Notes on: Omi M and Winant, H. (2024) Racial
Formation in the United States. Third
edition. London: Routledge
Dave Harris
[Notes on the central chapters of this famous
text. US emphasis is crucial]
Chapter 4 the theory of racial
There are confusions contradictions and unintended
consequences in defining racial groups, historical
shifts including shifts in knowledge and politics.
It is a process of othering which extends to other
identities and this is 'a universal phenomenon'
(105). It also amalgamates and homogenise the
classifiers. The categories themselves, vary
considerably and are subject to multiple
interpretations, for example even age. There may
be perspectives from above and below, imposed in
both directions.
Race is a social construction, but is also 'a
master category' (106) with profound effects. It
is not transcendent as the work on
intersectionality has shown, but it has a unique
role in the development of the USA and on
subsequent effects of the USA. However they want
to develop it 'only in the context of the United
States' [really important insight]. The category
developed from the treatment of indigenous peoples
and the development of slavery and extended to
other subordinated groups. The master category
helps understand class, and 'the reproduction of
class inequalities is inextricably linked to the
maintenance of White supremacy' (107) and has
shaped the very concepts of work,
employment, master, supervisor, subordinate. It
has organised rights and privileges and has
'permeated all forms of social relations'
including processes of marginalisation and
processes of othering. It's even affected gender
relations although there were different
experiences of subordination in different classes,
and to some extent othering of both categories
developed, 'coincided in important ways' (108).
This in turn led to intersectional alliances and
some tensions between the different waves of
feminism and Black freedom movements. Race is also
'a template for resistance', inspiring many new
social movements, asserting stigmatised
identities, making political demands.
We can see that there has been a 'process of race
making… racial formation… The socio-historical
process by which racial identities are created,
lived out, transformed and destroyed' (109). This
process can be traced through a corporeal stage,
then the notion of 'racial projects' where racial
meanings are translated into social structures,
then the development of 'racism' as such, and
finally the development of 'racial policies' which
can take the form of 'racial despotism, racial
democracy, and racial hegemony'. The latter takes
the form of colourblindness although it is
'extremely contradictory and shallow' with
'widespread resistance' preventing political
Race is an ideological construct not a biological
one, sometimes seen as 'a metonym or epiphenomenon
of culture' as in ethnicity, sometimes as an
ideological construct, sometimes as a sign of
primitive development — hence the three 'paradigms
of ethnicity, class and nation'. Some people have
seen it as objective, as in the classifications of
physical anthropology. Mixed race is one such
category which implies a hybrid identity which
further implies the notion of species. At the
other end, race is sometimes seen as a mere
illusion, false consciousness as in orthodox
Marxism, or, currently, in colourblind ideology.
They see it as real 'as a social category with
definite social consequences', and take the family
as an analogy — there may be biological and
socially constructed forms and variations [rather
risky analogy I would have thought]. This is in
recognition of Thomas's dictum [also risky].
However they want to abandon the binary essence
versus illusion and define race as 'a concept that
signifies and symbolises social conflicts of
interests by referring to different types of human
bodies' (110). Any biological differences have
been selected socially and historically and can
never be precise, and are often arbitrary or
strategic. However, emphasising bodies gives race
a non-reducible real dimension [equally
debatable]. Whatever, we are talking about
'"making up people"' (111), selecting and
symbolising differences.
Racialization involves extending racial meanings
to social relationships and practice in this can
go on in large and small scale ways. They flirt
with 'interpellation'. They talk about raw
materials provided by other discourses. They talk
about concepts becoming accepted as social reality
meaning that 'racial difference is not dependent
on visual observation alone'. They insist it
cannot be dispensed with as illusory, partly
because it is 'widely held… Central to everyone's
identity and understanding' (112). It is also
illusory to see race as a problem, something no
longer relevant: we have to recognise that it
still plays a fundamental role, and is an [active]
element of social structure [not confined to
slavery or Jim Crow]. Nevertheless, they want to
offer a historical trajectory:
Racial differences have been identified in the
Bible, but the modern conception of race only
occurs with 'the rise of Europe and the arrival of
Europeans in the Americas' (113) [could be
tautological]. Even [earlier] religious othering
'cannot be understood as more than a rehearsal for
racial formation, since these antagonisms… were
always, and everywhere religiously interpreted'
[this must be debatable surely — barbarians were
simply people who had different religions?].
