Notes on: Kennedy, R (1989) Racial critiques
of Legal Academia. Harvard Law Review
192: 1745--1819
Dave Harris
There are two interrelated theses in recent
criticism: the exclusion thesis is the belief that
the contributions of scholars of colour are
wrongfully ignored or undervalued, as expressed by
D Bell in arguing that white voices have dominated
the minority admissions [to elite legal
institutions] debate, or in Delgado who argued
that minority scholars were excluded from civil
rights scholarship, or when Matsuda talks of
segregated scholarship. The central legal
establishment has been attacked, but also the
Critical Legal Studies [CLS] Movement, 'the major
bulwark of leftism in legal academic culture'
(1746). The second thesis is the 'racial
distinctive thesis', the belief that minority
scholars have experienced racial oppression, and
that this causes them to view the world with a
different perspective than their white colleagues,
displayed in especially valuable ways in the work
, in particular when interpreting the impact of
racial discrimination on the law, or developing
various views on race relations scholarship
.Matsuda claims 'a special voice' by those who
have experienced discrimination, 'distinctive
normative insights' (1747). The two intersect in
arguing that intellectual work by minority
scholars is frequently unrecognised or
There is an important historical context for this
argument, however, and a kinship with various
other intellectual traditions. They need to be
assessed, however especially the writings by Bell,
Delgado and Matsuda, which have placed new
questions on scholarly agendas. Unlike earlier
critics, proponents of racial criticisms offer 'an
impatient demand that all areas of legal
scholarship show an appreciation' of the
far-reaching ways in which race relations have
impinged on every aspect in perpetuating 'white
racist hegemony' (1748), so that the race question
becomes a substantial issue. There are however
deficiencies, a tendency to avoid or suppress
complications to support their claims, and to
offer a form of argument and normative premises,
especially that white academics should have less
standing to participate in race relations law
discourse, and that the very minority status of
academics of colour 'should serve as a positive
credential for purposes of evaluating their work'
or that the 'responsibility for the current
position of scholars of colour… [is due]… overwhelmingly
to the influence of prejudiced decisions by white
academics' (1749). Kennedy recognises that there
is a danger that this actual article might be used
against the cause of racial justice, however.
Turning to the context first, the development was
first described by Wirth three decades ago, when
the criteria of proof have become subjects of
dispute, and the validity of ideas have been
distrusted together with the motives of those who
assert them, so that the relationship between
knowledge and power has become a central topic.
This has been argued by Marxists, but racial
critiques are 'primarily rooted in the history of
American race relations' (1750) [copious
references to Marxism, Mannheim and feminist
analysis]. There has long been a charge that
Negroes are intellectually inferior to whites,
beginning with the age of slavery, and helping to
rationalise the denial of educational resources to
black people [again copious references, including
some to Voltaire and Hume]. Exclusionary colour
bars were found in 'every imaginable
context'(1752), and even distinguished scholars
found that there was no place in academia not even
at predominantly negro universities [the case was
particularly designed to deny 'an accomplished
negro scholar of Greek and Latin']
Discrimination was actually authorised or
compelled by government alongside invidious
discrimination. The struggle was mostly against
segregation in education, especially the
desegregation of state law schools, even before
the controversy about state schools. Covert colour
bars have also long existed, with 'far more cruel'
judgements involving the racial prejudice
'rationalised in terms of meritocratic standards'
(1753) affecting many examples of intellectuals of
colour. Understandably there is 'bone deep
resentment and distrust that finds expression in
the racial critique literature'. White academics
also show the same racist attitudes in their
intellectual work [with references to apologetic
accounts of slavery, or of the Reconstruction,
long celebrated as sound scholarship] and legal
scholarship was affected as well: law reviews
defended segregation until recently [lots of
references again], 'and even condoned (albeit with
qualifications) the practice of lynching' (1754)
[the reference is to the actions of a US attorney
general in 1899]. There must still be an effect on
the 'governance and scholarship of legal
There has long been an effort by intellectuals of
colour to control the public image of minority
groups and exercise leadership, for example an
early black-owned newspaper designed to speak for
black people themselves and establish an
independent account of Afro-American history, from
specially trained negro scholars. Black power
activist in the 1970s objected to academia on the
grounds that there were '"white standards"' that
should be replaced, and black studies should be
seen as a distinctive area of scholarship, taught
exclusively or predominantly by black professors.
