for the Desperate #13a Order Words and Minor
Dave Harris
We might
start by picking up again on some of the
criticisms of structural linguistics. We find
them summarized in Plateau 4 of A Thousand
Plateaus (ATP) Generally, we saw
that that approach sees language as produced by
an abstract structure of elementary components.
The basic unit of communication, the sign, has a
signifier and a signified and these are
arbitrary -- that is, specific to cultures, not
derived from any reality outside language.
Linguistic structures work by establishing
purely internal relation between signs, like
those found in narrative sequences or in
metaphors. The particular version of that claim
addressed here is that language can be
understood in terms of the combination of
linguistic constants, and linguistics claims to
be a science by uncovering the limited set of
rules which govern the combinations of signs, in
all communications and with all sorts of actual
communicative content. Linguistic elements are
linked by rules connecting signifiers to each
other and these will both express and shape
subjective consciousness, both of self and
other. The claim is
to have understood apparently universal
components and structures of language.
Just about
every claim in this approach is questioned by
Deleuze and Guattari.
(a) Language emerges from a
whole collective assemblage which always
involves other people and natural and social
realities. To take social elements first, all
actual speech shows this inevitably social
origin for language. Some important linguistic
forms explicitly involve a social dimensions,
like the 'illocutionary' (85) or the
performative, both of which presuppose an
audience, someone who will respond.
Deleuze and Guattari also identify what
they call indirect discourse. Whenever we speak,
we inevitably refer to the speech of others, for
example, telling a story involves 'what one has
heard, what someone else said to you. Hearsay'
(85). All statements contain
hearsay. A single voice always contains a
number of other voices is another way to put it.
They even claim that 'there is no individual
enunciation. There is not even a subject of
enunciation' (93), although both these appear as
abstractions in conventional linguistics.
Language use really represents 'the
constellation of voices, concordant or not, from
which I draw my voice'.
Deleuze and Guattari also want to argue that
there are components of language at the level of
natural forces, affecting bodies in this case,
although they weasel a bit by saying that we can
consider mental objects as bodies as well.
Bodily effects can also appear as expressions in
a statement where they take on a non-bodily or
incorporeal form. Bodily effects can often show
the effects of the transmission of order words,
but they can also be sources of transforming
statements. The example is perhaps a bit
misleading here by talking of bodies of people
coming together to see themselves as members of
a class and therefore producing statements about
class politics. We look at other examples of
natural forces in a later session. I am
sure,though, that any Lacanians would be able to
reply to these arguments, as we suggested
earlier, by saying that these non-verbal
forms can only assume significance for humans
once they are expressed in standard human
(b) Expressions are linked to
material contents not through some arbitrary
cultural history, but through the application of
various power relations — we see this in the
discussion of order words or major languages as
we shall see. This sort of linkage is ignored
altogether by structuralist models. They also
ignore or devalue how patterns of language use
are linked to the assemblage of motivations and
understandings at the individual level —
pragmatics to use the linguistic term. Actual
pragmatic use can change the meaning of
so-called linguistic constants
(c) We can see that actual
language is constantly varying and changing, for
example being modified to fit new social
circumstances experienced by different social
groups. The example here is the work of the
American linguist Labov, who has studied a
particular version of the English language
spoken by urban American black people. This work
used to be quite well-known in education
courses. 'Black English' or what Labov initially
called 'Non-standard Negro English', and we will
have to forgive any lack of current political
correctness here, is a perfectly adequate form
of language, although many teachers at the time
thought it was a very restricted form with
limited vocabulary and the inability to express
abstract thought. Language variation is not
confined to ethnic minorities, however --
we all repeatedly 'pass from language to
language' as we play our different parts as
father, lover, professional and so on. It just
seems unnecessary to see these as variations of
one standard linguistic form. Instead, language
just accumulates variations, which are put into
practice according to what we use language for —
pragmatics. It follows that this variation
cannot be reduced to some set of scientific
constants with fixed rules of use and logical
distinctions, found in structural linguistics
--like the ones between language and speech, for
example. This would be to impose a fixed linear
model on something heterogeneous and variable.