Merchant capitalism grasped enormous opportunities
to steal wealth including land and labour and they
also discovered people who looked and acted
differently which challenged their notions of the
human species. Categorising them became a critical
matter and raised questions about whether they
could be included as humans [related to whether
they could be enslaved — NB the Catholic Church's
decision that the Inca could not be enslaved].
Material and ideological interests 'soon
coalesced' [bit of a weasel], seen in the
theological and philosophical debates which 'ran
right over' religious ethicists: 'nothing after
all would induce the Europeans [capitalists] to
pack up and go home' (114). Conquest of America
consolidated earlier ideas and was the first
racial formation project. Europe became the centre
of a series of empires.
Whatever the philosophical debate, there was a
practical project already to racialise people —
'as a practical matter, something relatively
devoid of theology or philosophy, the exercise of
power required these distinctions' [no need for
all these clever criticisms of Kant], actual
bodies to be managed, sometimes violently, a
'phenomic categorical imperative'. Eventually this
would be reconciled with theological work.
Scientific and political camps would also be
offered. These elements are still present.
Scientific notions gradually emerged,
Enlightenment philosophers such as 'Hegel, Kant,
Voltaire and Locke were issuing virulently racist
opinions' (115) [citing Count, ed 1950. Eze
ed 1997, Bernasconi and Lott eds 2000]. Violent
subjugation had been replaced by the need to build
nations and establish national economies, replace
arbitrary monarchs and assert the natural rights
of man. Racial hierarchy had a natural basis in
the enlightened age. Linnaeus was important.
Voltaire saw Negroes as a different breed,
Jefferson saw them as an inferior group, at least
originally a different race. This legitimises
'rapacious treatment'. And echoes of the argument
are still around, that see slaves as children, for
example or criminological approaches. de Gobineau
wrote about the inequalities of race and that had
an influence for the next hundred years — superior
races produce superior cultures, racial
intermixtures degraded the stock, and this led to
eugenics 'launched by Darwin's cousin Francis
Galton' [deniable] and that had an impact on
scientific thought, especially in the USA.
Some Black scholars had emerged to question
biological racism, but the greatest challenges
came after World War II and the discrediting of
eugenics in Nazi Germany. Research on race became
research on '"population groups"' still with a
genetic component. For example genetic
susceptibility to diseases are still studied and
work on individual genomes aims at practical
targeting for specific groups, 'not surprisingly,
race is the descriptor employed to select such
people (Lee 2005)'. The same goes with designer
drugs and experimentation on particular racial
groups [discussed 118], psychology, where there is
still 'the cognitive presence of race, the
immediacy of race that is seemingly rooted in
perception rather than reasoning', a notion of
essence. some people have even suggested that
'people harbor "implicit biases" and possess
"racial schemas" that strongly influence
perceptions and behaviors' [like Black
epistemes?]Notions of race...also permeate our
unconscious minds' ( 119).
O and W want to argue that these schemas are also
socially constructed, that they are 'cultural
formations' and thus open to challenge, although
they may be 'understood as essences'. There is a
left-wing approach that tries to see racial
distinctiveness as objective and scientific, but
there is a dangerous tendency to share the same
logic with openly racist frameworks and the long
tendency to explain differences as natural ones.
Therefore they want to express 'clear
disagreement… We insist that the "racial schemas"
that structure media perceptions are also cultural
formations; they may be deeply embedded as a
result of centuries of reiteration… Yet they
remain socially, not biologically given'.
Current conflicts and controversies are
principally political ones, exceeding even the
sociopolitical explanations found in early modern
sociology [even in the Chicago school]. The
political struggles of POC themselves have been a
major feature, however. This everyday
confrontation is 'a good example of the way race
operates across micro-– macro linkages' (121),
seen, for example in the controversies over state
attempts to impose racial classifications, to
prevent miscegenation, for example [not apparently
abolished until 1967]. There's even been a
struggle on whether it is acceptable to collect
racial data, or what categories are used in the US
census: early ones identified taxpaying White
males as the only relevant citizens and this
persisted until new laws in the 1970s required
racial categories in order to inform policies of
redress. Standard categories that emerged —
'American Indian or Alaskan native, Asian and
Pacific Island, Black, White, and Hispanic' (122).
Controversy immediately followed: there is a
mixture of categories between race and culture.
Hispanics in particular can be of any race.