(1755). The claim was that insiders in minority
communities had unique insights into or
information about racial issues, but white
outsiders had 'little or nothing to contribute
intellectually to black studies or the study of
race relations and indeed pose a political danger
insofar as their analyses, though flawed, are
frequently used by politicians as the basis for
public policy' [apparently Merton offered a
critique of this insider/outsider argument as a
sufficient basis for evaluating scholarly work as
an issue in the sociology of knowledge in 1972 —
AJS 9]. A race relations law course at
Harvard taught by white civil servants was
boycotted on the grounds that there were
insufficient minority professors, and there was
also involvement in a leading private organisation
which did civil rights litigation, an example of
'archetypal white liberal[ism] who facilitates
black advancement in society at large but retards
it in his immediate environment' (1757). The
course evidently failed to stress the special
insight people of colour could offer.
The boycott was criticised, but some academics
supported or defended it including a Harvard
professor and the legendary Prof D Bell who said
the racial background could be considered a
relevant credential because black people can
provide a 'special and quite valuable perspective
on life in law in this country' (1758), a classic
'proprietary claim over the study of race
relations in the cultural history of minorities',
and 'a perceived need' to react defensively to
white people using racial privilege to exploit
popular interest in these subjects — and there
certainly were many examples of white commentary.
Even in black music as a cultural accomplishment,
a colour bar meant that 'white cultural
entrepreneurs typically reached the largest
commercial rewards' (1759) [references for this
and the general tendency for blackness to be
commercialised — looks really useful]. It's clear
that legal academia could be tainted by the same
sorts of biases. However this needs testing.
So let's try and test it. If we look at Bell
first, one of his most provocative contributions
concerns an allegorical tale where he imagines how
an elite predominantly white law school would
react to the prospect of hiring a black candidate
who, if hired, would increase the minority
presence to 25%. Bell has created a white Dean who
refuses to appoint this candidate because it would
change the racial character of the school 'to an
intolerable degree' and threaten white
'ideological hegemony' (1761) even though the
candidate has 'impeccable credentials and is super
qualified'. So even where black people satisfy
standards they can still expect to face
discrimination if they are too successful in
inconvenient numbers. This is a fictional example
but Bell thinks of it as realistic. In a
nonfictional form he says that law school faculty
consider their schools as white schools and would
simply resist hiring qualified teachers of colour
beyond a certain number. He says that despite the
rhetoric of reform there are 'traditional fears
and prejudices' which will keep the number of
black professors small. He says it is like the
policies in housing where whites will accept a
certain small number of black neighbours but white
flight occurs if blacks take on a larger presence.
He alleges that elite institutions actually impose
quota limits on Asian Americans. He suspects [?] that
some white faculties are not applying customary
standards evenhandedly.
However the main problem is that 'this avoids a
central issue'(1762) — 'that the paucity of black
professors and the leading law schools is largely
explained by the paucity of black candidates who
are qualified by traditional standards for such
posts'. By contrast 'considerable evidence
suggests that at present, distressingly few black
candidates attain the qualifications typically
required for admission to elite law school
facultiies', fictional candidates apart. Minority
candidates with excellent conventional
qualifications are actually the focus of veritable
bidding wars. Bell substitutes poetic licence for
analysis. The proposition can be tested by looking
at actual hiring and promotion policies.
He challenges the usefulness of criteria used to
identify the pool of qualified candidates, and
questions the value of grades in evaluating people
who have actually been in active careers after
graduating from law school. Other indicators of
achievement and promise might be better in
identifying the strengths of minority candidates.
Standards are socially constructed and various
body possess the power to impose their biases.
However the legitimacy of a given standard cannot
be determined just by looking at the consequences
of its application in a simple way — 'such as
disparities between the numbers of students of
colour in law school and the number of professors
of colour' (1763). Disparate results may indicate
that the standard needs reform, or it may indicate
that those who failed to satisfy the criteria 'are
themselves in need of reform'. We will need more
than statistics to interpret the statistics.
