Marx and Engels on
NB Sir James Kay-Shuttleworth is addressed in
these texts under
his original name of ‘Dr Kay’. I found these articles by entering ‘Dr
Kay’ into
the search engine of the excellent Marx Engels Internet Archive (
It is worth including
some extracts from these articles. Both are worth reading fully, of
Engels’ own report on the conditions of the poor
(Engels [1845])
quotes from Kay and from various UK Government and local Commission
reports and
investigations. He adds his own observations in order to present as
full a
report as possible of the appalling conditions in major English (and
cities). The piece is very powerful in disclosing in gruesome detail
the real conditions
of the poor, especially for those bourgeois readers who would never
encounter them: the cities were carefully segregated so the poorest
could be avoided fairly easily. Engel’s report is sometimes credited
helping Marx switch from a ‘philosophical’ critique to a more
‘scientific’ and
analytic one, although Engels himself denies this (in Marx and Engels
The specific sections referring to ‘Dr Kay’ in
Engels [1845a] are
extensive quotation and citing of his initial report on the poor of
Manchester] Dr. Kay confuses the
working-class in general with the factory workers, otherwise an
pamphlet’.-- Note by Engels.
And later:
The author
[Gaskell] is a Liberal, but wrote at a time
when it was not a feature of Liberalism to chant the happiness of the
He is therefore unprejudiced, and can afford to have eyes for the evils
of the
present state of things, and especially for the factory system. On the
hand, he wrote before the Factories Enquiry Commission, and adopts from
untrustworthy sources many assertions afterwards refuted by the report
of the
Commission. This work, although on the whole a valuable one, can
therefore only
be used with discretion, especially as the author, like Kay, confuses
the whole
working-class with the mill-hands.
another chapter (Engles [1845b]), there are some interesting
remarks about Kay’s findings about the contribution of the Irish poor
to the
general degradation of the poor in Manchester.
After condemning the ‘exaggerated and one-sided condemnation of the
national character’ in Carlyle’s work:
In short, the Irish
have, as Dr. Kay
says, discovered the minimum of the necessities of life, and are now
making the
English workers acquainted with it… The lack of cleanliness, which is
not so
injurious in the country, where population is scattered, and which is
Irishman's second nature, becomes terrifying and gravely dangerous
through its
concentration here in the great cities.
And later a more general remark:
And even if the
Irish, who have
forced their way into other occupations, should become more civilised,
of the old habits would cling to them to have a strong, degrading
upon their English companions in toil, especially in view of the
general effect
of being surrounded by the Irish. For when, in almost every great city,
a fifth
or a quarter of the workers are Irish, or children of Irish parents,
who have
grown up among Irish filth, no one can wonder if the life, habits,
intelligence, moral status -- in short, the whole character of the
working-class assimilates a great part of the Irish characteristics. On
contrary, it is easy to understand how the degrading position of the
workers, engendered by our modern history, and its immediate
consequences, has
been still more degraded by the presence of Irish competition.
It is worth quoting a bit more extensively from
Marx’s two
sequential articles written in 1844, collected in the same online file
(1844a]) because they outline a useful context. They indicate Marx’s
general critique of liberal or social democrat plans for political
reform to
address or even abolish poverty. Kay is one spokesperson for this
position, of
editors’ notes reveal that:
This two-part
article was a reply to Marx’s former
co-editor Arnold Ruge, who was the anonymous "Prussian" [in the title
of the articles] who, in Vorwarts!
No.60 had written a piece generally playing down the Silesian weavers’
and calling for state-initiated reform to address their problems. Marx
this to clarify his break with Ruge, criticize Ruge’s ideas of state
and to make it very clear he was not the anonymous "Prussian." (The
area of the Rhine on which Marx was born had
been ceded
to Prussia
after the Napoleonic Wars.) Both parts were written in Paris,
July 1844.
criticises Ruge’s emphasis on the need for the rebellious Silesian
weavers to
develop a more conventional ‘political’ programme and points to the
limits in
getting involved in conventional politics
According to the Whigs, the chief cause of pauperism is to be
discovered in the
monopoly of landed property and in the laws prohibiting the import of
grain. In
the Tory view, the source of the trouble lies in liberalism, in
competition and
the excesses of the factory system. Neither party discovers the
explanation in
politics itself but only in the politics of the other party. Neither
would even dream of a reform of society as a whole.