American Indians must also show, uniquely, that
they have maintained affiliations or community
recognitions. Nevertheless these categories were
widely adopted and did shape group identity and
new political organisations. They had impact such
as how electoral districts were defined.
A particular form of instability is the gap
between state definitions and 'individual/group
forms of self identification' (123), especially
with Hispanics. Arab Americans are currently
classified as White but want a distinctive
category, Taiwanese Americans want to be separate
from Chinese. Some groups want to preserve the
system other groups want to change it. One
assumption has been that 'each individual
possessed a clear, singular and monoracial
identity', although earlier censuses talked about
mixed-race categories like '"mulatto, quadroon and
octoroon"', a legacy of the one drop rule. Some
individuals circled more than one race, but were
promptly reclassified at the coding end. Those
ticking the Other box were assigned different
races. Eventually, citizens were allowed to pick
one or more boxes. Particular lobby groups
concerned for accurate counts oppose multi-racial
categories because they might lose their protected
status, although, 'according to various estimates,
from 75 to 90% of those who checked the "Black"
box could potentially check a multiracial one if
it were an option' (124). Civil rights groups are
also against ambiguity because civil rights laws
and programs 'were based on exclusive membership'
and multiracial ability would make it difficult to
assess progress.
So race is where social structure and cultural
representations 'meet' and can not be understood
in terms of either dimension. It can never be a
concept or representation alone. Races are always
located within sets of groups marked by
boundaries, state activities, life chances and
inequalities. Racial formation processes arise
from 'a linkage between structure and
signification'. Racial projects do this work to
make links and articulate connections —
'simultaneously in interpretation, representation
or explanation racial identities and meanings, and
an effort to organise and distribute resources
(economic, political, cultural [!]) along
particular racial lines' (125). Racial projects
work both to embed groups in social structures and
shape racial meanings. They occur at different
scales. Dominant and subordinate groups and
individuals, institutions and persons carry the
map, and they are regulated by laws. Individual
practices can be seen as racial projects like cop
enforcements on Black people, students who join
protests, people who wear dreadlocks. Each one can
be understood as 'both reflection of response to
the broader patterning of race in the overall
social system', and each can be evaluated in terms
of how it reproduces or subverts the system.
Racial projects can jump between domains, between
local and national levels for example even global
levels, and they can travel between different
nationstates, via migrants, for example. They can
'compete and overlap' (126) and have different
levels of maintenance and challenge —
colourblindness is an example.. They suffuse our
society and our common sense, and this is what
makes race a master category. 'Racial formation,
therefore is a synthesis, constantly reiterated
outcome of the interaction of racial projects'
(127). It is impossible to describe race just as
the result of a discourse. It takes the form of
patterns. Sometimes one racial project 'can be
hegemonic… White supremacy is the obvious example
of this'.
At the everyday level we 'utilise race to provide
clues about a person'and experience ambiguity if
we cannot racially categorise somebody. All this
depends on preconceived notions [and produce what
can be seen as micro-aggressions]. We expect
conformity. Stereotypes reveal this 'active link
between views of the social structure… And our
conception of what race means' (126). We also
expect racial characteristics to explain social
differences, including temperament, sexuality,
aesthetic performance, athletic ability, taste.
Racism is a term apparently invented by
Hirschfield in 1938, part of his refutation of
Nazi racial doctrines. Since then, it has become
debatable, maybe too inflated to be precise.
Sometimes it is defined very narrowly, as hate,
for example or racial violence, sometimes as
'abnormal, unusual and irrational deeds that we
popularly consider offensive' (128). This loses
the background of 'ideologies, policies, and
practices'. They link their definition to a racial
project, one that 'creates reproduces structures
of domination based on racial significations and
identities'. We have to remember that racist
projects operate in the matrix at different
scales, different levels of formality, they often
converge on overlap or conflict [which more or
less talks us out of ever pinning one down?].
There is resistance to racism also generated by
the phenomenon of race which becomes 'a fully
fledged "social fact" like sex/gender or class —
the latter shapes racism and vice versa.