This excludes pragmatic variations, as we saw,
and experimental technique. There are political
implications, whether realized or not, in
impositions like this since homogenization and
standardization serve the interests of power (ATP
p.111) as we can see when we discuss major
I could have done with more detail here, because
I am not at all sure that Deleuze and Guattari
have made a case for the variability of all
linguistic terms. Contents and voices
certainly,maybe some aspects of grammar, vary
but do all the basic linguistic terms
themselves? Have we challenged the
actual form of narratives or metaphors, for
example when we speak from different social
positions? I think the argument fits much better
if we consider artistic experimental forms.
(c) The underlying structure
of grammar, syntax or of linguistic expression
is not just the structure , or some
eternal universal structure, but one option. If
we see language variations as equally valid
forms of language, we can infer that there must
be some virtual system of language producing
each actual option. Structures are produced by
virtual forces. Structuralism is limited because
it doesn't go far enough. As with just about all
the other phenomena discussed in ATP,
actual language is produced by deeper
forces, and Deleuze and Guattari are going to
use terms like abstract machine or the virtual,
even the rhizome, to refer to the
operation of these deeper forces behind actual
linguistic structures. If we're going to break
with orthodox notions of language, we will have
to start by tracing back from the specific
structure to this deeper level of fluid forces.
This is exactly what some experimental writers
or musicians have done.
OK let's
focus slightly more specifically:
First, let's look at order words.
Plateau 4 begins and ends with the discussion of
these. The idea is that all language contains
orders or commands. Perhaps we see this best in
communication deliberately designed to influence
people's behaviour, in schools or in asylums. In
more normal forms of communication, people also
learn how to apply various semiotic
coordinates, how to impose binary divisions for
example. Here, order words are not explicit
commands, but more a notion of 'a "social
obligation"' (p.87), and with this more general
notion, it's clear that all statements addressed
to others include order words. Explicit commands
are therefore unnecessary or redundant. Order
words need not even have much actual information
in them. They are so widespread in our language
that 'there is no signifiance independent of
dominant significations'. You will remember that
signifiance is a particular way of constructing
subjectivity through sequences of communication.
These words commonly severely
limit subjective possibilities and creativity.
They can even be seen as a kind of death
sentence for subjectivity. However, our heroes
are never entirely optimistic or pessimistic as
we know by now, and order words can sometimes
produce a line of flight, a view where even
death leads to new possibilities. We can see
what was an endpoint as something more fluid.
This will help us to grasp the language as
something not limited by forms or particular
approved forms of expressions and content. We
can see an abstract machine or diagram at work
to produce actual forms, a rhizome. We can't
simply break with all social obligations and
therefore with all order words. To do so would
risk breaking all social contacts and
disappearing into a black hole of subjectivity.
Instead we have to look for the revolutionary
potentials, trying to grasp the virtual
possibilities beneath every day actual forms. We
should not see existing order words as
indicating a fixed composition of language, but
rather try to move beyond them. You will know
that I think that in this discussion you can
find an implicit critique of Lacan's approach as
offering a fixed template for the whole
development of the subject and the relations
between selves and others.
To take the second concept,
we can look at the way in which some writers
have developed a minor language.
We might begin with those experimental writers
have tried to stretch conventional language to
make it conform to particular situations. Kafka,
for example, tried to use the official language
of what was then called Czechoslovakia, high
German, to express the particular meanings and
understandings of Czech and minority
Yiddish speakers. I do not read German so I
cannot really understand what this looks like in
practice, but Deleuze and Guattari discuss it in
more detail in the book
on Kafka. In that book we are told that
Kafka makes 'incorrect' use of
prepositions and pronominals [phrase relating
to or containing a pronoun], offers 'malleable
verbs' with different meanings, and produces
sequences of adverbs. The result is 'the use
of pain filled connotations', and discordant
distributions of consonants and vowels.
These produce 'a new sobriety, a new
expressivity, a new flexibility, a new
intensity'. People note these
discordances. Language therefore is no
longer representative but moves towards its
extremities (p. 23). What can be said in one language
need not be possible in another, providing
'ambiguous edges, changing borders' (p. 24). The language remains a
mixture with different functions of language
and different centers of power,
inter-reacting, 'heading towards
deterritorialization' (p. 26) .
In the
case of Kafka, we can see a direct political
challenge to the dominance of high German
and to the elites that promoted it as the
only kind of language for writers.
