Notes on: Bhopal, K. (2014).
The experience of BME academics in higher
education: aspirations in the face of
inequality. Leadership Foundation for
David Harris
[Not v powerful smallsample,genral complaints could
apply to any new academic]
Despite increases in representation, there is
still 'covert and subtle racism'. There is
intersectional impact of class and gender
especially in senior leadership, and the current
economic and social downturn has increased risk
inside and outside, increased by the current REF,
which has increased insecurity. [Actually not what
she found]
This is part of a larger piece of empirical
research on career trajectories and focuses on
male and female professors in senior leadership
roles — 10 in England and 12 in the US. There is
no attempt to generalise. 'The overwhelming
majority' [sic!] still experience marginalisation
and exclusion in relation to racism and feel
positioned as outsiders and others, and more
attempts are required to include them. Some do
progress to senior leadership positions but there
may still be exclusionary barriers so greater
support is required.
There was a snowball sample and personal networks
and links. The UK participants of men and three
women were Black British Caribbean, four were
British Asian and one British Indian. In the US
sample six women and four men were
African-American, one Latina and one American with
Indian ancestry. They were interviewed and then
grounded theory was used to break into segments
for further development into categories and
analysis, apparently with an attempt to understand
what was common. [very little actual analysis --
exampling really]
The background for the UK was the Equality Act and
protected characteristics, but there is a weakness
in terms of monitoring and enforcing mechanisms,
and disparities between public commitments and
day-to-day experiences. Student diversity is more
carefully audited, and sometimes seems a solution.
Public behaviour has been the focus, leaving overt
and subtle forms and a 'discriminatory culture'
(3). Those managers involved are often important
in decision-making recruitment and promotion
leading to discriminatory practice and bias which
can marginalise BME groups. This can produce a
racial attitude which endorses egalitarian values
while discriminating 'in subtle "rationalisable"
ways' [citing Davidio and Gaertner 2000]. Equality
legislation also homogenises characteristics
instead of focusing on specifics like race and
Managers play an important role with the
managerial revolution in HE and Crofts and
Pilkington (2012) have identified different
understandings of diversity and equality between
staff and senior managers, echoed by UCU. Managers
often displace claims as exaggerated. There may be
race talk as in Bonilla-Silva
and Forman, preserving an appearance of
Some of the respondents in the US seem to agree
with this. One feels he is marginalised because he
does activist research and this positions him as
an outsider, [not surprising then] and that
greater support is required. The US respondents
see gaining tenure as subjective and requiring
good relationships with colleagues, although
institutions are also afraid of getting a bad
reputation. A strong portfolio can overcome the
problems. One found it possible to enforce
equality policies, although there was persistent
subtle racism.
Much evidence suggests 'institutional racism in
higher education' including conscious and
unconscious bias in recruitment and promotion.
Recruitment favours being able to fit in, for
example. BME academics also report covert racism
like challenges to their work, high levels of
scrutiny, overt racism in terms of differential
pay. One source for a lot of this [references on
page 6] is the Equality Challenge Unit who have
pointed to lower levels of average pay and less
likelihood of a permanent contract for BME
backgrounds, and this persists in 2012, according
to HESA data. It's reflected in other areas too,
like NHS. The same goes for disparities in the
numbers of BME students at different types of
university, and subsequent progress in labour
markets. Inequalities are found in other countries
as well. [This is the evidence really]
In the USA 'there has been a different historical
experience of race relations'(7) especially with
employment law, but still evidence of
discrimination racism and differences by gender
[lots of references]. Merit or collegiality are
subjective, and often conceal a reliance on
'similar backgrounds, mutual interests and shared
personal and social perspectives', and similar
elite backgrounds. This provides difficulties in
gaining tenure, and forms of stereotyping such as
employing black people only for courses on race
and ethnicity, or 'aversive racism'[ Davidio and
Gaertner 2000 again — this time referring to the
open profession of egalitarianism combined with
subtle and rationalisable discrimination].
Bonilla-Silva and Forman get a mention again.
Subtle racism includes greater profiling of the
work of white people, a sense of not belonging, a
greater sense of tension, low expectations, a
difficulty expressing challenges, being treated
differently, including '"reluctant respect"', or
higher standards and different judgements like
lack of forgiveness of mistakes. There is a
suspicion of a canteen culture which is hostile.
There is intersectionality. UK respondents talk
about race as dominant, however, having more of an
impact, even if you come from middle-class
backgrounds, or being Muslim, or being on the
wrong end of gender class and race and making it
difficult to place someone or being a multiple
minority. Some US respondents talked about
multiple difficulties being a POC and queer and
suspecting that their research was political or
subjective. An Indian woman was suspected as being
less respectable and elite. Gender position some
as outsiders. Some faced triple oppression. Having
to be at a high level of professionalism, always
meeting deadlines or publishing high-quality
articles seem to be required, exceeding
expectations, committing even more to work rather
than childcare. Gay men were particularly
supported being politically committed. Power was
centred on a white elite. Outsiders were always
mediated — a black lesbian a Muslim African.
There seems to be a [separate?] dimension of
gender, since statistics show that women are
particularly unrepresented at senior management
levels, despite some progress such as various ECU
charters [which she likes]. There tends to be a
particular emphasis concerning middle-class white
women. There is also some evidence of a [border
zone] with concentration of BME and female
academics within post 1992 universities rather
than Russell Group.
UK respondents were asked about the impact of the
REF, as 'one of the most visible elements of
competitiveness' (14). Many welcomed it [!] and
saw it as neutralising ethnicity, with the
potential to be objective, confirmed by one
respondent. Not all agreed and saw it as
subjective exercise in ranking journals,
relegating some from Africa and Asia, for example.
However, REF success can help promotion prospects
[but does everyone have an equal chance to write
REF articles?]
Respondents did note the greater degree of
competition between colleagues and the fears of
redundancy, and thought that those from black
backgrounds will be disadvantaged because they
lacked networks especially to provide information
for jobs. American respondents also felt more
insecure, even though 'job insecurity is a feature
of the current labour market in general' (16).
Many felt they had to overachieve as a result.
Competitiveness was still felt as more likely to
achieve for white middle-class people, partly
because they had access to powerful insider
networks, including friendship networks and access
to academic gatekeepers, including 'the "Journal
editorial boards and other panels and
committees"'. Fears of insecurity help establish
the power of the elite, even the successful BME
academics feel insecure and sometimes feel they
have to act out another identity, for example not
challenging the status quo.
So overall there have been some advances but still
problems and a need for more proactive approaches.
There are some personal career trajectories but
still a pattern of racism, at the subtle or covert
level particularly. This is easy to dismiss as
exaggeration or 'a "conflict of personalities"'
(18). There are ways of excluding people, not
contacting them not asking for their opinion,
undermining them and criticising their work. The
internal culture apparently stresses liberal
sentiments, progressive values and meritocracy,
but this is 'too rosy', and the interests of
elites are often safeguarded instead. We need more
positive policy operating at more than the public
This requires more BME individuals in senior
positions with comparable status, [!] and not just
in a tokenistic way. We need to challenge racism
every level. Specifically, during recruitment and
promotion we need to be aware of unconscious bias,
to monitor selection and recruitment processes,
including checking hearing shortlisted and why.
Follow the ECU in policies such as anonymous
shortlisting. Make more transparent and monitor
processes for promotion, especially for senior
posts. Institutions should examine the support
they offer to promotion candidates and generally
for BME and other minority staff. (20) [more box