After suggesting that ‘the Prussian’ reformer closely examines
English politics,
which has been trying reform for some years:
Even that section of the English
which is conscious of the dangers of pauperism regards both the dangers
and the
means for remedying them not merely as particular problems,
but – to
put it bluntly – in a childish and absurd manner.
Thus, for example, in his pamphlet
Measures for the Promotion of Education in England",
Dr Kay reduces the whole question to the neglect of education.
It is
not hard to guess the reason! He argues that the worker’s lack of
prevents him from understanding the "natural laws of trade", laws
which necessarily reduce him to pauperism. For this reason,
the worker
rises up in rebellion. And this rebellion may well "cause embarrassment
the prosperity of the English manufactures and English commerce, impair
the mutual confidence of businessmen and diminish the
stability of
political and social institutions."
This is the extent of the insanity
of the English
bourgeoisie and its press on the subject of pauperism, the national
epidemic of
Thus constant discussion of poverty in conventional politics,
even when done
sincerely and on the basis of statistical reports like Kay’s, leads
only to an
apology for what is seen as an intractable problem.
The general
lesson learnt by political England from its
experience of pauperism is none other than that, in the course of
history and
despite all administrative measures, pauperism has developed into a national
institution which has inevitably become the object of a highly
and extensive administrative system, a system however which no
sets out to eliminate it, but which strives instead to discipline
and perpetuate
it. This administrative system has abandoned all attempts to stop
pauperism at
its source through positive measures; it confines itself to preparing a
for it with true police mildness as soon as it erupts on the surface of
officialdom. Far from advancing beyond administrative and charitable
the English state has regressed to a far more primitive position. It
its administrative gifts only to that pauperism which is
induced by
despair to allow itself to be caught and incarcerated.
gives another example in the proud boast of Napoleon that he would
poverty in France
and set up an administrative system to provide relief:
On July 5, 1808, the law to
suppress begging was enacted. By
what means? By means of the depots which were so speedily
into penal institutions that in a short time the poor man could gain
access to
one only via a police court. Nevertheless, M. Noailles du
Gard, a
member of the legislative body, was able to declare,
Eternal gratitude to
the hero who
has found a refuge for the needy and the means of life for the poor.
will no longer be abandoned, poor families will no longer lack
resources, not
will workers go without encouragements and employment. Nous pas ne
seront plus
arretes par l’image degoutante des infirmites et de la honteuse misere.
will no longer be hampered by the disgusting sight of illness and
This last cynical
statement is the only
truth contained in this eulogy.
even more politically advanced countries (compared to Prussia)
have failed to deal with poverty, and have ended with having to police
it. This
is not surprising since the modern State cannot deal with poverty
criticizing and thus destroying the whole basis on which it is
established, to
regulate private capitalist interests a bit but without abolishing them:
But in their attempts to come to
grips with
pauperism every government has struck fast at charitable and administrative
measures or even regressed to a more primitive stage than that.
Can the state do otherwise?
The state will never
discover the source
of social evils in the "state and the organization of society"…
Wherever there are political parties each party will attribute every
defect of society to the fact that its rival is at the helm of the
instead of itself. Even the radical and revolutionary politicians look
for the
causes of evil not in the nature of the state but in a
specific form
of the state which they would like to replace with another
of the state.