Other writers have experimented
with an approach called 'creative stammering…
making language itself stammer' (109). There are
some literal examples in Beckett or in Luca,
indicating a crucial hesitation while the poet
tries to decide which words best fit the
meaning, breaking with just using conventional
linkages,and trying to express some intense
meaning (that is not defined in extensive
terms). Luca's example actually appears in
Plateau 5 on regimes of signs, page 149 of ATP,
but we'll include it here:
Do domi not passi do not
not dominate your passive passions not
One technique in particular involves replacing
the conventional conjunctions, the rules which
join things together, by a simple sequence of
'and… and… and'. This is making your own
language foreign, as Proust apparently said, and
it draws attention to those possible variations
that are not found in conventional ways to join
Avant-garde or experimental
musicians have also tried to go behind existing
laws of tone and rhythm, for example to develop
a form of experimental music where 'all its
components are in continuous variation' (ATP
p.106), a musical 'rhizome rather than a
tree'. The effect is to include sounds and
rhythms which are normally left outside
conventional music, to help us address the
effects of sound.Again if we philosophize about
this and what connects all the different
possibilities, we can see that any form
stressing constants, constant linguistic or
musical elements, we will grasp the virtual or
machinic level beneath. Linguistic constants
then become seen better as functions 'centres...
endowed with stability and attractive power' (p.
105), working almost like attractors do in
structuring the creative flow of forces in
complexity theory.
Developing a minor language
takes us one step further from avant-garde and
experimental creativity. It is more political,
more of a challenge to major languages. It's not
a matter of the size of the population speaking
a particular language, more to do with the
characteristics of language. Major languages are
more constant, standard and based on some
average subject speaking standard languages. Of
course these imply a level of power and
domination. Minor
languages can be seen as offering more
impoverished terms, and 'shifting effects, a
taste for overload and paraphrase' (ATP
p.115). These are not flaws however but
techniques which tell us something about the
limits of major languages, that they confine
things and try to suppress the presence of
multiple voices. There is a political
potential to combinations of 'excess and
default' (p. 118). We see the dynamism of
language in minor languages.
We can develop a minor
language for ourselves. The best way to get
creative with language is to try to dispense
with some of the elements of a major language
and vary them. This will help us develop
'becoming minor of the major language' (p. 116).
Developing a minor language is an important part
of becoming of all kinds including becoming
woman. We will have deterritorialized a major
language. This sort of philosophical
transformation is what creative writers do, and
it is more creative and politically critical
than developing a private language or speaking
in some existing dialect — which are forms of
reterritorialization. Above all, the existence of minor
languages shows us that major languages can be
challenged in ways which still make sense. To
the extent that this activity becomes
minoritarian consciousness, it can lead to
political demands for autonomy.
One last point. In this plateau and in the
others on language we find the work of a Danish
linguist, Hjemslev. I think I have already said
that I would not consider myself to be an expert
on this work, but that the point is how Deleuze
and Guattari refer to his work in making their
own arguments. There is a useful article by Schreel
on the approach and how it informed Deleuze's
work on cinema. Here, they insist that there are
matters of content and of expression in
language, which we can grasp simply as referring
to things and to signs respectively. There can
be several links between content and expression,
and contents themselves can produce expressions
as incorporeal statements, to use the phrase
above relating to bodies. In actual language,
contents and expressions are commonly combined
in assemblages, although never in a finished
manner. Both can be deterritorialized, for
example, sometimes unevenly — it might be easier
to deterritorialize signs rather than things,
possibly. This can produce another kind of
variation in language as new possibilities of
meaning, semiotic possibilities, arise. This
gives us a kind of little grid to explain the
structure of assemblages — both content and
expression on the horizontal axis, with
deterritorialized and reterritorialized
possibilities on the vertical axis.
Incidentally, this seems to be their explanation
for how metaphors work. We can now explain the
actual patterns of using elements of languages
and words by locating them on this grid. The
grid is a diagram of a linguistic machine.
Actual options do not appear at random, but
indicate the existence of a plane of consistency
affecting this machine.
G.and Guattari, F. (2012) Kafka. Toward a
Minor Literature. Trans.
Dana Polan. Minneapolis: University of
Minnesota Press. (my notes here)
Schreel, L.
(2016) Pure Designation. Deleuze's reading of
Hjemslev in The Time Image.
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