Notes on: Murdock-Perrieral, L &
Sedlacek, Q (2018) Questioning Pygmalion in
the twenty-first century: the formation,
transmission, and attributional influence of
teacher expectancies. Soc Psychol Educ.
21: 691–707.
[Very good review of the erly work on teacher
expectations and the problems arising in showing
stable effects. Interesting asides on 'naive
realism' and suggestions for future research on
empathy to encourage 'situational' understandings.
Not specifically focused on race,but mentions it]
There seem to be two issues — experimental and
intervention, with emphasis on recursive processes
of interaction. There may also be 'possible
mediators including perceptual biases,
confirmation biases, stereotyping, and
attributional biases'. Empathy could also be
important. More research is needed. (691)
Teachers clearly form and act upon expectations
which may be positive or differentially positive.
They do not always translate into different forms
of education or interaction patterns. The same
issues affect other professionals, for example in
the amount of time they devote to clients.
Teachers may attempt to achieve fairness, although
that does not always carry the same meaning.
Teacher expectations may be influential
contributors to student outcomes, and should be
empirically investigated. This is
particularly so when more and more information
about students is collected in the form of
individual plans, report cards, stories about
students. Informal channels may be even more
important. Information may be gathered long before
actually meeting students, and might be 'an
invaluable resource', but there may also be
Pygmalion effects or self-fulfilling prophecies,
well established in the classic social
psychological literature going back to the late
1960s [Rist 1970 is particularly crucial]
It is clear that lots of teacher interaction is
crucial for children's education, including
practices of individualisation, but at the same
time negative treatment of low expectancy students
is inappropriate. Teachers might not be very good
at concealing negative expectations, however, and
instead, it might be better to 'leverage social
psychological processes that interrupt potentially
detrimental cycles' (693), focusing on the link
between expectations and 'attributional processes'
— 'attribution for, and responses to, student
behaviour and academic performance'.
Expectancy effects have been taken for granted,
and much research just debates issues such as how
accurate they are, but the whole literature needs
re-examining in order to generate '"wise
interventions"' in the recursive processes and
repercussions which interactions can generate. It
is the longitudinal transmission of teacher
expectancies that need to be studied. Empathy
might actually be important here.
They want to use the term 'expectancy effects' to
describe phenomena where teacher beliefs about
students influence student outcomes, emphasising
expectancies rather than specific contents of
thinking, self-fulfilling prophecies rather than
outcomes that actually affect behaviour in
real-world interactions. Experimental evidence
seems to suggest that expectancies can change
interactions, especially if there is 'an explicit
power differential'. The classic here is Rosenthal
and Jacobson with their erroneous student test
scores, and the controversy and failures to
replicate the study generated. It seems that where
strong beliefs that informed judgments already
conflicted with incompatible expectancies supplied
by the experimenters, the latter were rejected,
showing that test scores alone were probably not
sufficient to generate expectancy effects. Other
work suggested that effects were already occurring
in classroom settings — that older siblings had an
effect on expectations, for example. Many other
studies of teacher expectancies took place, and a
meta-analysis in 1984 suggested that expectancy
effects 'tended only to appear if induced before a
student and teacher had known each other for more
than two weeks' (695). Other research suggested
modest self-fulfilling prophecy, and other work
attributed self-fulfilling prophecies to the
'"accuracy" of teacher expectations.
This [accuracy claim] in turn was criticised as
being based largely on research showing
correlation between teacher expectations and prior
achievement. If teachers received extensive
information about reading and writing abilities as
test results, their expectancies were only
slightly better aligned with performance than if
teachers were provided with less achievement data
— more information did not lead to more accurate
expectancies. There were methodological critiques
especially with long-term studies which
underestimated '"dynamic social interactive
processes that create disparities"' in
interactions between teachers and students (
696). Even Rist (1970) might be brought to agree
because his long-term ethnographic work showed
that past expectancies can influence prior
achievement data itself. However, 'regardless of
whether teacher expectations are "accurate" or
"inaccurate", researchers agree that strong
expectancy effects may occur under certain
circumstances', and the point is to identify
factors that might produce them.
