
2023 TQUK Level 2 Certificate in Understanding Autism
2006 NOCN CQF Level 2 Developing Creative Entrepreneurs
2000 Admitted to Institute for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (1st March) (now HEA). Made a Fellow March 2007. Resigned 2013 over inexplicable senior appointment and ensuing corporate bluster.
1999 Accredited teacher status, SEDA.
1999 Passed Open University postgraduate course HH661 Teaching in Higher Education.
1985 PhD, Sociology, (London University).
1970 MA Sociology, (Essex University).
1969 PGCE in Education, London (Avery Hill).
1968 BSc (Econ) Hons 2:1, London (LSE).

Current Position

Emeritus Professor of Leisure and Education

Previous Posts

2009--11 Professor of Leisure and Education, UCP Marjon (then University of St Mark and St John).  Retired 2011
2009--10 Director of the Centre for Educational Research, UCP Marjon
2000-  Senior Lecturer in Social Sciences, University College Plymouth  St Mark and St John

1996 - 2000  Reader in Social Sciences (temporary), College of St Mark and St John 
1976-99 OU Regional Tutor (a.k.a Associate Lecturer) for E351, E812, E814, E815
1988-93  Consultant to Deakin University (Australia) (contributed to MA), Open  University UK. 
1988-90  Head of Sociology Media Subject Group, College of St Mark  and St John.
1988  Co-ordinator, Open University Summer School (E812).
1980  Lecturer in Philosophy, Chancellor College, Malawi, October-December.
1976 - 1996 Senior Lecturer, Social Sciences, College of St. Mark and  St. John, Plymouth.
1974-76  Lecturer, College of St. Mark and St. John, Plymouth. 
1970-73  Research Assistant in Curriculum Design, Open University. 

Other professional experience
Sociology partner for CSAP Open Repository Project 2009--10.
Sociology Associate C-SAP 2009--10
External Examiner - PhD theses, University of Tasmania, Deakin University  (x3), University of Melbourne.
Reviewer/referee Routledge and Sage
Bid reviewer C-SAP.
Co-editor C-SAP monograph (with J Cope and J Canaan)
Member C-SAP Sociology Reference Group 2005--08
Guest reviewer/referee special edition of Open Learning

Solo-Authored Books

2024 Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Social Science: A Critique. Self-published. Amazon
2021 Karen Barad's Feminist Materialism. Intra-action and Diffraction. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

2005 Key Concepts in Leisure Studies, London: Sage Publications (translated into Greek 2011)
2003 Teaching Yourself Social Theory, London, Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications
1996 A Society of Signs?, London and New York: Routledge (translated into S Korean 1998)
1992 From Class Struggle to the Politics of Pleasure: the effects of gramscianism in cultural studies, London and New York:  Routledge.
1987 Open-ness and Closure in Distance Education, London: Falmer Press.

Jointly-Authored/Edited Books
2013 Radical Otherness: Sociological and Theological Approaches (with Prof. L. Isherwood), Durham:  Acumen Press.
2007 How To Succeed in Your Social Science Degree, (with Dr H Arksey), London: Sage Publications
2006 Teaching Social Theory (ed., with J Cope and J Canaan) C-SAP monograph

Chapters in books

2018 'The Rhizome and the Structure of Knowledge', in Grandal, M. & Acuña, B. (Coords) Apprendizaje Rhizomático. ACCI. Vision Netware S.L.: Madrid
2013 'Leisure and Higher Education', in Blackshaw, T. ( ed) Routledge Handbook of Leisure Studies, London: Routledge
2011 'The Paradoxes of Flexible Learning', in Burge, E, Campbell Gibson, C. & Gibson, T (eds)  Flexible Pedagogy, Flexible Practice: Notes from the Trenches of Distance Education. Athabasca: Athabasca University Press.
2011 'Syllabus independence and the library', in Baker, D. and Evans, W. (eds.) Libraries and Society: Role, Responsibility and Future in an Age of Change. London: Chandos Publishing.
2010  Researching Visual Culture’ (with I Gilhespy)  in Morgan, M., Lugosi, P. & Brent Ritchie, J.R.(eds) The Tourism and Leisure Experience: Consumer and Managerial Perspectives,  Bristol: Channel View Publications.
2008  'Hegemony and the Media'  in Ritzer, G. (ed) Concise Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, Oxford, Blackwell Publishing Ltd.(Revised article accepted for 2nd edition 2015)
2008 'Distance Education: In Whose Interests?' in Evans, T D, Haughey, M & Murphy, D (eds) International Handbook of Distance Education, London: Emerald.
2006 ' Social Theory and Strategic Communication' in Cope, J., Canaan, J. and Harris, D. (eds) Learning and Teaching Social Theory, Birmingham: C-SAP.
2006 'Hegemony and the Media'  in Ritzer, G. (ed) Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, Oxford, Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
2006 'Articulation', in Rojek, C, Shaw, S and Veal, T (eds) Handbook of Leisure Studies, London: Palgrave-Macmillan.
2002 ' Educational technology: emergent qualities and unintended consequences' in Evans T (ed) Research in Distance Education, 5 (e-book) online
2000 'Knowledge and Networks', in Evans T and Nation D (eds) Changing University Technologies, London: Kogan Page.
1995 'Still Seeking the Audience?' in Lockwood, F. (ed)  Research and Development in Distance Education, London: Routledge.
1994 '"Active Learning" and "Study Skills", the Return of the Technical Fix?', in Evans, T and Murphy, D (eds) Research in Distance Education 3, Geelong: Deakin University Press.
1993 Two contributions to Middleton C et al. (eds) Sociology Teaching Handbook.  BSA September 1993.
1993 'Distance education at the margins' in Evans T. and Nation D. (eds). Reforming Open and Distance Education: Critical Reflections from a Practice. London: Kogan Page.
1992 'Distance Education: Researching Formations' in Juler P. and Evans T. (eds).  Research in Distance Education 2, Geelong: Deakin University Press.
1991 'Towards a Critical Educational Technology in Distance Education' in King B. and Evans T. (eds). Beyond the Text..., Geelong: Deakin University Press.

