Guide to: Hirst, P 'Economic
Classes and Politics', in A
Hunt (Ed) (1977) Class and
Class Structure, London:
Lawrence and Wishart: pp
This is a
closely argued piece,
characteristic of the whole
Hindess and Hirst episode, where
the difficult issue is discussed
of the transition between class
as an economic category and as a
political one. Hirst suggests
that each of the usual
approaches to this problem in
marxism is flawed. Lenin and Mao
might have generated
revolutionary politics from
marxism, but did not adequately
theorise this generation. More
recent theorists such as
Althusser and Poulantzas also
failed solve the problem --
their solutions turn out to be
incoherent on closer
examination. The notion of
'relative autonomy' is
particularly incoherent. Thus
are we offered the usual options
of dogmatism or incoherence
whenever we try to 'apply'
marxist theory to concrete
social or political problems. As
we go through, you might want to
check particularly the
definitions of crucial terms
such as 'power', or 'interests'
in Hirst's account, and ask
yourself what sort of politics
is being recommended for
For vulgar
Marxism, the economic structure
determines politics, and, in the
long run, will produce a
polarised class politics
(economism). However, when we
look at current politics, we
find no sign of classes as such,
only parties, pressure groups,
trades unions, mobs and so on.
Active revolutionaries, like
Lenin, could simply not wait for
the economic structure to
produce open revolutionary
conflict. However, although he
and Mao, and Gramsci, developed
political struggles, they never
properly rejected economistic
theory: at best, Lenin tried to
read contemporary politics in
terms of class struggle, but
never attempted the reverse, and
in his readings of the situation
in different nations, as in his
account of imperialism, he never
referred solely to the
conditions of capitalist
tried to theorise Lenin's
practice by revising orthodox
marxism. Economism operated with
an 'essentialist conception of
totality' (127), which had to be
replaced by the model of
relatively autonomous levels [see file]. The economy only
determined 'in the last
instance'. In particular, says
Hirst, the political level was
seen as relatively autonomous,
and its dominance or otherwise
was structured by the mode of
production; the political level
somehow represented social
classes rather than expressing
them. But what this means is
that the means of political
representation have some effect
of their own in shaping
political forces. This must be
so if we are to avoid
essentialism, where surface
forms simply express inner
essences. Poulantzas has adopted
this approach as well in
his work. Both fail in
their endeavours [the
incoherence is hinted at here].
Althusser's work, modes of
production are structured, and
the levels are linked by
structural causality ('the
causality of a self-reproducing
eternity' for Hirst, page 129).
This [virtual] model is
supplemented with the idea of
more specific 'social
formations', which can have
'concrete conjunctures'. These
produce crisis and change, but
they are 'in essence [sic]
untheorised' (129).
Further, the
whole discussion of 'relative
autonomy' depends on the concept
of 'representation' mentioned
above. Relative autonomy is an
unstable concept at the
theoretical level, however,
despite its practical uses. The
political level becomes
relatively autonomous only
because it takes a specific form
from definite 'means of
representation (parties,
organizations, ideologies,
programmes, etc)' (130). These
organisations may claim to
represent some deeper category,
such as class interests, but
this can never be precisely
established [I'm not at all sure
how we would do so to Hirst's
satisfaction], and the means of
representation themselves have a
political effect in establishing
interests. If we reject
economism, we have no theory to
link political agents with
economic ones. If we grant any
kind of autonomy to political
forces there is a 'necessary
non - correspondence' (my
emphasis) (130) between
political forces and economic
classes. To put this another
way, economic classes cannot
have '[political] interests...
independently of definite
parties, ideologies etc.' (131)
unless one is going to restore
some necessary correspondence
between them. Debates about
whether or not the Labour Party
accurately 'represents' the
working class in Britain, for
example, 'is to remain
within [conventional ] politics
[only]' (131).'Either economism,
or the non-correspondence of
political forces and economic
classes -- that is the choice
which faces marxism' (131).
[Hirst hopes this will encourage
marxists to forget the search
for class origins and engage
fully in specific political
struggles having clarified what
it is they hope to achieve, and
calculated who might support or
oppose them].
