
national average… In all 13 scales and for both
years… [Including] Black Caribbean, Black African,
Black other, Pakistani and Bangladeshi students'
and the size of inequalities grew. The assessment
was changed in 2006 and no ethnic breakdown was
published. A single benchmark was produced, but
even so 'the new results were plainly marked by
both gender and raced inequalities' (240). In
particular 'for both sexes White British students
were among the highest ranked children… The lowest
achieving groups were the same for each gender:
Bangladeshi, Pakistani, Black African and Black
Caribbean'. When combined, race and gender is
particularly important for the lowest ranked
groups — so that two thirds of boys are judged as
not having a good level of development in
'Bangladeshi, Pakistani, Black African and Black
Caribbean groups' (241), and these scores are used
to judge progress in later assessments. As a
result, Black children are now among the lowest
rated groups and lower attainments are no longer
seen as a relative drop in performance but
something predictable and in line with their
starting points.
There have been rapid adaptations to this new
story, including government statements about race
equality: in 2006 the government decided that
local authorities should identify the factors
among ethnic groups that hindered their
development, the explanations for Black failure as
'an unfortunate fact'.
There used to be a debate in America claiming that
African-Americans and underclass Whites were
'genetically predisposed to lower intelligence and
higher criminality' as in the authors of The
Bell Curve, who included Jensen and Eysenck.
Posing as experts in intelligence, they argue that
genetics played a bigger role than environment in
creating IQ differences, according to various
scientific studies, so that 'the average White is
more intelligent than 8/10 African Americans'.
These views have been 'demolished numerous times'
and may have been rejected publicly. But there
have been insufficiently equitable policies and
James Watson's views on race and intelligence
appeared in 2007, arguing that Black employees and
'all the testing' show that the intelligence of
Black people was not the same as ours. There was a
public outcry that disgraced Watson. However, UK
education policymakers 'act as if they
fundamentally accept the same simple view of
intelligence (as a relatively fixed and measurable
quality that differs between individuals)' (243),
even though they don't use the term intelligence
but prefer 'ability' or 'potential'. The view of
intelligence as something measurable persists, and
it is necessary to refute it: 'there is no test of
academic potential'.
Predicted achievement is 'at best an informed
estimate' based on how people with similar scores
went on to achieve, the average past performance
which cannot be extended to individuals who have
just been tested. Test performance is not fixed,
and tests only measure what people can do on
particular tests on particular days, and they can
be coached and their performance improved
significantly. A parallel is with the driving
test, which is not assumed to be once and for all,
or to indicate some 'inner deficiency that can
never be made good' (244).
Eugenics has had a massive impact on education in
the past, before it was discredited by Nazi
atrocities. There is now a 'new eugenics' based on
'sorting and classifying practices of schooling'.
It is found in the 'contemporary obsession with
testing' to identify ability levels, and found in
DFE statements about gifted and talented versus
average or struggling pupils. Cyril Burt once
supported a tripartite system, and this is now
echoed in policies for the gifted and talented,
assuming some general ability, that can be
measured and that is relatively fixed. Both main
political parties in Britain seem to support this
idea. They would rarely want to link them to race
explicitly, but the outcomes of processes do lead
to racist inequity, and will lead to further
'racist patterning of educational inequality
through a superficially colourblind privileging of
individual effort, "talent" and "potential"'
In 2009, the British Government produced a policy
document which talked of new opportunities and
fair chances which was widely supported by a
number of other departments. It talked about
making the most of individual potential over a
lifetime. It assumed people were 'autonomous
subjects able to make their own destiny in a
meritocratic market', where rewards flowed
according to 'aspirations, effort and
excellence'.. It was all tied to globalism [and
the technological future agenda], and social
justice and opportunity, defined as fulfilling
potential, perhaps the most frequently mentioned
phrase in the whole document. Policies included
National Skills Academies and the encouragement of
self-employment. Potential was assumed to be
self-evident but unevenly distributed: mentoring
advice and support would help low income children
with potential to get into higher education. There
is no equality of outcome because that '"discounts
hard work and effort"'. Individual talent and
potential will replace 'substantive equity' for
Gordon Brown.
The global recession did not lessen neoliberal
policies and their impacts, but rather intensified
neoliberalism. Equity is now a luxury compared
with the need for greater efficiency and
productivity. Meritocracy is required. Central
concepts like potential are never investigated.
The educational system and its labels are never
questioned, nor their ability to assess
'"development"' with confidence (248). It all
sounds precise but it is based on 'teachers
judgements and – as was wholly predictable – the
outcomes are profoundly marked by race/racism'.
Earlier evidence has been ignored in favour of
colourblindness and implicit eugenics.
There are specific implications for Ireland which
is experiencing 'anti-immigrant sentiment and
racist educational technologies'. [I would like to
know more about these] Diversity should extend to
much more than 'basic language services'. New
assessment techniques will only give ' a spurious
air of scientific rigour to teacher perspectives
that embody centuries of racist stereotyping to
hide behind colourblind rhetoric'.
See also Connolly
et al on setting policies for maths, and the
influence of KS2 tests and teacher judgments --
there are apparent effects of gender and ethnicity
especially in this large-scale statistical
modelling piece