If there were widespread disagreement on what this
criterion meant, announcing the statistical
outcome cannot be enough. There will be competing
interpretations [and then an odd bit saying
that judges are more willing to take on face value
criteria when they're considering low-level
employment – maybe (1764). ][But what causes the
lack of suitably qualified candidates of colour?
At least Kennedy says it should be investigated
not just asserted].
Bell does not really engage with arguments about
the reasons for the small pool of candidates, and
'that is a mistake, assuming that he seeks to
persuade people who are not already committed to
his position' [but does he?]. He does a lot of
assertion. Even if traditional standards are
faulty they are still 'significant features of the
social landscape that one must master' (1765).
They might still be unmasked and reformed, but
it's still important to investigate why they have
disastrous consequences for minority candidates.
Others have taken it further, and one in
particular talks about black scholars being 'still
free either to hone or waste their talents'
(1766), which varied over the recent past.
[Several examples of black historians are in fact
cited to describe academic underachievement by
black students and professors, their mediocrity].
Kennedy says these issues must be pursued as well
as investigating the racial prejudice of legal
academia. Bell has been treated in a very
demeaning manner personally, apparently by having
'a remedial series of lectures to supplement his
course on constitutional law' constructed by white
students and professors at Stanford, an 'affront'
(1767), and anecdotal reports suggest that
scholars of colour 'constantly face race -related
difficulties in routine encounters'. At the same
time, there are 'strong formal and informal
condemnations of racism' (1768) including profound
apologies at Stanford and increased efforts to
bring minority scholars in, commitments to pursue
affirmative actions even though there is no legal
obligation. Overall, this suggests that 'more than
the prejudice of white professors accounts for the
current scarcity of minority scholars at the
highest levels of legal academia'.
There might be other explanations for the scarcity
of black professors for example that competition
for entry into the top tier comes after a series
of preparatory stages at which minorities find
themselves disadvantaged [so law school deans can
blame past discrimination especially the poor
quality of inner-city schools]. There may also be
earlier structural inequalities that produce
poverty, poor schooling, crime and 'lifestyle
decisions that affect aspirations and
Other career paths may be more attractive, such as
high salaries in the business world, and this may
have a disproportionate effect on talented black
people. Talented minority academics may experience
greater demands and special burdens that produce
stress as Bell says. There may also be
'self-limiting social psychological adaptations'
(1769) including 'a remediable tendency to avoid
intellectual engagement and competition' [very
tricky — a study cited here], fears and
self-doubts, itself a product of American racism
and negative stereotypes. There may be strategies
of avoidance, refusing to compete, not investing
themselves in their careers, being prone to normal
rationalisations that they are too busy and have too
great demands on their time, experience unfairness
and so on. Overall, Bell is wrong to 'give
virtually exclusive attention to one explanation —
the racial prejudice of white academics' (1770).
Other impediments are likely to receive less
Delgado's work, especially 'The Imperial Scholar…'
notes that leading white commentators on race
relations law have acted as a cadre of imperial
scholars, affecting the central areas of civil
rights scholarship, while minority academics have
been excluded or minimised — courts rarely cite
their work, and nor do legal scholars. The
contributions of minority scholars in other fields
have also been ignored. This assertion comes from
reviewing 28 articles by white commentators,
mostly written by men. The result is 'a closed
intellectual universe' (1771) an inner circle of a
dozen white male writers. This does not arise from
malevolence or indifference, but is rather 'mainly
unconscious'reflecting a desire to maintain
control and prevent scholarly criticism. He
addresses the sociology of citation and scholarly
recognition, in footnotes for example. In 'elite
race relations law scholarship, citation is
distributed… On a racially discriminatory basis'
(1772). To be fully justified, we have to accept
that there are a number of eligible candidates for
citation in the first place, and to look at the
way in which choices are made. The meritocratic
model assumes that scholars are indifferent to the
personal identity of the person cited [a note
agrees that the term merit itself is controversial
and can be judged by achieved honour by some
standard regardless of the social identity of the
author]. Merton's ethos of modern science might be
useful here specially with its emphasis on
universalism where truth claims are subjected to
'"preestablished in personal criteria"', and there
is 'disinterestedness, a commitment to truth above
partisan social allegiances' (1773). Often the
personal identity of scholars is withheld in
evaluating them.
