Rancière Page
by Dave Harris
Here are some links to various sets of notes on
some Ranciere's own works, some of my notes on
some commentaries on Ranciere, and some comments
of my own as try-outs for my own publications
My notes on Rancière's own works
Please note:
these are my notes and comments on the various
works. Of course they reflect my interests. I
add specific comments in square brackets. The
notes are no substitute for reading the real
thing, but are there to give you an idea of the
contents so you can prioritize.
Ignorant Schoolmaster
and cultural politics
Philosopher and His Poor (excellent critique
of Marx and Bourdieu, Sartre, and some
philosophers. Ends with a summary of his
whole project)
Thinking Between
Disciplines (good short but
condensed summary of critique of Bourdieu)
Althusser's Lesson
The Emancipated
Spectator (includes
good summary of The Ignorant Schoolmaster
in ch. 1)
Interview on
radical cinema
Staging the
People (brief notes only -- very
dense and self-referencing debates about
worker history)
My commentaries
Although I have separated out the critiques of
Marx and Bourdieu and others, it is possible
to see that they are connected. The radical
emancipatory pedagogue needs two elements:
analysis of the unfairness,inequality and
exploitativeness of capitalism or equivalent;
an explanation of why ordinary punters do not
see that their real interests lie in radial
revolution. The latter element leads to a need
for radical education to overcome
misrecognition. The generally low estimate of
the ability of punters to see what is hidden
means this is often explicatory education,
sometimes authoritarian, and it also involves
claiming a privilege for particular academic
specialisms -- marxism, philosophy or
sociology. Learning these also requires years
of education and submission.
Rancière and Jacotot the
Ignorant Schoolmaster
Criticisms of
Althusser and Marx
Rancière and Foucault
Rancière's Politics
My notes on other people's commentaries
on the (rather oddly philosophical 'methodology')
on R's critique of Bourdieu
Pelletier again,on R
and feminism (includes discussion of R's
untranslated work on Freud)
Brown defends LA a bit
and discusses very interesting modern marxist
analyses of work
Bosteels reviews
the R vs LA debate
reviews R vs LA
Lambert (2011) on
architecture and its effects on pedagogy,
allegedly inspired by Rancière
Lambert (2012)
discusses using Rancière to redesign learning
spaces as art galleries at Warwick University
Lewis compares
Rancière and Freire on the role of the image in
emancipatory education
Mejia criticises the
neutrality of R's politics from the pov of black
Valentine v
good discussion of the contradictions in R's
conceptions of politics
more social theory