1978 'Open-ness and Control in Higher Education: towards a critique of the Open University' (with J Holmes) in Dale R. et al. (eds) Schooling and Capitalism,
London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.

Journal Articles
2018 'Subjectivity in autoethnographic collaborative writing: a deleuzian critique', in International Journal of Sociology of Education 7 (1): 24--48. DOI 10.17583/rise.2018.2881
2016 'Rhizomatic Education and Deleuzian Theory', in
Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning (latest articles)
2015/2017 'Threshold Concepts in Teaching Leisure Studies', in Leisure Studies (Latest articles)  and in Leisure Studies 36, 2: 282--92.
2015 'Designing open electronic texts in education: positioning theory revisited' (with I Gilhespy), in

Critical and Reflective Practice in Education, 4 (available online here).
2015 'A founding vision for modern times: the case of St Mark's and St John's and the campaign against the Revised Code'(with P Grosch)
Critical and Reflective Practice in Education, 4 (online here).
2015 'Rancière: Pedagogy and Politics'. International Journal of Sociology of Education, 4(2), 158-181.
2013 'Applying Theory to Practice: Putting Deleuze to Work', in  International Journal of Sociology of Education 2(2): 140--64.
2012 'Digital Natives Revisited: developing digital wisdom in the modern university', in E-Learning and Digital Media, 9 (2): 173--82. DOI:
2012 'Work and Leisure in Higher Education', in British Journal of Sociology of Education, 32(1) : 115--32 DOI: 10.1080/01425692.2012.632869
2011 'Managerialism and Myth: challenges to the legitimacy of management in higher education' in Power and Education, 3 (2): 117-27. DOI:
2011 'Presentation software: Pedagogical constraints and potentials' in JoHLSTE 10(1): 72--84. DOI:
2011 (with I Gilhespy) 'Representing "the real": Realism and Visual Culture in Tourism, Leisure and Ethnography', in Journal of Tourist Consumption and Practice, 3: 51--68.(online here)
2011 (with I Gilhespy) 'Reusable Learning Objects: Evaluating the Outcomes of Multi-Media and Single Media RLOs' LINK 28 (online). 
2009 'On Dialogue in Universities,'in Critical and Reflective Practice in Education, 1 (1)  (available online here)

2006 'Bibliographic Databases and Independent Learning' (with W. Evans and I. Gilhespy), in LINK 17
2005 'Using MCQ in Leisure Studies' in LINK 14 (online here)
2005 'Leisure Studies as a Teaching Object' in JoHLSTE 4(1) ( available online here).
1999 'A-level Sociology Texts'  in Reviewing Sociology 1999, vol 11 [now online].
1996 'Is there sociology after postmodernism' in Reviewing Sociology 1996,  9:.3 pp 4-12 [now online].
1991 'Quality Support: Measurement and Myth' (with D. Gorbutt and M. Harris) in Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 16: 1, 37--48.
1988 'The Micropolitics of Open-ness' in Open Learning, 3: 2. 
1988 'Multiculturalism and the Social Distribution of Critical Capacity' in Perspectives 39.
1978 'On Marxist Bias', Journal of Further and Higher Education, 2: 2.
1976 'Educational Technology at the Open University:  A short history of achievement and cancellation',  British Journal of Educational Technology, 7: 1.     