There have been antiracist projects,
involving millions of people, but racism itself
has changed from 'explicit discourses and White
supremacist actions' to 'more deniable and often
unconscious forms', and legal remedies have not
caught up. In particular 'the denial of invidious
intent is clearly insufficient to undo it',
because racism can still go on in the sense of
'the production and maintenance of social
structures of domination' little affected. Racism
no longer can be attached to its perpetrators and
may have no perpetrator — 'it is a nearly
invisible, taken for granted, commonsense feature
of everyday life and social structure' (129). This
[misunderstanding] has led to blocking of race
consciousness, affirmative action and the
proclamation of colour blindness. [Major shift
here though,especially away from Thomas etc]
Some have argued in response that POC cannot be
racist because they do not have power, but power
'cannot be reified as a thing', but is rather 'a
relational field' (130). Of course POC have
achieved some power, although there is still
racial hierarchy. There are even exceptions to
that, however in local situations. Sometimes there
are even 'conflicts between Blacks and Latin@s
over things like educational programs, and 'some
groups of colour are promoting racial projects
that subordinate other groups of colour'. However,
'Whiteness still rules, okay?'.
The USA used to be a racial despotism and in some
way still is. The Civil War was followed by legal
segregation, and there are still obstacles to
effective political participation. American
identity has been defined as White, otherness is
racialised, negations appearing in law and custom,
racial projects appearing as a master project.
There were phenomena such as the colour line,
policing of racial boundaries, an effort to make
these internalised. There was also consolidated
opposition, from slave revolts to other forms of
resistance, including creating a solidary Black
opposition among groups divided by tribal and
other loyalties – 'a "pan- ethnicising" process'
(131), a type of racialization itself. Linguistic
differences remain, however and it still shows the
effects of racial despotism.
There is a slow transition to racial democracy
which is far from complete. The transition is best
described as a move 'from domination to hegemony'
(132). Hegemony was there right from the start,
however in the attempt even by the emancipators to
use the master's tools, religion and philosophy to
argue their case. 'Enslaved Africans and their
descendants incorporated elements of racial rule
into their thoughts and practice, turning them
against their original bearers' [so is this
hegemony or counter hegemony?]
Hegemonic rule is based on consent rather than
coercion, 'but only to some extent' there are
still 'competing racial projects'. The new and
still unstable form of racial hegemony is
Chapter 8. Colourblindness,
Neoliberalism, and Obama
Racial movements suffered a certain decline in the
1970s because they lacked political support
especially from White allies, despite achieving
partial reforms, and because 'a "racial reaction"
set in' (211), with neoliberalism. This was 'very
much a racial regime', opposing Black movements
and new social movements [NSM]s and their possible
alliances with 'anti-statism and authoritarian
populism', and a coalition between big capital and
a mass electoral base. There was mass White
support based on a 'politics of resentment'. That
drew on the old distinction between deserving and
undeserving members of US society.
There are several phases including 'a "code words"
phase and a "reverse racism" phase, before finally
landing on colourblindness' (212). There were
internal tensions between centre-right and
centre-left, and colourblind racial ideology
became most central. Critical race consciousness
remained, however, but there was an attempt to
re-articulate it [all very Hall and Jacques 0n
Thatcherism, authoritarian populism etc -- see my
book Harris 1992, and this see this article ]. There was
already a good fit with market relationships and
privatisation, but a problem with covert racism.
However, all regimes 'also needed race to rule'.
Obama's election seems to repudiate neoliberalism
and restore 'the inclusive ideals of the Civil
Rights and Great Society era' and it was a
progressive alternative, but it still maintained
neoliberalism. New alignments and cleavages have
emerged after the Recession of 2008.
Neoliberalism stresses possessive individualism
and the free market and opposed the 'generally
democratising legacies of the new deal, World War
II and the Great Society' (213) popular support
could be countered only by tapping into White
supremacy at the level of 'the country's political
unconscious'. The specific conflict was seen to be
capital and the NSMs of the 1960s, including Civil
Rights. Free enterprise was seen as under attack
and corporate political activism recommended [in
an actual memo] and this led to an 'activist,
corporate-led network think tanks, campus media
activities, and lobbying'. It was well funded.
Named enemies included Eldridge Cleaver and
Herbert Marcuse! The new right split from the
consensus, especially any deals with big labour.
The recession deepened the trends.
Reagan further developed the politics of
resentment, originally founded in the south by
Wallace and Nixon, which had led to the withdrawal
of the state from social provision. Reagan added
extra ideological elements in the form of 'market
worship' and '"devolution"' of social policy to
the private sector (215), individual
responsibility rather than social safety.