A contrary model is to be openly race conscious,
and to prefer scholarship by academics of colour.
Delgado seems to combine the two, arguing that
racial background should matter, but also that
scholarship of minorities is 'analytically
superior' to the scholarship produced by white
elitists. However, his efforts to substantiate
this allegation is not persuasive for Kennedy. It
would be better if he had 'identified scholarship
that deserves to be recognised but that is
unfairly overlooked'(1774) but he does not do so,
unlike some critics of American historical studies
[with substantial references in a note]. He pays
little specific attention to the merits of the
writings that have been ignored, and overstates
them, and fails to acknowledge that white scholars
have also seen and addressed problems addressed by
minority writers. Some of the argument is carried
by anecdote — he was impressed by an article
written by a white colleague on equal personhood,
but then disturbed because on reading the
footnotes he noticed there were no cited black or
minority scholars. He pointed out that some of the
people cited probably had a little first-hand
knowledge about poor self-concept and suggested
that minority writers might be added — but this
just presumes that the missing writers had had
particularly relevant experiences just as a result
of their status.
Perhaps he believes that you do not need to argue
on behalf of the merit of work done by scholars of
colour, that they are self-evidently entitled to
recognition. He says this actually is the case in
social science, but this is an exaggeration, and
there is no actual policy anywhere to
institutionalise this. There is a particular
problem with race relations law which 'necessarily
embraces more than any single group' so it is hard
to see that anyone racial identity will have
particular expertise. It is also unwise to assume
that just having membership of a group conveys
expertise, as some kind of substitute for the
'discipline of study essential to achieving
expertise'(1777): no one is born with expert
Kennedy is not exonerating legal academia. There
are racial problems, but Delgado does not provide
enough support for his allegations, and his
argument needs much more detail to show that
minority scholarship is substantively more
deserving of merit in comparison with that
produced by white people.
Matsuda offers congruent criticisms to those
above, arguing that there is an illicit racial
hierarchy that favours whites over blacks, but she
emphasises the theme of racial distinctiveness,
and says that legal academia loses 'the
sensibilities, insights, and ideas that are the
products of racial oppression' (1778) which are
particularly valuable and which will enrich legal
academic discourse. Victims of racial oppression
'"can speak most eloquently"' of these insights.
Again the issue is what makes minority legal
academics specially insightful here, and why is
their work better than the work of white people?
Matsuda argues that readers will delight in new
insights gleaned from unknown writers, that new
voices will emphasise difference, that outsider
knowledge is concrete and personal and unusually
challenging and realistic, yet she struggles to
show such newness and difference. She refers to
various forms of cultural expression — speeches,
writings poetry, music essays and novels and the
'oral memoirs of Japanese Americans detained in
American concentration camps during World War II'
(1779). Legal academics of colour can also offer
insights by people who have been oppressed.
However there is little discussion of actual works
of legal scholarship that will embody these
qualities. If victimisation does breed certain
intellectual and moral virtues, for example making
black Americans '"quick to detect racism, to
distrust official claims of necessity and to sense
a threat to freedom"', this distinctiveness is not
easily demonstrated.
Some black Americans undoubtedly do display these
virtues, but there are also significant counter
tendencies. Some black Americans showed solidarity
with Japanese Americans who were interned, but
there was also 'passivity' with which most blacks
and most whites responded to the internment —
neither the NAACP nor any other black organisation
challenged the policy. Experiencing racial
oppression is no 'inoculation against complacency
nor... prejudice and tyranny' (1780). Free blacks
owned slave blacks, light-skinned Negroes shunned
dark skinned ones, blacks subjugated other people
of colour [example cited include black people in
the military and in the Vietnam war]. Oppression
sometimes breeds docility and acquiescence, as
even Martin Luther King agreed. Matsuda was wrong
to homogenise and minimise heterogeneity.
