Menu Page #1 -- Monitorialism
Most descriptive level
Monitorialism (some notes on Lancaster, Bell and Bentham. Actual critiques of Bentham from Marx and Foucault)

The 'Marjons Moment'
(notes on J Kay-Shuttleworth and D Coleridge and their views on education. Possible critique using Marx and Foucault)

NB The files below in this column relate to monitorialism especially
NB files below in this column are relevant to both the main files above
NB files below refer specifically to Marjons people, but also have a wider relevance
First level of additional comment
My conference paper on Bentham and educational technology
an aside on Foucault

Althusser on ideology

Bowles and Gintis on 'reproduction'

labelling theory

 Marx and Engels on Kay-Shuttleworth and other liberal reformers

NB The files below are more general, and not specifically related to education

'Deepest' level of  additional comment
Notes on the Utilitarians

JS Mill on the 'science of ethics'


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