Particular elements were tax revolt and
producerism. The first was enacted in California
first limiting the state's ability to tax and was
'racially driven from the start', favouring
residents of wealthier school districts opposing
distribution of funds to public schools across the
state, and expanded the social expenditures of
other types. It soon spread as a national movement
and drew upon White popular resentment of poor
people — that is Black people — so it was soon
connected to 'the new "political Whiteness"'.
Producerism is central to right-wing populism and
originates with Jefferson. It is hostile to
non-productive classes, both rentiers and the
undeserving poor [cf 'scientific socialism' in
Fabianism in the UK] . There is an obvious overlap
with Black people with the latter even though the
rentiers have largely disappeared. Producerism
apparently always bolstered White supremacy and
blurred class divisions. The racism involved was
coded, and producers were also pitted against
non-producers who were often the '"liberal
verbalist elite"' found in the media, education
and the welfare state.
There was a definite despotic tendency, for
example found in the 'Chilean "experiment"'
[radical intervention in the internal politics of
Chile] and similar interventions in the USA itself
focusing on 'racial subjects and movement
activists'(216), using surveillance and
disciplinary technologies, much of it traceable to
the early techniques for 'controlling Blacks'.
These included 'a massive increase in
incarceration' involving Black and brown men,
which also afforded 'opportunities for profit
making and privatisation', raised citizens fears
and tapped into racism. Convicts were also banned
from electoral rolls and further disadvantaged in
work terms — they were depoliticised and
supervised. State agencies pursued 'infiltration
disruptions surveillance' of other NSMs, profiling
and other repressive techniques.
These movements were 'driven by racist rage and
full throated rejectionism', especially driven by
the South and the 'Dixiecrat' wing of the Democrat
party. This group had already undertaken 'the
"massive resistance" strategy' of 'local
obstructionism that sometimes approached
insurrection' directed at Black people. The Black
movement had formed 'a practical alliance' with
other NSMs including the anti-war movement which
made this massive resistance a rather late and
ineffective stage, and more sophisticated
strategies were required — legal ones to oppose
school desegregation for example. Allies were also
required outside of the South, a more national new
right, appealing to deep-seated racism elsewhere
'without explicitly advocating racial "backlash"'
(218). Extremists had to be marginalised. Codeword
strategies were employed instead, with less
explicit words referring to the traditional
stereotypes — '"get tough on crime" and "welfare
handouts"', even cutting taxes.
These were effective but still more strategies
were involved including 'the ideologically
grounded "reverse racism" allegation' — racially
inclusive policies were unfair to Whites who were
merely trying to take advantage of the
opportunities. Those benefiting, POC, were
undeserving and the rest, and this could be
implied. This did work even though it was 'in any
case a complete red herring… Traditional patterns
of White racism continued largely unabated in the
"post-Civil Rights" era' (219).
However racism became reframed as something that
could affect anybody — the '"race neutral"'
formulation. Apart from anything else the horrors
of slavery were of course ignored. [They imply
that this was almost entirely political, however],
just an agenda to expand the political base and
oppose Civil Rights, it 'reframed racism as a
zero-sum game' and appealed to an abstract notion
of fairness. Antiracism had gone too far.
Affirmative action in particular was unfair and
this was effective in limiting them. 'the new
right could now present itself as antiracist'
(220) because race was now irrelevant except in
special pleading. We can see the 'seeds of the
colourblind concept'.
Instead of arguing the sociological case, O and W
focus on the political dimension, establishing
colourblindness as 'hegemonic ideology of racial
reaction in the US'. It repudiates the concept of
race itself and raise consciousness. Its success
depends on neoliberalism [NB they are happy if we
refer to 'the dominant power bloc' as the 'ruling
class', 220]. They cite Jessop [neo-Marxist
analysis of the British state] . Neoliberalism
undid the New Deal coalition, which itself 'had
been politically and morally complicit with Jim
Crow' in relying on the support of the solid South
— when the Black movement rebelled, this split the
Democratic party and turned the south to the
Republicans. The backlash had to be disguised, and
colourblindness 'as a new racial "common sense"
was highly suitable.
Neoliberalism had already revived 'racist cultural
tropes'. It was a response to global insurgencies
as well as nationalist ones. Race reappeared
openly in the 1980s in Reagan's discourse. The
Christian right emerged as a powerful recruiter to
the Republicans, and codewords appealed to former
Democrats. Even moderate supporters of civil
rights joined the 'uneasy but powerful alliance'
(222). Authoritarian populism consolidated the
Republican Party, under Regan's genial surface. He
appeared to be antistate. Bush was similarly
'two-faced… Half patrician/Connecticut Yankee,
half Texas oil man', with a useful 'political
gunslinger' who did race baiting.