From a political point
of view, the state
and the organization of society are not two different things.
state is the organization of society. In so far as the state
acknowledges the
existence of social grievances, it locates their origins
either in the
laws of nature over which no human agency has control,
or in private
life, which is independent of the state, or else in malfunctions
the administration which is dependent on it. Thus England
finds poverty to be based on the law of nature according to
which the
population must always outgrow the available means of subsistence. From
point of view, it explains pauperism as the consequence of
the bad
will of the poor, just as the King of Prussia
explains it in terms of the unchristian feelings of the rich
and the
Convention explains it in terms of the counter-revolutionary and
attitudes of the proprietors
Liberal theorists of the modern State cannot
think this through:
more powerful a state and hence the more political
a nation, the less inclined it is to explain the general
governing social ills and to seek out their causes by looking
at the principle
of the state – i.e., at the actual organization of
of which the state is the active, self-conscious and official
expression. Political
understanding is just political understanding because its
thought does
not transcend the limits of politics. The sharper and livelier it is,
the more
incapable is it of comprehending social problems. The classical
of political understanding is the French Revolution. Far from
identifying the principle of the state as the source of social ills,
the heroes
of the French Revolution held social ills to be the source of political
problems. Thus Robespierre regarded great wealth and great poverty as
obstacle to pure democracy. He therefore wished to establish
universal system of Spartan frugality. The principle of
politics is
the will. The more one-sided – i.e., the more
perfect –
political understanding is, the more completely it puts its faith in
the omnipotence
of the will the blinder it is towards the natural and
spiritual limitations
of the will, the more incapable it becomes of discovering the real
source of
the evils of society.
Marx continues in the second article in the series, seemingly
advocating a
kind of radicalisation through the experience of struggle itself:
He [the ‘Prussian’] should consider
the matter
from the correct vantage-point. He would then realize that not a
single one
of the French and English insurrections has had the same theoretical
and conscious character as the Silesian weavers’ rebellion.
This first of the Weaver’s Song
[by Heinrich
Heine], that intrepid battle-cry which does not even mention hearth,
or district but in which the proletariat at once proclaims its
antagonism to
the society of private property in the most decisive, aggressive,
ruthless and
forceful manner. The Silesian rebellion starts where the
French and
English workers’ finish, namely with an understanding of the
nature of
the proletariat. This superiority stamps the whole episode.
Not only
were machines destroyed, those competitors of the workers, but also the
books, the titles of ownership, and whereas all other movements
directed their attacks primarily at the visible enemy, namely the industrialists,
the Silesian workers turned also against the hidden enemy, the bankers.
Finally, not one English workers’ uprising was carried out with such
foresight and endurance.
more developed and the more comprehensive is the political
understanding of a nation, the more the proletariat will squander its
– at least in the initial stages of the movement – in senseless, futile
uprisings that will be drowned in blood. Because it thinks in political
it regards the will as the cause of all evils and force
the overthrow of a particular form of the state as the
are several comments to make about these criticisms. In the first
place, both
Engels and Marx are illustrating their general views about ideology. In
Engels’s piece, the liberal investigators of poverty are seen as
useful critique of the more idealistic versions of life in industrial
societies. At least Dr Kay had taken the trouble to go and find out
about the
conditions in which the poor lived and not relied on ludicrous
sentiment about
‘Olde England’,
or taken at their word the apologists.
It is
interesting to note that neither wants to take on the specific findings
through any sort of critique of positivism, and the findings are taken
straightforward and largely accurate descriptions of reality. Indeed,
both Marx
and Engels were happy to quote from official statistics to support
points, although with a rhetorical intent. That they came from liberal
researchers was seen as a further guarantee. Some of the implications
which are
drawn are criticized as we shall see below, but there is no attempt to
see the
implications as implied in the methods, or to see the methods producing
data as insufficiently critical themselves. The more general
philosophical methods are criticised by implication though --
ideological thought finds itself unable to critique central concepts
like the State or to see how 'politics' is connected to the 'private
sphere'. Marx's work on 'the Jewish
Question' ( Marx [1844b]) spells this out particularly well for
American radical thinkers like Tom Paine (and see below).
The controversial issues
for a modern reader concern the Irish, of
course. Kay’s own condemnation of the Irish is mediated a bit by
their habits as due to the appalling social conditions in Ireland,
but he still seems to see some residual problem in their national
Engels is even more clear in his condemnation of ‘national character’,
but he
also endorses the perception of the Irish as offering a general, deep
enduring problem. A modern critic might well see in these remarks a
racism: we are not very far from notions of the Irish (in this case)
and then corrupting the hardworking English. In neither case has this
view been
thought through very carefully. Neither author seems to have the
power to deconstruct these common perceptions of the Irish.