She needs to focus on the actual experience of
coloured scholars rather than just presuming that
they will have been initiated into racial
victimhood with the consequences she expects. She
minimises 'other social determinants of thought
and conduct' (1782) including class affiliation,
which she says is less important than race, but
racial groups are not monolithic, and class
variables will produce different forms of racial
victimisation, and did so even during slavery and
subsequent segregation. Gender, region and other
group affiliations will also produce differences
[lots of references again].
There might be some sort of 'irreducible link of
commonality in the experience of people of
colour', some experience of being an outsider, but
this does not necessarily lead to a similar way of
conceptualising the world. Although she celebrates
diversity, she 'slights the heterogeneity of
people of colour' (1784). In interracial conflict
for example she does acknowledge the reality more
than some, say Delgado, who virtually ignores it,
yet she understates it. The example is the
relationship between Dubois and Booker Washington,
[apparently over the policy of conciliation with
white America over political equality in the case
of the latter]. Apparently 'they had a respectful
disagreement' according to Matsuda, whereas
Kennedy sees it as 'a ferocious ideological
struggle that degenerated into bitter personal
enmity' (1785): both also had white reformer
allies on different sides.
We might also compare Derrick Bell and CLS writers
[see above]. CLS scholarship is sometimes
criticised for neglecting progressive activists
using the rhetoric of rights, partly because they
are white and this has led to abstraction in ivory
towers. Scholars of colour by contrast are not
reformist and experience directly the benefits of
struggle. Bell however articulates the same
positions and attitudes for which white CLS
scholars sometimes criticised, particularly in his
disdain for rights rhetoric, legal reforms and the
capacity of racial minorities to affect the
environment in which they live. White CLS scholars
are fans. Yet Bell's work is not criticised even
though it is similar.
The trouble with all these CRT people is that they
stereotype scholars, deny their particularity,
overemphasise the characteristics of the racial
group with which they are associated, a form of
'"they all look alike to me"' (1787) and ironic
repetition of the old negative images of coloured
groups. These are much more positive stereotypes,
but any stereotype can result in blindness to
actual qualities and thus be a '"breeding ground
for irrational treatment"'
Turning now to argumentation, there are clear
unintended consequences in the politics of
argumentation across all arguments are political
with varying degrees of self-consciousness. The
intention is to evaluate arguments for racial
standing, affirmatively taking race into account
in evaluating scholarship and identifying white
legal academics as a primary impediment to a
proper recognition of scholarship by academics of
In the first example Delgado asked if scholarship
is written by members of the group to which it
pertains. He thinks that in legal terms, a witness
lacks good standing if they are trying to assert
the rights of another party. White people might be
ineffective advocates of the rights and interests
of persons of scholar, may lack information or
passion, will be misdirected, they may be
sentimental, have a different agenda, pull their
punches especially if there are uncomfortable
consequences for themselves; they may have
embedded stereotypes; they may intimidate members
of minority groups. Delgado thinks these problems
have actually arisen because white people have not
actually suffered injuries that persons of colour
have and so cannot see the world from the victim's
perspective. They lack information and motivation.
The term 'standing' in law refers to the party's
status, the relationship 'to the injury prompting
litigation'(1789) so Delgado is not just objecting
to intellectual deficiencies but rather to the
'ascribed racial characteristics' of the authors
of imperial scholarship. The notion of status
based standing is in fact long and controversial.
For some, white intellectuals have no standing
whatsoever in black studies, while others have
argued that they should avoid particular subjects,
or not take a leading role [notes cover the
parallels with feminism, and also draw out the
conclusions with Nazis and Jews].
Delgado thinks that white scholars should not be
banned altogether, but viewed as suspect and
voluntarily leave the field. This would
redistribute academic power 'jobs, promotions and
prestige' (1791) and suggest in effect that
'"whiteness" can appropriately serve as a proxy
for these shortcomings'. So this protects the
market position of scholars of colour and advances
their interest.
