Nick Sherriff
Chapter 4
Questionnaire Results
A 100% return was achieved with the average age of respondents at 29.5 years
with 93.75% male and 6.25% female taking part.
Q1. How many hours per week do you play games?
50% > 5hours, 31.25% > 10 hours and 18.75% >1 hour.
Q2. Put you favourite types of games in order?
(Mark from 1-9, 1 being the highest. The lowest score was the most favourite.)
Q3. List your top 3 all time favourite games and make d) the worst.
The favourite types of game were:
Action Adventure 39%
Sports 36%
Strategy 12%
Driving 9%
The worst were:
Platform 45%
Sports 18%
Fighting 18%
Action Adventure 9%
Q4. Concentrating on your most favourite game only, name as many pleasures
as you can that the game gave you?
Sense of achievement 4
Enjoyment 4
Challenge 6
Escapism 3
Excitement 2
Addiction 2
Fantasy 3
Suspense 2
Thrill 2
Release of tension 2
Competition 3
Variation 2
Relieves boredom
Graphics 3
Q5. What for you is pleasurable about playing video games in general?
Challenging 5
Escapism/Fantasy 6
Visually stunning 3
A well put together game 3
Problem solving 3
Relief of boredom 2
Letting off steam
Achievement 2
Extension of your personality
Competing 4
Q6. When playing video games are these pleasures available in games?
1 – The challenge of playing a game.
2 – Beating the game, solving problems.
3 – The competition of playing with friends.
4 – Showing your peers what you’ve done, how far you’ve
5 – Learning and exploration.
6 – Being in control, having power within the game.
7 – Escaping into a fantasy world.
8 – Following the story.
9 - Anticipation/Excitement of a new title.
10 – Engaged in an activity that is unacceptable in society, shooting
and killing.
11 – Being the first to complete a game.
Q7. In your opinion what makes one video game better from another?
Too easy
Mindless button bashing
Poor graphics
Quality of the challenge
Limited movement
Variation of puzzles to solve
Good 3D Worlds to explore
Unlimited Exploration
Keeps your attention
Not too complex
Pilot Questionnaire Conclusions.
As a pilot it is necessary to check that the received information is relevant
to the research and has hit the correct target group.
The initial data gathered showed that all the respondents were adults although
only a small number were female as to whether this is a reflection of the
population as a whole is uncertain considering the small sample used. The
average game time per week did show that respondents played regularly which
puts them well into the target group of games players.
Questions 2 and 3 suggest that players enjoy Sports, Action Adventure and
Strategy games more than any other therefore the interview questions will
endeavour to keep the line of questioning to these types in an attempt not
only to keep the interest of the interviewee but hopefully to glean more
interesting information. Such information coupled with the results of the
worst games i.e. Fighting Games goes someway to improving on the usual gloomy
story peddled by ‘moral entrepreneurs’. It was however noted
that a few players thought Action Adventure the worst but these were not
as frequent a players, therefore their experience is likely to be less. With
a plethora of Action Adventure titles on the market it is also probable that
some will be inferior but in general the genre was still in the top three
for most players.
After analysing the pilot it became clear that an individuals perception
of pleasure was further differentiated by their use of vocabulary. As such
many slight differences appeared. (See Lists Q4, 5, 6 and 7.) In an attempt
to bring some order to this rather messy list the terms used have been centralised,
thus finding a common denominator from which to formulate future lines of
investigation via the interview process. Whilst such coding is often considered
reductionist many suggest it is an important step on the way to grounded
theory as Glaser and Strauss posit,
‘By reduction we mean that the analyst may discover underlying uniformities
in the original set of categories to be expressed at a greater level of abstraction
and generality, and offers the possibility of moving from substantive theory
to formal theory.’ (1967:110)
Below is a simplification of answers given to questions 4,5 and 6.
Quality of the challenge.
Solving problems.
Keeps your attention.
Not too complex.
Unlimited exploration.
Good 3D worlds to explore.
Following the story.
Narrative pleasures.
Perceived control.
Relief of boredom.
Letting off steam.
A well-put together game.
Stunning Visuals.
Beating the game.
Beating friends.
Interview Discussion.
The interviews were conducted using the results from the questionnaire, creating
a topic sheet from which to reference. A selection of answers has been selected;
a full transcript is available at Appendix 3.
All interviewees were asked to play 15 – 20 minutes of the favourite
game prior to interview. They were then asked, what was the pleasure
of playing their favourite game?
“It’s Wary; you get a real sense of topping people, achieving
aims and goals.”
“It’s very close to a real life situation. I was in charge of
my local side, I was able to pick my players who I liked and I felt in control
rather than watch someone else doing it on TV.”
“It’s the quality of the whole package.”
“The first time such a good game was in your front room with a whole
world to explore at your own will.”