This choice
is often concealed, since actual
analysis usually relapses into
economism, often where the state
is simply seen as a class organ
[or when specific struggles,
like those of rebellious youth
are, are somehow seen as
'really' political ones?]. This
is revealed in Althusser's 'ISAs
Essay', and in the work of
Poulantzas on class [see
does address specific politic
issues and dilemmas, and
criticises the French Communist
Party's (PCF) policies on
matters such as the EC. He does
argue for necessary
non-correspondence between the
determination of classes and
their political positions. He
claims to be interested in
locating problems rather than
offering solutions, and
recommends more specific
investigations. However:
(a) PCF
strategy is criticised on the
basis of its economism -- but
it could still be the correct
one in the current situation
(b) we
cannot solve theoretical
problems by more specific
investigations -- Poulantzas
needs to theorise the
non-correspondence he has
identified (if he cannot do
this, we cannot know for sure
that specific investigations
will solve the problem!).
In more
Poulantzas denies economism, and
wants to suggest that social
classes are affected by complex
relations including political
and ideological ones. This is a
form of structural determination
as above. Further, classes exist
only in struggle, further
defined as 'the struggle of class
positions' (Hirst's
emphasis, page 134), in other
words denying any simple
determination or reduction. We
are left with phrases such as
class determination constituting
the interests of a class,
'fixing the horizon' of class
struggle [as in the concept of
'determination in the last
instance' mentioned above]. But
concrete circumstances of class
position, independently of the
mode of production, are still
untheorised -- 'Where does the
"concrete"... come from?' (134).
This is not just a difference
between abstract structure and
concrete manifestation, since,
strictly speaking, the structure
is also something concrete [it
must be, for Hirst, if it is to
have any determining effect].
Hirst says that the theoretical
work on the structure should
also be capable of explaining
all the possible concrete
effects -- although to do so
would be just like economism
again! 'Class position is
therefore introduced to qualify
this possibility but [ as a]
means of hedging any bets made
on the basis of class
determination' (135).
Yet this
still is class determination,
something more than just class
position, and the struggles at
the structural level somehow
'express' themselves in specific
class positional struggles in
conjunctures. This term
expression is also problematic,
though -- it looks like
determinism again, or generally
threatens to collapse the two
concepts into each other (it is
possible that Poulantzas means
that the results of earlier
positional struggles have a
determining effect on class at
the structural level). Despite
his efforts, Poulantzas ends
with the circular position that
there is no rigorous difference
between class determination
class position. 'Class
determination/class position
distinction is ad hoc: it is an
attempt to avoid the effects of
economism without the
theoretical means of doing so.
The result is utter incoherence'
Poulantzas tries to avoid these
problems in his discussion of
reproduction which he sees as
the reproduction of the
relations of production, as in
Althusser. This enables
political and ideological levels
to play a major part in
constituting the positions of
classes, indeed a dominant part.
However, Poulantzas runs
together the idea of relations
of production and the political
and ideological conditions of
their existence. It is true that
relations of production depend
on legal forms such as property
(ideology) and institutions that
defend property (politics), but
relations of production retain a
definite economic form and have
economic consequences, and it is
this form that 'constitute[s]
class relations between agents'
(137). Poulantzas simply
reverses economism here, and
argues that political and
ideological forms constitute
('create the possibility
of', page 137) relations of
production, and thus the form of
domination -- class 'powers'.
This helps him account for the
growth of the 'new petit
bourgeoisie', but there are also
local effects.
Thus the
factory offers class domination,
structuring 'agents into
dominators, servants of
domination and dominated' (137).
As can be seen, this enables
Poulantzas to see relations
between the classes as
antagonistic and potentially
explosive [which takes care of
the genesis of revolutionary
struggle and leaves economic
classes with political
'destinies' (138)]. Here,
political forms constitute the
economic, which politicises
social relations [at the level
of theory anyway]. Political and
ideological constitution of the
relations of production is an
effect of the structure of the
social totality, although
individual forms are specific.
This is the old structural
causality as in Althusser,
although the determining
totality, in the last instance,
of course, consists of all three
levels. It is not clear to Hirst
why this should be more profound
than straight forward economism.
argues that class struggle is
the 'fundamental arena and means
of the reproduction of social
classes' (139), although this
takes different concrete forms.
But this reproductive function
ensures that class positions
have an effect on the form of
social classes - that they 'must
determine class determination'
(140). The reproductive function
means that class struggles on
the surface cannot be just
phenomenal forms, so they must
have a real effect, we are told
-- but class determination
[alone] constitutes class
positions. This is 'an
unclosable circle' (140).
Poulantzas develops an analysis
of the 'concepts of strategy' as
something specific to political
analysis, and something that
explains concrete conditions.
However, the actual analysis of
these compromises the
specificity of the political
situation, since 'the strategic
social locations of the "power
bloc" and "the people" ... [are
assigned]... in advance' (141).