Clinton cultivated the Black community and
understood southern racism and try to centrify the
Democratic party, and was good at 'playing a
double game' including 'talking southern Baptist
when he needed to win' (223) but he distanced
himself from his Black supporters when he gained
power, and pursued policies of 'racial injustice'
by cutting welfare [discussed 223] in the name of
devolution [to individual states]. Clinton 'worked
in small and largely symbolic ways to "bridge the
racial divide"… Ceaseless promotion of the "one
America" argument, an attempt to shift attention
from race to class' (224). This did achieve
'relative racial peace and prosperity' aided by
economic growth and relatively egalitarian
policies including tax credits, but some global
trade initiatives had 'regressive race (and class,
and environmental) consequences in the United
States', by undercutting wages, for example and
sponsoring corporate agribusinesses.
Bush 'implemented a hard-core neoliberal agenda
that outdid Regan' (225), including privatisation
of the welfare state, ostensibly on the grounds
that because Blacks have lower life expectancy,
they would get their money earlier. There would be
'potentially endless windfall for Wall Street'.
The scheme did not get through however. he was
implicated in earlier 'racial chicanery' and was a
'racial realist"', arguing that as legal
segregation was over, only civil rights leaders
kept it alive. This appealed to some Black people
and other POC, including evangelicals. He pursued
'ideological anti-– anti-– racism' (226), like
changing the US Civil Rights commission,
dismissing anti-racists from the chair and
appointing a 'new right warrior' which led to
opposition to affirmative action admissions
His handling of hurricane Katrina was the most
notorious 'and the most archetypal', however. Not
only did he blunder at the time, but he supported
'urban reconfiguration (or should we say "urban
renewal"), gentrification, and permanent reduction
of the city's Black population' afterwards, in a
precursor for urban privatisation that would be
applied to ghettos and barrios widely elsewhere.
Public schools public hospitals and public
services also stripped by an alliance of
'disoriented officials and agencies… Working
closely with large financial and real estate
interests'. Black communities in the USA were
'mainly harmed… Through neglect' (227).
The meltdown of 2008 also 'constituted the largest
regressive racial redistribution of resources to
have occurred in US history'. Generally, the
'"sub-prime" mortgage instrument links
neoliberalism on race quite closely' — marketing
targets lower income especially Black and brown
families, programs were combined public and
private, facilitated by the 'parastatal home
lending guarantor agencies Fannie Mae and Freddy
Mac', and supported by lobbying from the biggest
banks. The mortgages themselves were loan products
aimed at less credit worthy borrowers, but
families were awarded credit scores as prime
borrowers [not sure why, it seems that officers
responsible for sub-prime were on particular
incentives? 228]. The policies seem the same as
gerrymandering in segregated neighbourhoods or
stop and search policing — Black or brown identity
is the best way to select subjects for particular
targeting. Sub-prime loans were even justified as
'a kind of affirmative action lending policy'
(228) for those who would not have got a mortgage
any other way — '"opportunity Finance"'.
However this was one case where 'racial
discrimination in the sub-prime mortgage crisis nearly
pulled the Wall Street Temple down on everybody,
not just in downtown Manhattan'.
There was also the rise of Islamophobia,
especially after 9/11, a popular set of beliefs
and attitudes even if ill-defined. Bush talked of
the war on terror both globally and domestically
and launched invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan and
elsewhere. This was accompanied by 'an extensive
programme of quasi-racial profiling' in the USA.
Obama has transformed the US presidency [they are
writing two thirds of his way through], and has
acted 'in an appreciably different way' (229). He
is still constrained 'by structural racism'. He
confronts racism and has experienced racism
directly. He feels the need to be racially
vigilant. However, he does demonstrate 'egregious
and unconstitutional uses of exceptional powers'
in settling scores, and in 'the drones, the
surveillance, and the moralistic lectures about
parenting and hip-hop culture that Obama likes to
deliver only to Blacks [which] all contradict the
antiracist legacy of the civil rights movement
that arguably put him into office'. He is
colourblind although he has criticised it. They
agree with Gramsci that the system remains
entrenched, even if modernised and moderated [of
racial distinction and inequality]. Obama has not
redressed the loss of wealth for Blacks after the
great recession of 2008, nor even criticised
racial bias in the US prison system, nor
intervened in conflicts over workers rights or
He seems to be a centre-left neoliberal like
Clinton, concerned with governing civil society,
which excludes 'an outside that is not civil' —
'slums, occupied territories, prisons and the
underground underworlds' (230) inhabited by the
dangerous, the criminal the less deserving. The
border between them is policed rigorously.