And some said,
“It’s just another source of entertainment or pastime.”
Such a varied answer is unsurprising considering the sheer number of video
games manufactured. All players where then asked if a challenge was as popular
as the survey discovered and all suggested that it was but there were varying
opinions as to what that challenge was such as,
“Not getting killed…”
“Achieving your objectives.”
“Winning is all that matters, beating the game.”
“The main challenge I find is to get my team from the lowest position
to the highest in the shortest time. So for me it’s a challenge to
beat the members of my family really.”
“Also the challenge of beating yourself for instance if I do it in
2 years, the next time I play I want to do it in less.”
“Taking on the game writers and beating the game.”
“The challenge I like is in your head and not the dexterity of the
Such a variety of answers is actually irrelevant, the fact that all saw a
challenge present and pleasurable is all that counts. When the challenge
was further investigated players suggested that a games difficulty was staggered.
“…you can’t make it too easy can you? Otherwise it’s
all over in five minutes and you think it’s a waste of time.”
“The missions get very hard as you get deeper into it…here the
early missions nurse you into it then it gets really difficult which keeps
you going.”
“The first levels started off very easy, you even had an introductory
level to help you with the controls.”
“The first Tomb Raider had very good learning curve.”
Players went on to say that the level of the challenge is very important
and in fact it is the make or break of the game especially as it is the first
thing that the players encounter,
“That’s why I didn’t like Tomb Raider 4 because you knew
just what to do but it was impossible to carryout – it was too difficult,
the challenge was too severe and that’s what I didn’t like.”
“It was instantly too hard and I didn’t like it from the start.”
There was also links with the challenge or tasks having to be surmountable,
“ You have to know that you can do it, even if you get a bit that frustrates
you, you know if you keep trying you can do it.”
The challenge was by far the most pleasurable and important for many players.
The challenge also must be set at the correct level i.e. staggered (varied)
and not too complex, for it to be pleasurable, often referred to as playability.
This in turn seems to add to the lifespan of the game and games with better
longevity appear more pleasurable. However it is worth noting that one of
the reasons for types or genres within the video game industry is that people
have differing tastes therefore variation may be limited as one-player notes,
“ Well I mean with this sort of genre, if you want something to be
varied and different this is not the sort of game you want to be playing.
I mean you’ve got to expect the sort of levels to be virtually the
same; you’ve still got to slot people and achieve the objectives.”
Players did posit that the ability to explore the game was pleasurable and
that it seemed available to most games,
“ Even in a simple golf game you are able to explore the course, for
instance, hitting a ball in the rough and ending up behind a tree.”
“In Thief you were given the run of a complete world even though your
particular mission was only in one particular part.”
“I like to explore new places and piece together the information myself.”
“When Tomb Raider first came out it was a pleasure just to run around
and gasp at the places you could play in.”
“…you were very limited in what you could do, movement wise
and where you could go, whereas games like this [Project IGI] you’ve
got full manoeuvrability.”
However this freedom to explore is actually rather limited, certain situations
require the use of certain objects and only those objects will have any effect.
As such keys must be found to open wooden doors, which are indestructible
it seems to cannon fire and fireball spells. It could be therefore suggested
that exploration in terms of spatial orientation is the fundamental pleasure
here but it is accepted that players will try to explore the full potential
of the game.
I was surprised to find that players were well versed with the pleasures
of learning not only for the player but the necessity for the game to learn
and adapt.
“You need to look at how other teams are playing, learn tactics and
“Learning allows me to progress through the game without it the games
would be boring, there would be nothing to find out.”
“You are learning all the time the difficulty sometimes is remembering
what you’ve learnt.”
Another aspect of learning that arose was the Artificial Intelligence (AI)
used in modern games. This was thought to be a major plus with video games.
“You’ve got to have it, for example you could just put out a
4-4-2 formation [Soccer game] and just keep winning but would that really
happen, no, so the game learns and adapts to your play.”
“Did you see what just happen that guy just sneaked up on me? That
is what AI is all about. Good AI knows and learns your moves which is great
as it keeps you on your toes all the time.”
Players were then asked if this was a cyclical process (Challenge –
Exploration – Learning) but few suggested it was until it was directly
explained, then most did agree that each stage affects the other.
“As you explore in Tomb Raider you find out what is going on and the
story unfolds before you eyes.”
“You’re constantly solving problems to unlock the next part of
the adventure.”
Players also suggested that similar pleasures to that of reading books existed
within video games but that due to interaction this pleasure was enhanced.
Narrative pleasures played a part with the pleasure of following the story
and wanting to follow such a story through to the end.
“Every game has this [story line] because if it didn’t it would
be boring.”
“There’s the suspense to see who you’re going to get in
the next round, or who is going to buy one of your players and how many points
you need to stay up.”