Blended learning modules for CSAP Open Educational Repositories Project 2010. A module on Sociology of Leisure (with I Gilhespy), and one on Introductory Research Methods (with I Gilhespy and I Roberts). Stored on JORUMOpen:
Sociology of leisure:
Research methods:
Resource guide in Leisure, Consumerism and Popular Culture, HEA Hospitality, Leisure Sport and Tourism Network, online

Discussion papers
on both Researchgate and Academia
A discussion of Barad  vol 1 -- the quantum and the queer DOI: 10.13140/RG2.2.11558.47681

Vol 2 -- diffraction as a method
Denzin versus Goffman --dramaturgy and subjective creativity in the modern university DOI:  10.13140/RG.2.2.32042.57283

Current projects
Designing RLOs with Xerte (see menu here). Also stored on Xpert Repository and MERLOT
Designing RLOs (with Microsoft Producer) -- specimen here
website components for Key Concepts... (click here)

YouTube series on Deleuze:

#1 introduction
#2 (with Maggie Harris) Rhizome
#3 (with Maggie Harris) Haecceity
#4 (with Maggie Harris) Body-without-Organs
#5 (with Maggie Harris) Movement-image
#6 (with Maggie Harris) Time-image
#7 (with Maggie Harris) Lines of flight
#8 (with Maggie Harris) Becoming-animal
#9 (with Maggie Harris) Smooth space
#10 (with Maggie Harris) War machine
#11 (with Maggie Harris) Refrain/ritornello
#12 Faciality
#13 (with Maggie Harris)  Language. A miniseries with one video ( and 4 audio files (menu page here

(with Olive Knightingale) Going Through the Motions: coping with the university. Self-published

Conference Papers

2011 'Education Without Universities', Discourse Power and Resistance Conference, Plymouth, April 13--15
2010 'RCP -- The Second Time as Farce', Open University conference November 3rd

2010 'Teaching to the Test?', C-SAP national half-day conference, Plymouth, July 19th
2010 'On authenticity' FSMCA Research Day, Plymouth. July 13th
2010 'E-learning and 'rational pedagogy', C-SAP national conference, London July 9th
2010 'On Bourdieu', CREST Symposium, London, July 7th
2009 'The Vision of Derwent Coleridge' (with P Grosch), CUAC Conference, London May 2009
2009 'Work and Leisure in Higher Education, BSA Annual Conference, Cardiff, April [online here]
2005 'The neutralisation of risk in higher education' (with H Arksey), BSA Annual Conference, York University, March [online here]
2005 'Social theory and strategic thinking' , C-SAP Conference, Birmingham, March  (to be published in C-SAP Monograph)
2004 'On Social Theory' (roundtable contribution), C-SAP Annual Conference, Birmingham, March
2001 'The Disney Experience: researching the active visitor', presented to the MA Tourism Conference, College of St Mark and St John, Plymouth.
2001 'Libraries, librarians and the Web' presented to a conference of the Careers Development Group, College of St Mark and St John.
2000 'Towards a Sociology of Study Skills', BSA Annual Conference, York University, April 2000
2000 'Educational technology: forms and effects', presented at the RIDE 2000 Conference, Deakin University, Geelong, December
2000 'Weaving a web: reflections on on-line entrepreneurship', given to the Faculty of Education, Deakin University, Geelong, December
1999 Two contributions to SSP2000 project conferences on teaching social theory [now online here] and here
1997 'Distance Education and its Technologies' , presented at the Annual COFHE Conference, Exeter, March 1997 [online]
1996 'British Cultural Studies and "Academic Realism"', given at Teaching Culture and the Cultures of Teaching, Sussex University, March 1996 [now online]
1993 '"Active learning" and study skills: A technical fix?',presented at the RIDE93 Conference, Deakin University, Australia. 
1991 'Educational Media and Popular Media' at Deakin University, 'Distance Education: Researching Formations' at the RIDE91 Conference at Deakin and 'Educational Media' (with Dr. A. Morgan) at a public seminar at Monash University, Melbourne. 
1990 'Racism in Predominantly-White Areas '(with Popple K. and Popple S.), presented to the BSA Annual Conference, University of Surrey. 
1990 'The Subject in Cultural Studies - A Reply to Alan Tomlinson', presented to the Leisure Studies Association Conference, Plymouth.
1989 'Emancipatory Claims and Micropolitical Practice: teaching the Sociology of Education', presented to the British Sociological Association Annual Conference on Sociology in Action, Plymouth. [now online]
1987 'Educational Technology and the "Colonisation" of  Academic Work' Presented to the B.S.A. Annual Conference, Leeds. [now online]
1987 'On Distance Education' presented to the Institute of Educational Technology, Open University. [version online]

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