Notes on: Intellectuals and power:
a conversation between Michel Foucault and
Gilles Deleuze, in Bouchard D (Ed) (1972?) Language,
Counter-Memory, Practice: selected essays and
interviews by Michel Foucault.[posted on
reddit by Joseph Kay 2006)
Dave Harris
MF. Relations between desire power and interests
are complex. It's not always possible for those
with vested interests to wield power. Those who do
wield power do not necessarily have particular
interests. Any desire for power involves a
relation between power and interest. Sometimes the
masses might indeed desire that particular people
assume power who then act against their interests.
The whole connections have received little
attention. By examining current struggles and the
various local and discontinuous theories of them,
it might help future discoveries about power.
GD: There might be a new relationship between
theory and practice. Practice used to be thought
of as an application of theory or a consequence,
sometimes as an inspiration for theory. The
relation was seen as totalized, but now they seem
more partial and fragmentary. Theories are always
local and related to limited fields, but any
applications are in another sphere. It is not just
a matter of resemblance. Theory in its proper
domain encounters various obstacles and blockages
which will require another type of discourse as a
relay if it is to extend from that domain.
Practice can be seen as relays between theoretical
points, and theory as a relay between different
practices. Practice also helps theory break
through walls like the one MF encountered when he
began to analyse confinement and the asylum. It
became necessary for the confined individuals to
speak for themselves — this is a relay. The
prisoner group ensued. This is not just a matter
of applying theories to practice, nor just for
reforming the prison. Instead, the point was to
connect up or relay a 'multiplicity of parts that
are both theoretical and practical' (no page
numbers). Theorising intellectual is not just a
subject, a 'representative consciousness',
representing groups who act and struggle. It is a
multiplicity who speaks and acts, even inside a
person — 'all of us are groupuscules'.
'Representation no longer exists': there is
instead 'action – theoretical action and practical
action' as a series of relays and networks.
MF The traditional intellectual was involved
politically as an intellectual in bourgeois
society and within its ideology, but also as an
exponent of a discourse revealing a particular
truth, such as 'political relationships where they
were unsuspected'. These two forms were of a
different order, not necessarily exclusive. Some
intellectuals were outcasts as a result, and
others were socialists or were fused with
socialists, say after the Commune. Usually,
rejection and persecution followed a moment where
the facts themselves are incontrovertible, but
could not be said. Intellectuals spoke the truth
in the name of those who were forbidden to speak
it to those who had yet to see — 'he was
conscience, consciousness, and eloquence'. More
recently, intellectuals discovered that the masses
didn't need them any longer, that they already
know perfectly well 'without illusion', sometimes
better than intellectuals themselves. However,
this discourse is also blocked and invalidated by
'a system of power', which does not just do
censorship but rather which 'penetrates an entire
societal network'. Intellectuals can become agents
of the system of power, especially if they claim
to be specialists in consciousness and discourse.
The role of the intellectual no longer places him
outside of the collectivity in order to express
its truth, but rather to struggle against forms of
power that attempt to incorporate him in
developing things like knowledge and truth.
In this sense, theory just is practice, but local
and regional, not total. It is a struggle against
power not to awaken consciousness among the
masses, who are already well aware that
consciousness is a form of knowledge and if it is
a basis of subjectivity, it 'is a prerogative of
the bourgeoisie'. This attempt to undermine and
grasp power is an activity alongside those who
struggle. 'A "theory" is the regional system of
this struggle' [romantic bollocks]
GD. [And now the famous bit] 'Theory is exactly
like a box of tools. It has nothing to do with the
signifier. It must be useful. It must function.
And not for itself. If no one uses it, beginning
with the theoretician himself (who then ceases to
be a theoretician), then the theory is worthless
or the moment is inappropriate'. We construct new
theories rather than revise old ones. Proust,
often regarded as a pure intellectual said that we
should treat his book as a pair of glasses
directed to the outside 'if they don't suit you,
find another pair'. People have to find their own
instrument, an 'investment for combat'. Theories
do not totalize but multiply. Power tries to
totalize, so theory is naturally opposed to power.
Theories get enmeshed, and when they do, they
cease to have any practical importance 'unless it
can erupt in a totally different area'. This is
like social reform, where reformers claim to speak
for others. They only double repression. When
complaints and demands are expressed directly, we
have revolutionary action challenging the totality
of power and hierarchy: 'this is surely evident in
prisons' [apparently, militant prisoners were able
to oppose reform and were presumably crushed]. 'If
the protests of children were heard in
kindergarten, if their questions were attended to,
it would be enough to explode the entire
educational system' [more romantic bollocks]. The
inability to show any tolerance makes our social
system fragile: it needs global repression. MF
began all this with this insistence that speaking
for others was and dignified. We already had a
critique of representation, but now we control the
consequences — 'only those directly concerned can
speak in a practical way on their own behalf'.
MF When prisoners did begin to speak, they
developed a theory of prisons in the whole penal
system. This was a counter discourse, and
discourse against power, not just a mere theory
about delinquency. Prisons offer local and
marginal problems, although they seem to disturb
everybody and are the subject of general interest.
Once the inmates offered a discourse, it was
surprisingly easy to understand them. Perhaps this
is because the penal system is the most obvious
kind of power — it is still a place of extreme
punishments, the cynical exercise of power, 'in
the most archaic, puerile, infantile manner'
[punishment diet]. Prison shows us naked power
justified as moral force, and power extends the
tiniest details.