“Most Strategy and RPG’s have these sort of stories or scenarios,
and many have the ability to have multiple endings.”
“Here I play a Special Air Services guy who has to infiltrate enemy
lines. As I progress I get promoted and move further into the enemy base.
The overall story is to neutralise the enemy. Destroy their base.”
The interaction facilitated by the microprocessor allows for the player to
affect certain outcomes which all agreed with.
“Well yeah…you decide certain outcomes, you’re not stuck
to a script. In books you have a definite ending, you’re stuck to the
text. In video games you have got an ending but quite often different endings
and as you go through the game you can change that outcome.”
“Final Fantasy was great for this, it had the possibility of multiple
endings depending on how you interacted with the story.”
“The thing about the best games is that you don’t know what’s
going to happen next.”
“…You can do the same thing three times in a row and the outcome
will be different each time.”
A few players also suggested that there was a drive finish the story [game].
“When I played Orphan the game looked good but the playability was
poor, however I still felt compelled to finish it.”
“You always want to get that little bit further don’t you?…It’s
the thrill of the game, the will to succeed, you have to succeed.”
When asked how the previous elements affected the Story many players suggested
the growing or expanding of it facilitated by exploring and learning.
“I like games were you get very little information to start with and
as you discover more the story unfolds allowing you to have more and better
scenarios to interact with.”
“It’s a bit like a seed that is planted at the start of the game,
which grows and matures the more you interact with it.”
Players did suggest a difference in pleasure to that of books, which lead
to the greater ability to fantasise.
“It’s the interaction. They are all a similar media at times.
You interact with books and TV but with video games it’s just on a
different level and with the others you have to use your imagination and
games it’s set out in front of you. Because of this interaction it
feels a bit more personal.”
“It’s [games] sort of like reading an interactive book that says
if you turn left turn to page 65 and if you turn right turn to page 43.”
“It is easier to get fantasy in a video game because you can see it.
You actually feel as if you are taking part.”
“The book tells you what to do whereas the video game is controlled
by you.”
Control was a major theme for many players but as to whether actual control
exists is not the issue the pleasure is in the perception of such control.
The element of Fantasy was explored and it was felt the easiest for the players
to understand. It should be noted that fantasy is happening throughout the
development of the story and not in chronological isolation.
“Everyone wants to play the action hero don’t they, I mean we
all want to be the James Bond type character and video games give you the
possibility to do it, I think.”
“You kind of think that you’re Brian Little [Manager], so yeah
there is very much a fantasy element.”
“Yeah, of course it does. Well I’m playing this game now and
you can fantasise that you’re the person in the game.”
Games did seem to encompass all the pleasures of books and films with the
added pleasures interaction brings. When asked about the fantasy element
with the new adult horror games all players suggested it was intense.
“I wouldn’t play it [Silent Hill] on my own in the dark it’s
as simple as that.”
“I mean games like Resident Evil were literally a nightmare for me.
When I first played it…see I get scared easily… I know it’s
only a game but…”
When pressed as to whether this was a pleasure all agreed it was.
“Oh yeah, it’s the thrill of being scared just like a roller
coaster. Also your mind starts playing tricks on you. Every noise you here
you think there’s someone going upstairs or outside which is why I
don’t play them in the dark.”
This was definitely the case as all players when playing games were observed
saying words to the effect of “I just got shot” or “I should
have done this” rather than “my character” or “the
game wants him to”. Choosing to speak naturally in the first person
does suggest an immersion into fantasy.
Escapism was a topic that arose as part of the Fantasy but rather than the
negative definition, Escapism was thought to suggest a temporary move from
ones present situation, which did not necessarily have to be because it was
tawdry. This brought up the, what initially appears the simple question of
realism. Escape should be considered as the temporary removal from reality.
“I sometimes like to come home and let rip into a crowd of people with
military hardware – virtually of course. It often doesn’t last
for long and I don’t do it all the time.”
“Many games like Quake [Shoot ‘em up] bare little resemblance
to reality but are still great games to play but parts need to be realistic.
Many things that are unrealistic like driving around bends at 350mph are
unreal but great. I mean people like to fantasise about walking down the
street with a machine gun and letting rip into shops and cars.”
“It’s just great, it’s a tension reliever, you can take
all your anger out on the games.” (So is your life particularly dull
or boring then?) “No not all, it’s just an added pleasure. I
have a lot of pleasures in my life and this is just one of them. I like to
enjoy life and get as much pleasure as I can.”
This could suggest that games act as a direction for violence or aggression
in a similar way to that of Boxing, although it is not always about venting
“For my dad [50] it gets him out of what ever he was doing, he comes
home and turns the game on.”
