Barad's Chapter 7 really is good, and I have now
investigated in more detail.
Take the quantum eraser experiments, for example
(310F). It starts by considering the peculiar
behaviour of particles when detectors are switched
on and off as a kind of disturbance, not a
structured interference, but this could be tested
by switching off the detector and thus undoing the
pattern that was produced. One possibility is that
when we switched off the detectors, the original
information might return. We can now actually do a
more rigourous experiment, however, not only
erasing, but even doing so 'after the atom has
passed through the slits and registered its mark
on the screen' (311) waiting until the atom has
gone through the entire apparatus before we switch
off which path information. Astonishingly, the
original interference pattern can be retrieved.
We have to think what happens when we have
apparently erased information. The original
apparatus recorded which path information by
letting an atom passed through a double slit and
then recording the traces left in either the upper
or lower cavity (a trace in the form of a
'tell-tale photon', designed to remove the human
observer). We can modify this by replacing the
wall between the cavities with a 'photo detector –
shutter system' — a photodetector is shielded from
exposure to either cavity by putting shutters in
front of it, closing the shutters to block the
photodetector. Apparently, this also preserves the
photon in the cavity, I think because the
photodetector will absorb the photon. If this is
so, and we open both shutters, a photon in a
particular category will be absorbed by the
detector and thus we will lose information about
whether there is a photon in a cavity or not —
'the which path information is thereby "erased"
(there is a nice diagram on page 314). If we close
both the shutters we get a curved trace
representing a 'full set of data points',
corresponding to a state in which all which path
information has been erased, bringing together
those cases where photons have been raised, and
those cases where they have not entered a cavity
in the first place. When we reinstate shutters,
however we get a different pattern, in effect two
separate curves, one where we do have which path
information and those where we don't: in effect,
the curve in the first case is decomposed into two
components (interesting shape for these two curves
and the way they're superimposed implying that
peaks in one curve are smoothed out by troughs in
the other until we get the familiar bell-shape).
If we look just at the curve produced when the
which path information was raised we still see an
interference pattern (lots of peaks and troughs),
just as predicted by Bohr. Bohr himself never
actually saw this experiment, but we can
reconstruct his explanation by tracing an essay in
which he says the system has not been mechanically
disturbed but there has been some influence on
'the conditions which define the possible types of
predictions regarding the future behaviour of the
system' (313) we need to examine the whole
phenomenon, 'the entire experimental system' in
the words of some later physicists. Another
experimental group has claimed that their results
'"corroborate Bohr's view that the whole
experimental setup determines the possible
experimental predictions' (315). For Barad, this
shows that 'the objects and the agencies of
observation are inseparable parts of a single
phenomenon', atoms are not separate individual
objects, nor is the detecting system. The
confusion arises from an approach that tries to
separate these elements out from the phenomenon
which has 'ontological priority'. Any other
explanation will result in 'an utter mystery'. Nor
is there any need for action at a distance between
individual particles. Barad wants to generalise
and say that '[all] space and time are phenomenal,
that is, they are interactively produced in the
making of phenomena; neither space nor time exist
as determinate givens outside of phenomena' (315)
[one thing springs to mind for me. What would
happen if we kept adding bits of apparatus,
another laser perhaps, or if we did the experiment
in space. The laboratory set up seems to carefully
exclude a lot of variables as well, presumably by
sticking it all in a Faraday cage, for example,
because that would produce what would be agreed to
be distortions? This is the boundary problem?]
It is an old metaphysics that sees this as a
problem of instantaneous communication, which
depends on there being individual entities from
the outset. This experiment therefore calls into
question those basic assumptions. In each case, we
have 'inseparable parts of a single phenomenon',
not individuals with fixed spatial positions.
Instead '"individual" is ontologically and
semantically indeterminate in the absence of an
apparatus that resolves the inherent
indeterminacy' (316) similarly, mysteries arise if
we are working with conventional notions of space
time and matter, an individualist notion in
particular that suggests that objects occupy
single positions in space and time. Earlier
interpreters necessarily referred to erasure of
memories of passage, and the recovery of earlier
information. But technically, we have not
recovered the original but observed 'the new
interference pattern' produced by apparatus that
now includes photo detection. It's not that the
memory of the event has been erased. Instead, the
memory is held in the phenomenon and that modifies
the apparatus. [absolutely astonishing claim,
equally mysterious to me]. Overall, the argument
is that time space and matter are phenomenal,
integral parts of phenomena and that interactive
practices can be iterative when they constituting
phenomena. Thus past and future are 'iteratively
reconfigured and enfolded through one another'
(316) and phenomena should be seen as 'material
entanglements that "extend" across different
spaces and time' (317) [very strange 'material'
indeed, that now includes memory and permits
iteration]. Overall, Bohr's central notion of
indeterminacy is confirmed and demonstrated by
this experiment.