GD Children are also treated like prisoners,
'submitted to an infantilisation which is alien to
them', so schools resemble prisons and so do
factories — you need three tickets to go to the
bathroom in a Renault plant! Jeremy Bentham's text
on prison reforms developed prison as a model, to
allow passage from school to factory and vice
versa. This is a classic example of 'reformed
representation'. When people begin to speak and
act on their own behalf, they do not argue about
representations or insist on better ones — for
example, there is no point in opposing some
popular justice against justice.
MF There is widespread hatred of the judicial
system not just based on the idea of a better form
of justice. The struggle is against power not
against injustice. Whenever there has been rioting
or revolt, the judicial system has been targeted
as much as finance or the army rather forms. We
might suggest that the popular courts in the
Revolution were a means for the lower-middle-class
to grab the initiative in the struggle against the
judicial system. Their idea was a court system
based on equitable justice, clearly connected to
'the bourgeois ideology of justice'.
GD Power tries to develop a total or global
vision, and all local forms of repression, like
racism, or repression in factories or education
can be totalized. We saw this in the reaction to
May 68 but it underpins the preparation for the
near future too — French capitalism depends on a
margin of unemployment, abandoning the usual
'liberal and paternal mask' promising full
employment. Restrictions on immigration are
brought into this unity, partly because the French
themselves require the discipline to do hard work;
the struggle against youth and the education
system represents the opportunity for police
repression when young people are not so much
required in the workforce. The professionals will
be asked to do these policing functions. MF
predicted long ago that all the structures of
confinement would be reinforced. Localised counter
responses and skirmishes have been one response,
without totalising them — to do so would involve
new forms of representative centralism and
hierarchy. Instead we need 'lateral affiliations',
networks and popular bases, although this is
difficult. The old representative channels of the
CP or the unions no longer describe the reality of
politics — that is 'what actually happens' in
factories, schools, barracks, prisons.
Unconventional forms of information is spread by
these actions, not the type that is found in
MF We still ignore the problem of power. We didn't
understand exploitation until the 19th century.
Marx and Freud probably cannot produce a full
understanding. Traditional theories of government
and its mechanisms no longer exhaust the field
where power is exercised. Thus power remains an
enigma — who exercises it and in which sphere? We
know who exploits and how funds are reinvested,
but power is different. It is not just in the
hands of those who govern. We still don't have a
full understanding of domination or governing.
Power also has its limits depending on the relays
through which it operates and how it influences
hierarchies and other forms of control and
surveillance. Power exists by being exercised. No
one has an official right to it and yet it always
favours a particular direction and divides people.
It might be easier to see who lacks power. Books
like Capitalism and Schizophrenia, as well
as Nietzsche, have been important and go a long
way to solve the problem — power exists in
particular sources, often tiny ones. Pointing out
these sources is a part of the struggle, but not
because they were not known about before. Instead
it is a matter of forcing 'the institutionalized
networks of information' to listen, accuse, find
targets. This is what happens when prison inmates
or prison doctors sees the power to speak about
prison conditions. This is a discourse opposed to
the secretive. It might turn out to have
unexpected developments, uncovering all the
misunderstandings that relate to things that might
be repressed or unsaid. Unearthing a secret is
even more difficult than unearthing the
unconscious! Writing has been seen as dealing with
repression and being subversive, but there are
actually a number of operations involved.
GD I agree power looks more diffuse. Marx's aim,
to define the problem in terms of the interests of
social classes, then led to the question
about how people whose interests were not being
served might support the existing system. Perhaps
interest is not the only issue. Other 'investments
of desire'might be involved and these will be more
'profound and diffuse'. We never desire against
our interests, rather interest follows desire. It
might also be perfectly true that the masses
actually wanted a fascist regime, as Reich
suggested. Since all power is moulded and
distributed by desire, there is no difference
between power operated by small and large actors.
Particular kinds of desire in social groups might
explain the reformism of political parties unions
— they can be 'absolutely reactionary on the level
of desire'.
MF. Relations between desire power and interests
are complex. It's not always possible for those
with vested interests to wield power. Those who do
wield power do not necessarily have particular
interests. Any desire for power involves a
relation between power and interest. Sometimes the
masses might indeed desire that particular people
assume power who then act against their interests.
The whole connections have received little
attention. By examining current struggles and the
various local and discontinuous theories of them,
it might help future discoveries about power.
GD. 'The present revolutionary movement' [fantasy]
has multiple centres, but this can help to oppose
total lies to power, as in Vietnam. But should the
networks and transversal links be limited to one
MF. There is 'geographical discontinuity'.
Struggles against exploitation are led by the
proletariat, but they also defined targets and
methods. If we allow ourselves with the
proletariat we have to accept these, in a form of
'total identification'. But if the fight is
against power then all those who have power
exercised against them can begin their own
struggles on their own to reins with their own
interests and objectives. They will be natural
allies of the proletariat, since power is
exercised as it is 'in order to maintain
capitalist exploitation'. So local struggles can
genuinely serve the proletariat [the old
consolation] — women, prisoners, soldiers hospital
patients and homosexuals do this sort of struggle.
If they are radical and non-reformist, they will
be involved in the revolutionary movements and
linked to the overall revolutionary movement of
the proletariat — they fight against the same
'controls and constraints which serve the same
system of power'. There is no need to offer some
theoretical totalisation as truth.
GD. Since we are faced with a diffuse system of
power, 'the most insignificant demand' can lead to
the desire to destroy the whole thing. Thus [very
conveniently] 'every revolutionary attack or
defence, however partial, is linked in this way to
the workers struggle'.
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