Reading Guides:
L (2006)
'Analytic Autoethnography', in Journal
of Contemporary Ethnography, 35 (4): 373 - 95. (A useful
discussion of autoethnography which extends it aways from the usual
concerns with personal emotions)
Bennett, A
(2002) 'Researching youth culture and popular music: a
methodological critique', in British
Journal of Sociology,
Vol 53, 3:
451 - 66. (One of the critiques is of gramscian work on music and
youth culture as offering only a limited ethnographic understanding.
Later work, including Thornton and Malbon is equally flawed
D (2006)
'Consuming Eroticism. Gender Performances and
Presentations in Pornographic Establishments', in Journal of
Contemporary Ethnography, 35 (5): 583 -- 606. (A flawed
ethnographic study but one revealing the flexibility of gender
Bourdieu, P.
(2000) 'Making the
economic habitus. Algerian workers revisited', in Ethnography, Vol 1, No 1: 17 - 41.
(Actual ethnography demonstrated here, with its capacities to make the
familiar strange and vice-versa. The article discusses the changes in
Kabylian [Algerian] traditional society after colonisation in order to
illustrate just how historically specific modern economic rationality
really is).
Clifford, J.
'On Collecting
Art and Culture' [originally a chapter in The Predicament of Culture]
in During, S. (ed) (1993) The Cultural Studies Reader,
London: Routledge. (An example of this writer's famous critique of
ethnography, which parallels that of Clough).
P. (2001) 'On the Relationship of the Criticism of
Ethnographic Writing and the Cultural Studies of Science', in Cultural Studies -- Critical
Methodologies, 1 (2): 240 - 270 ( A reprise of the famous critique of
ethnographic writing based
on postructuralist feminism).
J (2005)
'Emotions, Interaction and the Injured Sporting
Body', in International Review for
the Sociology of Sport, 48 (2): 221
- 40. (An autoethnographic piece reflecting on the importance of
emotions in recovering from injury and contributing to the sociology of
emotions more generally)
J (2006)
'The Way We Ran: Re imagining Research and the
Self', in Journal of Sport and
Social Issues 30 (4): 333 - 39. (Brief and simple attempt at a
polyvocal text. Not very inspiring writing itself, despite an
injunction to other writers to be creative, passionate, transformative
Denzin, N
'Analytic Autoethnography, or Deja-Vu all Over
Again', in Journal of
Contemporary Ethnography, 35 (4): 419 - 28 (A reply to Anderson.
Useful points written in an odd 'poetic' way).
C and Bochner, A
(2006) 'Analysing Analytic Autoethnography An
Autopsy', in Journal of Contemporary
Ethnography, 35 (4): 429 - 49. (An
autoethnographic reply to Anderson, written as a conversation. A few
central points but I found it naff, self-aggrandising and sentimental,
I am afraid).
Gannon, S.
(2006) 'The
(Im)Possibilities of Writing the Self-Writing:
French Poststructural Theory and Autoethnography', in Cultural Studies <=>
Critical Methodologies, 6 (4): 474 - 95. (A very learned and
fairly clear comparison of poststructuralist writing on the self with
the naive realism of autoethnography, especially its 'evocative' kind)
D. (2003)
'Framing photographic ethnography. A case-study' in Ethnography, 4 (2): 241 - 66
. (An insightful account of using photographs to do critical
R. (2006)
'Dilemmas, Maintaining "Face," and Paranoia An
Average Coaching Life', in Qualitative
Inquiry, 12 (5): 1012 - 1021 (An autoethnographic account of a
'dysfluent' coach and how to present an authoritative self. Close links
to Goffman)
Stanton, G.
(2000) 'The way
of the body. Paul Stoller's search for
sensuous ethnography', in European
Journal of Cultural Studies, Vol 3
No 2: 259 - 77 (Describes the work of a famous experimental
ethnographer trying to break with westernised and textual modes of
Stoller, P (2002)
'Crossroads. Tracing African paths on New
York City streets', in Ethnography,
Vol 3, No 1: 35 - 62. (An example of ethnographic work on West
African traders and the social and economic complexities they inhabit.
Argues for epistemological and methodological flexibility).
Wacquant, L.
(1995) 'Pugs
at Work: Bodily Capital and Bodily Labour Among Professional Boxers',
in Body and Society, Vol 1,
No. 1: 65 - 93. (A participant-observation study of professional boxers
from one of Bourdieu's main colleagues. Lots
of good stuff on practice and embodiment in habituses in concrete
Willis, P.
and Trondman, M.
(2000) 'Manifesto for Ethnography', in Ethnography,
Vol 1 (1): 5 - 16 (Opens a new journal for ethnography with a
brief defence of the technique against some modern criticisms and a
plea for more theoretically informed ethnography).