Education Studies

Here are some notes on ('reading guides' to) some articles I have been reading in order to teach a Level 2 Education Studies module. The subheadings are not exactly discrete and you will need to scroll down to see where else things might be located. As always, go back to the originals to overcome the limits of my brief (and partisan) summaries.


Some working papers on policy

Classroom regimes and research

Effectiveness of praise
ORACLE study -- brief summary of the key text

Distance Education/electronic teaching

Open University and open access
Open University and course design
Openness and Closure in Distance Education -- extracts from my 1987 book on the UK Open University

Educational technology

Classic approaches

Education and underachievement/reproduction of hierarchies/access

Bernstein page
Main themes in the massive project-- lots more recent stuff with Maton and others.
Bourdieu (scroll down to get to Bourdieu links)
Bowles and Gintis on social class and education in the US system -- here and here
Class, masculinity and university participation (Archer et al)
Class, race and 'dual selves' in HE access (Reay)
Classic studies of underachievement and class in the UK
Setting and teacher judgments (accessible statistical modelling,comparing test scores with gender, race and social class in allocations to sets in Maths)
Critique of the above article (equally accessible)
Education --sociological models
Teacher expectations and labelling
Working class academics

Fashionable stuff

Emotional intelligence and sport -- an amazing Sports Science piece on defining and refining an EI scale
Emotions and their role -- a collection of articles by Zembylas and others
Multiple intelligences -- White's criticisms of Gardner
Deleuze & Guattari on education (1) -- Hodgson and Standish on critiques of conventional readings of Foucault in educational research
Deleuze (and a bit less Guattari) on education (2) -- Semetsky on Deleuze's general theory of learning via triads of affect, percept and concept
Deleuze on ed (3) -- Gale's interpretation of Deleuze which makes him a defender of social justice
Deleuze (and others) on ed (4) -- more Gale on developing libverating educational praxis, inspired by Deleuze and others
Deleuze and ed (4) -- St Pierre on discovering Deleuze's critique of the subject but still finding him inspiring
Little Hans --my sceptical take on how Deleuze and Guattari use the case of Little Hans to argue that children are really philosophers of becoming
Rancière on the ignorant schoolmaster. Fashionable argument that you can teach someone even if you don't know the subject matter, and, indeed, must know nothing if you want to develop a true relation of equality


A basic intro here

Gramsci on education

Why Gramsci did NOT like 'progressive education' -- here

History of teacher training

The beginnings and the role of St Mark and St John here. The context of debates among Bentham, Marx, Dickens, and modern critiques incl Foucault. Shorter Powerpoint here

On the knowledge economy

A debate here

Social mobility in Britain

Try this RLO here. Follow up the links to get to some superb recent studies

Study skills  and have a look at our very wonderful book -- Arksey and Harris (2007) How to Succeed in Your Social Science Degree, London: Sage

A menu of RLOs and other resources here

Teaching Particular Subjects

Autonomy and outdoor adventure
Teaching drama
Emotional intelligence and sport -- an amazing Sports Science piece on defining and refining an EI scale


Critique of the university system (P. Cohen) (universities have lost their critical edge)
Roggero -- universities and knowledge production from an Italian Autonomist viewpoint


Critical thinking as a vocational skill
(deep scepticism expressed about this)