Delgado argues that there are different
justifications for affirmative action — a type of
reparation for scholars of colour, and notion of
utility or distributive justice for white authors,
and this arises from 'racially conditioned
differences in perspective'. As the first one
arises from people of colour it must be
'analytically superior' (1792). Mere
redistribution lacks moral force, and overlooks
the past, although inspection of the actual
theories refutes that [his examples acknowledge
the nation's history of racial oppression, and go
on to suggest supplementary justifications for
redistribution]. Delgado says white scholarship is
preoccupied with procedure, over-scholarly,
obsessed with antidiscrimination law or the
competence of decision-makers. There is something
in this, although of course there are underlying
questions about jurisdiction, competence and
judicial review [the notes seem to suggest that
these procedural matters have been used in the
past to deny racial minorities their rights, by
finding some minor procedural problems]
Delgado is on dubious grounds linking white
scholars' racial background to the qualities in
their work, though he does say some white scholars
produce work that transcends the failings. There
are, however a number of scholars of colour whose
work shows the same features that Delgado doesn't
like, so it's unclear about what exactly is white.
If any commentator were to read articles by 28
scholars of colour and described their
deficiencies and go on to conclude that
manifestations of flaws were attributable to the
race of the 28 authors there would erupt a flood
of criticism. Some would concern accuracy — 'using
race as a proxy would rightly be seen as both
over- and under-inclusive' (1794). Using race as a
classification would be as 'paradigmatically
offensive' compared to many other classifications,
particularly likely to be socially destructive,
certainly not to be used casually, and not to be
greeted uncritically.
Delgado argues that outsiders must produce
deficient race relations scholarship, but by the
same token scholars of colour are outsiders to
white communities and so cannot understand race
relations law affecting them. Must outsiders be
intellectually limited? It can even enhance
opportunities for gathering information as even
Patricia Collins has noticed — the stranger
combines nearness and remoteness, concern and
indifference and this can help them see patterns.
There are lots of insightful outsiders, including
certain black feminists on the margins. Of course
not all outsiders are insightful. Distance or
nearness to the social conditions provide
opportunities but do not determine the quality of
scholarly productions.
Certainly widespread application of Delgado's
notion of intellectual standing would be
disastrous. It would undermine the reputation of
legal scholarship about race relations, and it is
already seen by some as intellectually soft. It
would restrict the field on a racial basis, and by
asking white scholars to leave it would produce 'a
zone of limited intellectual competition' (1795)
[a ghetto that would be very vulnerable to changes
in market conditions in universities as we have
seen with Black Studies]. It would be bad for
minority scholars because it would be bad for all
scholars. It is anti-intellectual, promoting
racial status despite the content of the message
one offers. Negative consequences are likely to
fall with particular harshness on racial
minorities. Fencing whites out of certain topics
might lead to reciprocal fencing out, say in
'corporate finance or securities regulation'
(1796) [a note points out stigmatising topics as
black subjects can degenerate into group therapy
or public relations]. There is also an issue about
whether one judges the work itself or the writer,
or whether one is likely to create a cultural
ghetto, which will develop a kind of racial
stereotyping again [quite a few pages on this].
There might even be virtue in claiming that one is
not compelled by race to investigate racism, but
does so through choice.
The notion of race based standing 'replicates
deeply traditional ideas about the naturalness,
essentiality, and inescapability of race' (1801),
even 'that race is destiny', that knowing a
person's race can properly lead to assumptions or
conclusions about the worthiness of that person or
their capacities, in this case a particular
scholarly voice that might be of value, an
intellectual credential. This actually concludes
with elite notions of meritocracy. The legacy of
racial oppression becomes a source of intellectual
authority — 'it makes minority academics a "chosen
people"' (1802).
Such ideas threaten the idea of a cosmopolitan
intellectual community. The racial identity of the
candidates becomes important for citation or
promotion. Terms like '"the black perspective"'
become common, and people are assumed to be able
to voice them simply because they are black [a
very interesting note describes an attempt to
define blackness in terms of some residual race
consciousness surviving in the blood, some
residual Afrocentric aesthetic: it has been
heavily criticised]. None of the above writers
have tried a substantive definition of blackness,
unsurprisingly. They stress commonality among
scholars of colour, and differences between them
and whites, but 'given the reality of intra-racial
disagreement and interracial crossover, a
substantive definition of blackness would give
rise to a situation in which an appreciable number
of white intellectuals would be deemed to espouse
"black" points of view' (1803). That leaves the
tautological conception.