One issue is whether expectation effects are
compounded over time, whether they grow more
extreme or dissipate [neither, it seems, but they
might just endure or persist, maybe therefore
remaining damaging] There is some evidence of this
persistence, but in some subjects only —
mathematics but not reading, for example. Other
researchers have disagreed. National contexts also
seem different. Overall, 'teacher expectancies
merit further study'.
We now turn to the issue of how expectancies are
enacted. One early theory suggests four factors:
1.Positive or negative classroom climate
[eye contact and other means generated by the
teacher] or lack of feedback provided to
3.time in curriculum quality afforded to each
4.performance and response opportunities afforded
to each student [opportunities to answer questions
and patients while waiting for answers]
[Reminds me of all the problems of research with
studies of open questions and all that in
ORACLE]. A subsequent study suggested that
climate creation and input patterns seemed the
most consequential, and further work [we are up to
2010 now] suggested that low expectancy students
got fewer or less valuable learning experiences.
Classroom climate might operate through 'subtle,
unconscious behaviour' — 'smiling, nodding and eye
contact' which seems to happen more often with
students for whom teachers have higher
expectations, while those with low expectations
appear to receive more emotional support, despite
reports from students indicating 'the opposite'
[studies referenced throughout]. Teachers believed
that students would not be aware of any special
emotional bonds to favourites, but empirical
findings suggested they did — less than 20% of
students accurately predicted who students would
identify as the teacher's pet, a large measure of
unawareness that students perceived differential
treatment: teachers pets were negative but
pervasive. The whole area is as a
'manifestation of naïve realism… A social
psychological phenomenon by which individuals
perceive themselves as unbiased observers of
objective social realities' (697) [an awful lot of
this about with pupil perceptions about racial
prejudice as well]. Another study has seen that
when students are struggling to answer questions,
teachers give more clues to those they think of as
There is some evidence of racial biases among New
Zealand teachers and Maori students. An American
study assigned randomly selected students as
gifted and 'significantly different patterns of
praise, criticism and attention emerged'. A
meta-analysis 'found widespread evidence of
racially biased expectations in real-world
classrooms'. Even sceptics 'acknowledge that
teacher expectancies may have a stronger impact on
ethnic minority students', and there are findings
about particular impacts on low income students.
However a study of German teachers expectations
for ethnically Turkish students 'were relatively
accurate', but they over-expected for ethnically
German and high income students .
Turning to curriculum quality and response
opportunities, Rist looked at teacher judgements
made in the first eight days of kindergarten,
where there was no objective diagnostic
information, and noted that some students were
already being classified as 'having "no idea what
was going on", largely on the basis of dialect,
socio-economic status, family structure, and even
hygiene and clothing', and those who are seated at
the back of the classroom and receive less time
and attention. A paper trail of low achievement
was created for them, producing a '"caste like"'
system. Another study looked at how teachers
assign students to different sorts of reading
groups and showed differences in preference to
interact with students in the higher level ones:
enjoyment was also higher as was time spent,
resulting in 'expectancy reinforcement'. In
another approach students were randomly reassigned
from lower ability groups into higher ability ones
and they achieved higher scores on standardised
tests and better recommendations from teachers —
'these findings suggest the impact expectancies
may have when reified via ability groupings'
(699). Assessment and grading practices are
clearly another mechanism, and in one experiment,
essays were attributed to excellent or weak
students and that 'significantly impacted the
grades, although it might not follow that lower
levels of learning like this might happen in the
long term. It may not be the case with
psychological reports for kindergarten children,
another study shows, but seems to be more likely
with assessments 'with more subjective criteria
(e.g. essays)'.