There can be no concept of
strategy in the sense of action
in definite political
situations, and all Poulantzas
can do is critique other
people's strategies. He
criticises the PCF [then
pursuing a kind of 'broad
anti-monopoly alliance' (144)
politics] by reasserting
'abstract revolutionism and the
notion of a revolutionary class
alliance led by the working
class' (141). This is poor
politics which leaves everything
to be determined by the working
class -- 'Classes,
however [Hirst's emphasis], do
not have programmes or hold
congresses, they cannot "lead"
anything. Poulantzas simply
reproduces the slogans of
ultra-left marxism' (141).
The same
problems affect the discussion
of the petty bourgeoisie. The
analysis reveals the same
circularity between class
determination and class
position, and the attribution of
strategic political roles. For
Poulantzas, the petty
bourgeoisie occupy a position
between bourgeoisie and working
class, and are likely to ally
themselves with these classes
according to particular social
conditions. This raises the old
dilemma, where economic forces
provide the preconditions for
political differentiation. The
position of the two main classes
seems unproblematic. Class
determination produces a
distinctive experience, which
gets politicised, in factories
for example, as we have seen.
the fractions of the bourgeoisie
follows the same sort of
argument. Briefly, monopoly
capital fractures the
bourgeoisie, as a kind of
unintended consequence [rendered
as a necessary tolerance of
non-monopoly forms in order best
to exert hegemony over the
working class]. This again
immediately politicises these
fractions [ in theory only]. But
this assigns to 'monopoly
capital' some kind of unified
economic/political force capable
of calculation and policy'
(145). The concept 'hegemony' is
useful here -- 'one can
postulate a relationship of
domination without explaining
what its concrete mechanisms
are' (145). Here, hegemony seems
to refer to a power that is
independent even of the state
machine [and its apparatuses].
(4) The
notion of 'productive labour' is
used to define the
working-class, and to separate
it from other wage-earners and
employees. However, Poulantzas
would like to confine it still
more tightly to the industrial
proletariat alone [as the most
politicised and activist group].
Even Marx wanted to include as
productive labourers others,
such as the '"literary
proletarian" and the hack
denizen of a "teaching factory"'
(147) -- these people also sell
commodities to make profits,
that is produce capital.
Retaining this notion would help
us to grasp matters such as the
increasing ' [privatised] health
care and education [services],
capitalisation of entertainment,
sports and vacationing' (148).
It would also deny that such
people occupy a new stratum --
Poulantzas's new petit
engineers and technicians shows
another difficulty. Poulantzas
wants to exclude them from the
working class and include them
in the new petit bourgeoisie,
but cannot argue this on the
grounds labelling them as
'unproductive' [which would be
absurd]. He has to add some
other criteria -- their
dominating place in the
political relations for managers
and supervisors, and in the case
of engineers their role in
separating workers from their
conditions of work. Again,
co-ordination and supervision
has to be politicised in order
to make this case, though, and
they can be no non-political
reasons for this split between
mental and manual labour. Hirst
notes that all socialist states
apparently operate at a similar
split, however.
does not pursue any actual
institutional analysis here, so
his views of the dominating role
of supervisors and engineers
must be a formal one -- he
derives it from an
organisational position. Other
forms of supervision are
ignored, such as worker
self-supervision: these must be
merely subservient to capital.
Such forms, including workers'
control, must therefore be
pointless and insignificant [but
the opposite for Hirst] .
(5) Class
domination works through class
power, but this is revealed only
through the workings of various
apparatuses, including the state
and the usual suspects like
churches and trade unions. State
apparatuses merely condense
class domination, which both
denies the specificity of the
state and generalises it, to
include the family or media, as
in Althusser. Power here looks
rather like the Weberian notion
of interpersonal domination.
Oddly enough, says Hirst, this
discounts political activity in
the usual sense (that is
activity connected with
mobilising or resisting the
state) -- it is 'sociologised'
[that is explained away as an
effect of various social
institutions and relations]. So
much for the relative autonomy
of the political!
conventional politics and
conventional definitions of the
state like this means politics
is 'everywhere and nowhere'
(152). The State for Poulantzas
is defined by its function,
which is social cohesion. This
simply ignores state
institutions and their real
effects, which limits
calculations of the State's
power and how to overcome or
appropriate it. For Hirst, State
power does not exist outside of
its 'specific institutional
forms' (153), and these have to
be dealt with in any attempt to
take State power -- 'the army,
police, courts communications'
have to be subordinated (153),
as Lenin, and any revolutionary,
knew. It is all very well to
sloganize about smashing the
state, but first you need to
know what it actually is that is
to be smashed!
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