The substantive conception is better and does
allow for the possibility of black scholars being
able to think like whites and vice versa. It shows
the complexity in contingency of the relationship
between racial background and intellectual work.
It describes the state of mind or set of beliefs
that anyone regardless of race can adopt. It can
be seen as an intellectual category, but then it
makes no sense to keep the racial identification
of it. A substantive description would do, without
the rhetorical shortcut or the archaic racial
Ellison has argued that anyone's experience can be
translated into scholarship, and Dell and others
are right that that can include instructive
experience of oppression, but they are not right
to assume that oppression is always intellectually
enriching. Nor should work based on it be given
special favour. In many cases we just don't know
what sort of oppression other writers have
suffered anyway, nor what scholars have
experienced as well as their oppression, what
books they've read, for example, what cultural
life they've participated in, what intellectual
merits they have achieved, regardless of the
racial background they have been ascribed.
Merit is achieved not inherited, although the term
has often been 'a sham arrangement' typically
manipulated to the advantage of affluent white
men' (1806) which has discredited the whole idea.
There have long been other dangers threatening it,
including academic nepotism in citation, which
might indicate racism, given the effects of
patterns of friendship. Non-meritocratic factors
will always play a part, so perhaps we will need
race conscious affirmative action to compensate?
This might produce, say a sufficient number of
minority professors in a school which will start
to redress past wrongs, but this should not be
just assimilated into the notion of meritocracy.
The meritocratic ideals should persist and all
practices that subvert it should be eventually
Claims of racial exclusion are important in the
racial critique literature. One facet addresses
whites principally, and another minorities
themselves. The first one attempts to arouse
feelings of guilt to mobilise white academics, and
here, the usual writers use rhetoric and imagery,
'colonial subjugation… apartheid' or stories of
aggressive rejection and prejudice. Radical
liberal white academics also become open to
censure. Other persons or conditions are not
acknowledged as relevant, perhaps because this
would make practical consequences more difficult,
perhaps expanding the complexity of the problem
and bringing political paralysis, making those
responsible less able to be confronted. It
certainly reassures academics of colour and
enhances their morale, and makes exclusion 'wholly
unrelated to their performance' (1808). Claims of
exclusion have been quite successful and have
gained quite a bit of sympathetic attention even
from centrists. They have also helped to energise
sectors of the minority community and organised
scholarship and practical politics.
However other perhaps more significant barriers
have been ignored in this 'deficient diagnosis'
(1809) and knowledge here is limited. The
exclusion thesis also looks empirically weak and
inflated, and might lead to accusations that
minority scholars are simply playing '"the race
game"' exploiting a stigmatisation of racial
bigotry, strategically using accusations of
prejudice. This has received little scholarly
attention so far, but it is a real stratagem and
can bring 'considerable benefits' (1810) although
it needs to increase cynicism and decreased
sensitivity. It might explain partly the silence
on the part of some whites and their refusal to
participate, 'a loss to everyone' [some
interesting notes refer to this reaction on the
part of white people who refuse to attend
sessions, feel bad about being subject to guilt
tripping, and who resent being told incessantly
that they are racist. There is also a story by a
black person about what fun it is to express
racial indignation at earnest liberals].
This article has been criticised, for example in
terms of the effect it might have in the
[pushback] against claims made by racial
minorities. He has been advised not to publish
because it might be put to bad use by enemies of
racial justice [note describes a number of
attempts to warn critics that white colonialists
will only be encouraged]. He has been warned that
he is affirming the status quo, blaming racial
minority academics, holding them back by denying
that race should be seen as a positive
intellectual credential, and showing 'a special
lack of political responsibility… Given my status
as a black scholar' (1812).