Goldberg has suggested this is the form racism
takes. Neoliberalism ignores the outsiders and
treats them as disposable. Obama might have done
more to help them, say with increasing public
employment programs, green jobs, subsidising their
mortgages just like he subsidised banks and big
corporations. He could have disciplined the market
and brought fraudsters to court, maybe done less to
bail out insurance companies. However, 'the Obama
administration wants a strong state' (231) and is
'constantly putting down rebellion', and needs to
develop increasing surveillance, a 'permanent war
state'. Perhaps he is powerless in the face of the
oligarchy. Perhaps he should form new alliances
with the 'growing numbers of excluded masses:
increasingly POC, increasingly working class or
poor, increasingly female' (232). Instead, 'he is
"normalising race," leading the United States, and
socialising the nervous/racist White masses to the
"majority/minority" demographic that is coming
their way' (232).
He has a comprehensive deportation regime but
supports immigration reform, and this is enough to
gain 'three quarters of the Latin@ vote'. He has
reversed some civil rights policies incrementally
but 'not developed any serious antipoverty or
criminal justice reform policies' He is a modern
day entryist. He attracts lower income voters of
colour, voting on the basis of their racial
identity — they 'do not and cannot act
politically; they have been demobilised'.
Neoliberalism shrinks the public sphere and
privatised his state resources, and this can
produce fiscal crisis, including at the state and
city level. It produces 'a massive,
disenfranchised, urban, largely Black and brown
(yes there are some Whites too) US subaltern
stratum, not only an underclass… but also a
racially distinct melange: the others' (233). They
have the potential for disruption. They are aliens
in their own country. The Republican party is
divided [this is before Trump] between centrists
and appeals to its strongest support. They are
able to obstruct and pursue racialised assaults on
the franchise. At the same time, immigration
reform is mobilising Latin@s, and abortion is
dividing women.
What about the Tea Party? It resurrected radical
mainstream conservative themes, fundamentalism,
states rights including nullification. There is a
racial element in that they were mobilised partly
by the election of Obama and the fear of the other
— hence the campaign against his US citizenship
and his foreignness, their fear of demographic
change [discussed a bit 235]. They still have
classic racist views about the inferiority of POC,
thinly disguised under concerns about budget
deficits and taxes. Officially however they
operate with colourblind ideology, although
criticism of the state is more prominent.
The demographic shift of the US population is
'politically unprecedented' and has fuelled the
fights about the immigration laws — ending the
'overtly racist components' of those laws produced
'enormous shifts in the racial composition of the
US population' (237). Eventually, 'no single
racially defined group, including those considered
White, will be a majority country' and some major
regions and cities are already 'majority –
minority' [including California, Texas, New York,
Los Angeles and Chicago]. So 'Whites are poised to
become one racially defined minority group among
others, probably at some point in the middle of
this century'. Immigration hostility 'is one of
the most venerable traditions in US politics' but
there is also an immigrant rights movement which
is unprecedented, to complement the virulent
anti-immigrant movements of the past. There have
been deep transformations in American society,
with the immigration of Asians, for example — many
Asian professionals, for example, many skilled
people, Latin@s have also been racialised and
their arrivals 'have divided and eroded public
culture, notably in the south-west, but nationally
as well' (238), with policing and militarisation
of the border on the one hand and the continuing
recruitment of immigrant labour into all strata of
the workforce on the other. 'The US – Mexico
border was until recently a low-wage, free labour
market, with minimal state regulation. It is now a
2000 mile long crime scene where trafficking and
vigilantism operate symbiotically with official
There is further polarisation of the Republican
party — the White People's party, driven by
resentment. Meanwhile it looks like 'the US
electoral system will have to move again towards
the left' although there are still 'political
gains to be made through immigrant bashing, law
and order fear mongering, use of racial
"codewords," and above all, appeals to be