Fantasy is therefore can be seen as being facilitated by the cyclical process
of Challenge-Exploration-Learning which in turn expands the Story. But rather
than solely coming from the Story, the element of Fantasy (the casual letting
rip) comes from the process as a whole, for instance a player picks up the
game an aimlessly shoots characters outside the parameters of the Story pre
se. This is more likely facilitated by a kind Exploration Fantasy than Story
induced Fantasy.
Another important area was that of Recognition or Achievement by the self
and others. Many consider the pleasure of video games lies in the ability
to achieve or be satisfied by the game or the player’s actions. All
players said that they felt a sense of achievement when playing video games.
“I just get a sense of achievement. I finish games like Final Fantasy
after spending hours and hours on it. I ‘ve got everything you could
possibly get, all the characters, and the weapons. It just gave me a sense
of achievement that I actually could be bothered to spend the time doing
it and not give up on it after ten minutes like a lot of people do.”
Players did suggest another sort of recognition in the form of bonus and
reward. The game in a way recognises the ability of the player and rewards
them if good i.e. achieving levels and objectives with extra lives, weapons,
bonus levels, new characters and the ‘cut scene’. (An animated
addition to the story usually graphically beautiful.)
“You know you’ve really played well when you have collected all
the extras and the power ups.”
“The cuts scenes in Final Fantasy were great it really made you want
to do more.”
“This is what made Quake so good for me, all the secrets and extra
weapons that only the better players could get. When you went online people
knew you were good because of what you had.”
Many gamers did consider themselves a good judge of video games, possibly
due to their experience. The similarities with Barthes’s Jouissance
can be observed as the player derives internal pleasure from completing the
game that others have given up on and knowing the subtle nuances that makes
a game particularly good.
“I like to see if it runs smoothly, looking for glitches and that…the
more fluid the game the better it runs [plays].”
“I enjoy looking around the levels just to see how good they are.”
All players were asked if they thought their parents would be able to recognise
a good from a bad game. The general consensus was no but some may recognise
the graphical appearance as good or bad.
“Graphically they might but definitely not in terms of playability.”
When asked if this was a pleasure the replies were less definitive ranging
“I don’t know if I actually get pleasure from it, I suppose
I do when it concerns a difficult brain-taxing game.”
“Yeah there is a lot of pleasure in the appreciation of a well put
together game.”
This does suggest that players recognise their own abilities in games and
the qualities of the games them selves creating or boosting the players ego.
“A lot of LAN (Local Area Network) players are in clans and there is
a lot of ego about finishing games and what games you’ve finished.
It is a bit of an ego trip.”
Showing your peers what you had done and how far you had progressed was ranked
fourth in the questionnaire ‘pleasures list’ suggesting that
videos games have also a social aspect.
“I have taken my memory card around people’s houses. It’s
not just for an ego trip but also to help and share information.”
“One of my friends is renowned as a very good player, he completes
them all. I just love it when I finish a game before he does. Whilst I don’t
go around to his and ram it down his throat I do make a point of reminding
him now and again.”
Whether this was the boosting of an ego or an altruistic sharing of information
remains unknown however it does seem difficult to favour the totally altruistic
notion. Light is shed upon this area when one considers the notion of watching
a game similar to hearing a story being read. Some players suggested a pleasure
in watching others play.
“He was so good at Tomb Raider…he made it look good and I enjoyed
watching it, in fact I used to moan if he played a bit and I wasn’t
Therefore in this scenario the video game can never be considered solely
from a singular perspective. Both the player and the watcher derive pleasure
from the same source, although the activities and pleasures may differ, nonetheless
they are pleasures.
Players were then asked if this facilitated a kind of pleasure in competition.
It did seem again as if this was split along similar lines to that of Recognition
but rather than the Self and Others it appeared to suggest the Game or Self
and Humans or Others. The pleasure of beating the game came second in the
questionnaire ‘pleasures list’.
“It’s the challenge again. It’s the challenge of beating
the game but you don’t think about it as beating the game more yourself.”
“It’s like anything, you set a goal in life, in games that goal
is to beat it. Once you’ve finished it there is satisfaction that you’ve
done it.”
Here is a prime example of isolating the pleasures. Here the pleasure is
closely linked to achievement – satisfaction and the narrative pleasures
of fruition.
The pleasure of playing with and competition against friends was third. Players
were asked if this was a pleasure for them,
“I get a sense of achievement when I beat the rest of the family or
“One of my friends is renowned as a very good player, he completes
them all. I just love it when I finish a game before he does. Whilst I don’t
go around to his and ram it down his throat I do make a point of reminding
him now and again.”
“Yeah, some people class it as a sport. Many players play online in
organised competitions and there’s big money for the winners. In America
this sort of thing is massive with team and individual events it’s
Thus the competition aspect is larger than first imagined encompassing,
“Direct competition one on one, completing your game before they complete
theirs, getting further than your friends have, finishing the game, beating
your/others high score and organised competitions and tournaments.”
Next chapter