He accepts that in some circumstances it is
correct to avoid publicising views, but there is
also a consequence of remaining silent and letting
analysis that is wrong and misleading proceed. We
should not be accepting theories and styles of
thought that are flawed, detrimental but still
influential. One negative consequence of Bell on
racial exclusion is the 'obfuscation of "the pool
problem"' (1812), the frustratingly small number
of qualified minority candidates ready for
admission to elite positions — Bell will not
acknowledge a potential weakness or failure on the
part of minorities themselves, because he fears a
hostile reaction, and the same defensive avoidance
affects discourse relating to problems of crime
family instability, or the disproportionate
incidence of AIDS [all referenced]. This is
understandable because problems have been used to
stigmatise groups in the past, but it is
self-defeating – these difficulties will come to
public attention. And if there is no open
discussion there will be 'a furtive discourse'
that often only obscures issues, and can sometimes
reappear 'in more ominous dimensions' (1813) [the
note refers to liberal researchers being put off
researching inner-city poverty and then
discovering when they did return to it that the
problems had been made so much worse that there
seemed little chance of explaining them].
There is nothing 'necessarily conservative' about
acknowledging the pool problem, or its nonracial
elements. Acknowledging non-prejudicial bits
deepens our understanding and avoids a narrow
focus on white racism. Even if we are to focus on
racism, we need to consider all the facts – does
the professoriate shape the aspirations of
minority students [downstream as it were, to get
in a bit of Bourdieu where people cool themselves
out] and is that related to racial bias? Should
law schools take special steps to create a larger
pool? You have to acknowledge that a pool problem
exists in the first place.
The same goes for the excessive focus in Delgado
on racial exclusion. Its methodology is 'seriously
marred' (1814) and cannot support the conclusions,
even if they are correct. There is no evaluation
of comparatively specific scholarship. This may be
overdoing critique of what were intended to be
thought pieces, but Delgado's writings are more
than thought pieces — 'they make accusations
against named individuals, often definite answers
to the questions he propounds and propose concrete
action… They are put forth as contributions to the
scholarly investigation of legal academia' (1815).
They also 'express and popularise a militarisation
of academic discourse', academia as battleground,
us and them, which encourages assuming the worst
about everything is said and done by them, and
defensive thinking, abandoning the chance of
'fruitful collegial exchange' and exacerbating
hostilities 'via a self-fulfilling prophecy'. He
is premature in his allegations of racial bias
instead of being content to find racial bias. He
encourages intellectuals to choose sides and
display loyalty, sees disagreement as attack and
dissent as betrayal 'hardly an atmosphere
conducive to free intellectual discussion or
self-critical reflection' this will only increase
the sense of isolation felt by minority academics
and make them feel even more the need for loyal
conformity — hence the charge levelled against
critics of disloyalty and lack of political
Matsuda legitimises 'ingrained habits of thought'
that homogenise people of colour and separate them
from main currents of American culture. Of course
there are differences among the racial groups, of
course racial generalizations are sometimes
justifiable, as even lawyers know — 'Negroes are
more likely than whites to oppose capital
punishment' for example (1816) but they must be
treated with caution. Matsuda is too casual and
this leads her to avoid evidence that falls
outside 'the confines of her tidy paradigm'. This
is rather like the exaggerated moral and
intellectual differences found in feminism talking
about the woman's voice despite various
theoretical challenges [sustained in a note
summarising a lot of work], or in the
'transparently flimsy evidence' to support the
view that there is 'a "black learning style"'
(1817) [similarly lengthy research cited in a
note, including amazing stereotypes like black
families emphasising work and ambition,
competitive sports, stressing emotion and rhythm,
being more feeling oriented and so on. Some of
those are not far beneath the surface in the stuff
on warm indigenous communities – demand research,
Kennedy says]. This sort of stuff tends to
reinforce beliefs about natural divisions in
culture generally [his example is the beliefs that
are found in the business of adoption, where white
people have been dissuaded from adopting black
children on the grounds that it might be unnatural
or lead to harm.]
Others have urged him not to publish from things
like fear of being branded as racist, or of being
defensive and self-serving, or even of threatening
interracial alliances within CLS. Sometimes
observers do not have much confidence in the
abilities or capacities of minority intellectuals,
so they expect and demand less. There is a
contempt behind the science. On the contrary,
though, he believes that work produced by minority
scholars 'warrant the investment in time and
energy that close examination requires' (1819).