Notes on:
Pask, G. and Scott, B. (1972) 'Learning
Strategies and Individual Competence'. In
International Journal of Man - Machine Studies,
4: 217-53.
Dave Harris
Teaching styles vary and so do teaching
materials. Students need cognitive
competence, if necessary to alter their styles or
to structure the materials. It is more
effective when these are matched than if they are
mismatched. Pask and Scott used a particular
technique called TEACHBACK rather than relying on
the usual diagnostic tests. The idea was to
test the structuring principles available for text
and to identify needs for matching. There
are only two or three types of student competence,
so matching is feasible.
Serialist learners operate with strings [of items]
where items are related by 'simple data links',
and 'low - order relations', and are intolerant of
irrelevance. Holists attempt to remember the
sequences as a whole and work with 'high order
relations'. There are two subtypes of
holists—redundant and irredundant. The
latter prefers material which contains only the
most relevant and essential constituents, while
the former can work with material that is
logically irrelevant or overspecific, as in the
idea of data being used to enrich the curriculum,
as in the inclusion of case studies. These
styles allow learners to 'access, retain and
manipulate 'the material (218-9). The styles
have emerged from empirical studies but also from
Pask's general theory, and they have been modified
through rigorous testing.
Experiments turn on a laboratory exercise in
mastering an abstract zoological taxonomy [see
below] . Students were first allowed to free learn
or browse the material, and then interrogated more
systematically, giving the reasons for what they
were doing. Approaches were then coded, as,
for example 'search a coordinate of the message
space', or 'test an hypothesis about a simple
predicate' (220). The TEACHBACK procedure
was based on a content analysis of what was said
[using categories apparently provided by
Schneidmann 1966—unknown to me, but see below],
and the results used to assign students to a
particular learning style. This can be
automated. Matching was then tested by
assigning identified students at random. All
students' factual knowledge and ability to
generalize were then tested using a '30 item
questionnaire'. In a later addition,
students were invited to demonstrate concept
reproduction, to measure the effects on retention
[developed in another article]. Concept
reproduction was not tapped by conventional tests,
but this procedure examined it: concept
reproduction help students to acquire concepts any
way, and is a good technique because 'the object
of education is to teach somehow'(222).
The problems of the pilot study included
over-reliance on one sort of subject
matter—taxonomies. To examine whether or not
the learning styles fitted other material,
additional tests of learning a biological concept
were administered, and results so far indicate
that matched students do better with that task as
well (224). The pilot study also indicated
that some students changed strategy. This
was quite common, but not investigated on this
occasion [often the case -- so what exactly is the
status of the original fixed types?].
We can see free learning followed by TEACHBACK as
providing a skeleton for a 'metalanguage' where a
student externalizes and discusses the way he
[sic] learns. Natural language will need to
be formalized first, but this seems possible (226)
[ in the laboratory]. The result could be a
human 'questioning language' or a 'conversational'
computer language: the semantic structures for
both would be 'virtually identical' (226).
The former human language has already been
formalized in the initial experiment to learn
taxonomies, and it should also be possible to
extend the work to 'large parts of chemistry,
biology, and the other sciences; most of the
abstract disciplines, and some parts of history
and the social sciences' (226) [only after
'normalizing' their specific languages, of course.
Classic technological optimism and gee-whizzery.
The great day never quite dawns of course].
The approach can be used as a tutorial aid and as
a 'vehicle for reproducing the subject matter
structure' (226). A further possibility is
being able to measure the information content
'over expressions in this [special] language'
[presumably, compared to the conventional
language], and eventually, to 'compare two or more
learning situations, for instance, in terms of
their relative difficulty' (227).
Details of further experiments follow 227f [and I
was reminded of Adorno's
point about how laboratory experiments are used to
simplify and distort material in order to make the
object fit the concept]. As an example, we
can choose a task which is learnable according to
either serialist or holist strategies. The
examples based on particular analytic schemes
[already rationalized in other words] include
learning an abstract taxonomy of 'Martian' fauna,
systematic biological concepts, the human
menstrual cycle as a system. The subjects
for the experiment were students from the Kingston
College of Technology. Early attempts to
predict learning style were made, relying on the
subjects''personality and occupation' (232).
Further operationalisms were evident, defining
holists for example as those who asked to test
hypotheses 'based on complex predicates rather
than simple ones' (234), where a simple predicate
was seen as a single one [there is already a
dangerous circularity here, where students are
tested for particular learning styles, but the
tests themselves predefine them].
There is no simple preference for particular
styles here [there certainly is if you compare
holists to those embracing the classic bourgeois
taste for abstraction and formalism in
Bourdieu]. Holists are prone to
overgeneralize, while serialists get too much
unrelated information and cannot easily reproduce
the structure. The irredundant holist can
have these problems corrected by a suitable design
of material, but redundant holists and serialists
are most commonly catered for by existing
educational materials.
Details of the categories of content analysis used
in TEACHBACK are then listed, and they include
using 'information from the teaching programme';
the use of irrelevant information or redundant
information; whether statements referring to
information are to be presented or have been
previously presented; whether information is
inferred from the teaching programme; whether
there are feedback statements; whether there are
cross references of false statements 'with a
correction, repetition, other concepts and
interjections' (244). Overall, the data from
TEACHBACK does show distinct differences between
serialists and holists in terms of: the
complexity of the predicates they use, the number
of inferential statements they make, and whether
or not the order of preservation of concepts in
the programme is preserved. Students who had
been matched learned with fewer repetitions of the
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