Of course, 'the evidence that expectancy
effects can exist in some classrooms and contexts
does not imply that they do exist in all contexts,
nor that such effects are uniform in their
strength or in the mechanisms of their enactment',
and it may be the case that "such effects are
minimal for most teachers because their
expectations are generally accurate and opened to
corrective feedback"'. Of course, expectations
will also vary from teacher to teacher and context
to context. Some teachers will be better at
controlling their behaviour to minimise the
influence of their expectations — one study
suggests that personality variables are important
including '"dogmatism, authoritarianism, field
dependency, bias and cognitive rigidity"' (700)
The processes underlying the formation of
expectancies is still little researched, possibly
because they seem to be simple hypotheses based on
perceptual bias. However, it seems unlikely that
perceptual bias alone could account for these
expectancy effects, and confirmation bias might
also be involved, 'belief confirming information',
where teachers might expect help to reward good
students, but be a waste of time for poor
students. This might manifest itself as
'differences in teachers' questioning techniques'
or clue-giving patterns, perhaps 'selective
noticing and remembering', including forgetting
the failures of good students and remembering
those of poorer ones. There might also be
stereotyping, characterised by 'selective
inferring' (701) — student actions might be
interpreted and responded to differently according
to expectations held. The example turns on why
students fall asleep in the class -- eg
whether it's because they been working hard or
because they don't care about school. This might
explain the role of racial biases, where
African-American students' activity leads to the
inference of patterns of misbehaviour more often
'in an experimental context'.
Teachers also 'sometimes experience naïve realism…
A tendency to think that one's own views and
actions are objective and unbiased, whereas others
actions are "biased by ideology, self-interest and
irrationality"'. This can include 'the fundamental
attribution error'— over estimating dispositions
and underestimating situational factors when
attributing factors to other people's behaviour.
The result is to see some behaviour as situational
and malleable, and others as 'dispositional and
fixed'. With limited information, teachers might
be more likely to attribute student behaviour to
their dispositions, and when they draw inferences
this might augment their expectancies [clearly at
work with racial expectations like some of those
reported in the YMCA study]
They want to study that possibility 'by
manipulating expectancy formation and measuring
its influence on attribution'. The hypothesis is
that a strong positive expectancy for a student
could lead to dispositional attributions for
positive behaviour and situational attributions
for negative behaviour, and the reverse. One study
found evidence for this in a vignette study of
graduate students, but they want to do more
expansive research.
They also want to examine the effects of teacher
empathy. Several studies already suggest it is
significant: those who experience empathy 'are
likely to make more situational and fewer
dispositional attributions' [according to one
rather flimsy experiment, where subjects were
asked to place themselves in the shoes of one of
the subjects in the experiment (702)].
To examine what happens long-term, we need to see
how information that produces expectancies is
actually transmitted. This might involve
communications with other teachers, parents or
administrators, cumulative record folders, or
pupil characteristics [the ones listed here
include 'sex, physical attractiveness, level of
motivation, socio-economic status'], and another
study adds ethnicity. Others have added
intelligence and race. Family members might be
important, reinforcing the study about student
siblings. Unusual names might be 'correlated with
negative teacher attitudes'. Formal and informal
conversations might transmit expectancies. Student
test scores seem less effective when presented
There is a vast literature, but overall, 'we
acknowledge that even the most severe teacher
expectancies explain only a fraction of variation
in students' educational outcomes and that
significant expectancies may affect only a
fraction of all teachers' (703). Transmitting
expectancies is important, 'yet it is possible
that such transmission is merely a rare and
unusual phenomenon… [There is]… Considerable
ambiguity about whether expectancy transmission
from one year to the next is prevalent or rare'.
They only have hypothetical influences at the
moment and there could be quite different
mechanisms, and more recent research has shown
greater levels of complexity, for example in
identifying 'potential new intervention points in
students educational trajectories' (704) [and, of
course they have not particularly focused on
Self-fulfilling prophecies are not the same as
expectancy effects. The former are 'mediated by
students' own behaviours and beliefs'. It is
important to look at expectancies in real-world
classroom contexts, and they are currently
conducting pilot research. Nevertheless there are
still important research questions remaining about
how expectancies are transmitted between teachers
and over time, how they actually influence
attributions and the role empathy might play.