Rhetorically, it seems
more important to separate out the Irish poor in order to preserve the
and qualities of the English proletariate.
It is
possible to see in Marx’s arguments echoes of another controversial
piece that
he wrote about the emancipation of the Jews in Germany
(Marx K [1844b]). The bulk of the article is a trenchant criticism of
the whole
apparatus of human rights and liberal policy which radicalizes the
of feudal societies at the political level, but leaves alone the only
that really matters – private property and private interest. This piece
also contains a number of remarks about Jews as ‘hucksters’, obsessed
by money,
transforming even Christian Gospel into a series of commodities. On the
this too looks like the routine anti-Semitism of the day. However, I
think the
context offers a different reading in that Marx is arguing that these
characteristics arise from the social role or function of the Jews in
money-based capitalism (as finance capitalists) , and that ‘Jewishness’
in this sense extends to the economic
activities of Christian capitalists as well. Everyone needs to be
from this form of ‘Jewishness’, including Jews! It is misleading to see
emancipation as a matter of religious belief: Jewish religiosity is not
essential to ‘Jewish’ behaviour and will indeed vanish into thin air
social conditions change with revolution and make the role obsolete.
there are clear dangers in appearing to flirt with current prejudices
even if
only temporarily and in order to launch some splendid rhetoric and
both Marx and Engels clearly want to criticise the main political
which Kay drew from his research. Kay is seen as insufficiently
critical about
the tendencies of capitalism to reform itself. He is naive in thinking
education will remedy the condition of the working classes. Indeed,
suggests that Kay's policies may make things worse: by educating the
classes that the laws of capitalism are inevitable and ultimately
rational, Kay
is committing them to the system. Of course, Kay wants them to
understand the
system in order to improve their lot, but this improvement only follows
commitment, and the abandonment of any political alternative.
It is
interesting to note the dates at which all these pieces were written.
In the 1840s,
especially in 1848, it looked as if the capitalist system was to be
fundamentally challenged and eventually overthrown. In that scenario,
of course
it would be a waste of time to think about rational forms of
consumption and
leisure, achieving an education, saving for the future, and thinking of
generations and how they might be gradually brought out of poverty. As
well-known, Marx and Engels were predicting the imminent polarization
capitalist society and the outbreak of class war, the expectations that
led to
their rather hasty writing of the Manifesto
of the Communist Party (Marx and Engels [1848]), at a time when
were breaking out all over Europe. It is often
that the failure of that prediction led to a much more sophisticated
of capitalism and its political and social relations, outlined in the 18th Brumaire… (Marx [1852]), for
commitment to a rational working-class developing their character
through Utilitarian
calculation and, above all, through education, might have got a much
sympathetic reading from more recent marxist theory. Gramscian theory
the need to provide members of the working class with a good critical
education, even though there is some dispute over what shape that good
education might have taken. Few modern Gramscians would want to defend
utilitiarian model, although Gramsci himself did see the value of a
conventional bourgeois education. The development of the ability of
members of
the working class to calculate their interests could be reinterpreted
to mean a
gradual coming to consciousness of a class able to resist elements of
hegemony and to formulate their own version. Perhaps such a calculation
lead precisely to the realization that capitalism was a cruel and
system that could not meet needs. Certainly, the argument for
well-educated as
well as experienced proletarian recruits to the leadership of
parties persisted well into the 20th century, and drew partly on the
eventual failures
of ‘activist’ rebellions like those of the Silesian weavers whom Marx
Engels, F [1845a] Condition
of the Working Class in England, chapter 4’The Great Towns’
Engels, F [1845b] Condition
of the Working Class in England, Chapter 6 ‘Irish Immigration’
K. [1844a] ‘Critical Notes on the Article "The King of Prussia and
Reform.By a Prussian" Vorwarts!,
No.64, August 10 [online]
Marx K [1852] The
Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte [online]
Marx K and Engels F [1848] Manifesto
of the Communist Party [online]
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